Honestly, what the fuck should I do at this point? I've been going to the gym for half a year now, I still look like crap. I can wrap every finger around my wrist with space left between the wrist and fingers. Wide hips, narrow ribcage. I have an hourglass shape and I'm a 22 yo dude. I feel so unattractive and I've never had a girl interested in me. All of this throughout the whole life made me severely depressed and now I'm on fucking seroxat. Should I try getting HGH for my forearms? funnily enough, my legs look decent, probably since I used to run as a kid. But my upper body is pathetic, and working out actually hurts my arms lol i just wanna die at this point
Honestly, what the fuck should I do at this point? I've been going to the gym for half a year now...
I'm also a skinnyfat nerd around your age but my gut isn't as big as yours, try a better diet. Also, paxil might be giving you digestion problems or appetite changes, so consider that.
Yeah could be, any advice on bulking up though? I've got a friend my age that's also skinny but we went to the gym together basically, and he improved drastically while I stayed the same. Also his frame is different than mine, he's got a natural V tapper chest, while my ribs go inward. It's fucking distressing.
Cut the sugar, low carb,
Try the sticky on Jow Forums
If you aren't doing all of the following, you are lying to yourself about how "you did everything you could", and it's making you depressed:
>cardio, as in you are running 6 minute miles for 3+ miles 4 times a week
>your bench, dl, and squat are all over lol2plaet
>you are eating 1-1.5 grams of protein for every lb of target weight
>you cut all sugar and limited carbs
>you are getting the vitamins you need
I was like that for a long time, "b-but I am doing everything I can." You are probably not.
Should I be doing cardio since I weigh like 73kg at 184cm?
also what's lol2plaet mean
I know how you feel OP, had the same problem. I solved it by increasing my cardio (just going for walks is enough) and getting rid of carbs (bread, rice, spaghetti).
Do you lift weights?
You can be skinny and have a shitty-as-fuck aerobic system.
lurk Jow Forums more
I'm not even memeing you here
lurk like you've never lurked before
you don't need any checmials. PRESS ON, KEEP PUSHING YOURSELF. you're at the age where you truly find out how much work is needed to accomplish something and to get to a certain level. DO NOT STOP, YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT PATH. readjust your workouts, increase the intensity, diet better. if you do that, you will get results. great results require great dedication. i relate to you though, because being 'fit' in this day and age is difficult. we have a lot of excess time and and excess food so we usually eat out of boredom. you gotta be on top of it man, as much as you can.
>I've been going to the gym for half a year now
This is absolutely nothing, you probably had a gap of inactivity as well or end up exercising once or twice a week, I bet.
Visualize what you want, your goals, and create the habits that will lead to improvement. Now f-f-f-fucking forget your goals and what you want to achieve, think of only the habits, your productive routine, and stick to it. The rest will follow. Success is not an end but a way of life.
What do you do at the gym? How do you eat, are you counting macros? You look like shit because you have no muscle, I can tell you’re trying to lose fat. You have nothing to cut to. Gain muscle.
Lift 3 days a week, either full body or PPL(push pull legs).
Eat maintenance calories or slightly above for 6 months.
Do cardio 2-3 days on non lifting days, only 30 minutes of running.
Look at the sticky on fit.
>bulking up
lmao no bro. Unless your plan is to become a bloatlord, then your initial goal should be to cut off as much fat on your body as possible. Judging from your picture, you could lose another 15-25lbs. But don't worry, losing fat will increase the definition of your muscles, which means you'll look a shit ton better. Eat at a calorie deficit, get plenty of protein, and start doing compound weight lifting(compounds will make your figure more balanced). Pick a routine to the left and stick with it for a couple months before switching. Remember, your goal is below 10% bodyfat. You can start bulking after that.
As for life advice, stop fucking comparing yourself to your friend and others in general. You can use people as motivation to work harder, but don't cry about not having a better v taper because that's a retarded perfectionist mindset. Your friend has more progress because he's been working harder than you behind the scenes, especially in the kitchen.
This is horrible advice and he has no idea what he’s talking about .
You need to either bulk or lift at maintenance. Bulking, while it’s I’ll add some fat, won’t make you a milk tank if you keep it at just slightly over maintenance calories. Like 250-500 over. After 6 months of it you will be able to cut down deeper than before.
If you gained 30lbs of muscle without gaining any fat and kept our current bf the same, you’d actually look leaner. Right now your body is going to do all it can to hold on to that last bit of fat and you’ll just be spinning your wheels. Gain muscle now or you’ll just be wasting your time and be even further behind.
>no idea what he’s talking about
>Right now your body is going to do all it can to hold on to that last bit of fat
Post body
uhh. no, don't let them put you on that, shit's the devil when it comes to weight gain and trouble with weight loss, this and quetiapine.
They all say, well y'knooow the weight gain isn't that bad it's an average of 10 lbs, yeah average. you could be one the unlucky doofuses who doesn't metabolize it very well and ends up with 50 fucking lbs. he can't shift.
fit fight? cmon pussies show your physdiques
post body
if it's as bad as you say, you probably have a hormone problem. If you do, do roids and estrogen blockers. also try working up to extended fasts if you're fat.
the board you're really looking for is
You went to the gym for only six months and you are expecting to look like a Greek god.
It is not going to happen, not even with roids.
Keep working out, keep cutting. One day you will look good, maybe in 2 years.
>not even with roids
lol you can literally not lift and eat whatever and if you roid you'll make more gains than anybody just lifting.
It would be relatively easy to look like a greek god if you lifted, roided and ate properly for 6 months.