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You have been visited by the male enlargement pepe. Like this post for major gains!

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It's only a matter of time before this is accepted by the common folk. Like to see Hitler reborn!

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Kek likes your post🐸

Lol that kike was on the immigration committee. Such fucking blatant hypocrites.
He must be seething right now.

Attached: Jews open borders.jpg (720x459, 48K)

Palastina will be freed!

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As a Jew, I agree he deserved that.

As an American we all need to start uniting against Zionism :).

That is a beautiful sight...

leftists and POC are not cucked to jews like whites and conservatives are.

some fools in the alt-right said omar would be destroyed. those people, ie trs faggots want to exagerate jewish power. in reality, the only power jews have is over the minds of whites.

put jews in a POC country with the same money, media control they have here and they won't have anywhere near the power they do here. POC have a mind of their own. they are no vulnerable to jewish manipulation tactics.

look at how blacks still support farrahkan despite him dropping red pills on the jq over and over and over. jews cant do anything to those blacks either because they all support each other over a jew.

whites are the only race with a lot of traitors and cowards.

Attached: Egyptian Researcher El-Zoghby - We Should Erect a Statue of Hitler Because of What He Did to the Jew (852x480, 1.01M)

>normies getting a lesson on how divisive democrats are
>even within their own party

Shut up faggot, their entire party is the oppression olympics

Attached: Zionism is White Supremacy.png (2550x3300, 141K)

Press [S] to spit on Israel’s grave. S.


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I have a feeling that Rashida Tlaib hasn't made as much noise as Ilhan yet because she's waiting for Bibi to go full Satan and try to annex the west bank and Gaza.

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It's because whites are the only race where most people are capable of feeling empathy and guilt. This is exploited by (((them)))

>It's because whites are the only race where most people are capable of feeling empathy and guilt.
Look at these LARPing kikes trying to bring identity politics into this thread. YOU ZIONISTS ARE TERRIFIED!

Attached: Zionism-is-White-Supremacy10.jpg (615x732, 350K)

what a ridiculous boomer non sequitur.

get ready for war Israeli. The muslims are coming to kill you all


i'm not liking but I do aprove

notice how jew shills call people who talk about how to defeat jews jew shills?

there is a good book everyone should read called Culture of Critque.


reading it will shed some light of the jew trolls like w/Mw3cs0

whenever a jew shill acts gay like this one, just post a link to where you can buy CoC and red pill more goys on the jq.

The fuck are you talking about? Have you never interacted with negroids?

Remove the Jew by '22. Little/Omar 2020!

So what will this do?

Attached: Zionism-is-White-Supremacy3.jpg (711x766, 311K)

Anti-semites have no place in Trump's America, fuck off traitor.

Zionists are the biggest antisemites of all.

Yeah, I guess that's why black on black crime is so high.

We need to find a way to turn Blacks against Jews more. They are a bigger demographic then Muzzies.

Reperations from the descendants of the slave ship owners?

40 and a mule around Hollywood and NYC?

You mean Israel? Israel already lost the Diaspora moshe. When the muslims join forces to decalre war on Israel. The whole world will watch you fall.

Attached: f457c4-20161108-omar01.jpg (2000x1333, 123K)

I want to say you are wrong, but I don't think I can.

We really do have Stockholm syndrome. Our prob is largely our own making.

Who knew based brownies would be the key to our salvation?

Why are you talking to yourself and proxy hopping? Zionists are fucking LOSERS!!!!!!!

I honestly worry about that. When Israel falls, where do the Jews flee?

Where did the Jewish Bolsheviks flee during Stalin's great purge? They then got us into WW2.

We have to plan around this.

>I honestly worry about that. When Israel falls, where do the Jews flee?
Kike. Your President will be named Ahmed. Enjoy living under Arab rule you fucking parasite.

I wish they were. They are unfortunately winning at the game of keeping an ethnostate.

We could learn a lot emulating their tactics.

Every post has "we" because you're a kike faggot who doesn't understand board culture. Listen Rabbi, you're going to be living under Arab rule very fucking soon. Go cry to the Sanhedrin. They can't do shit. You're all going to watch Babylon fall. Death to Israel. Hopefully you faggots suffer greatly.

I'm an American who doesn't want to absorb another 6 gorillion Jews.

What is your plan to make sure we don't take their refugees?

Seriously, I want to make sure (((they))) seek refuge in Africa or something.

This makes me cry, Iraq, Syria, Iran, are countries that would have fought along side Hitler for the future of the white race, now, countries destroyed and being attacked by USA forces influenced by the zionists.

Israeli, soon you're going to be getting a new passport with Arabic inside of it. KEK!!!! Stupid Zionists. The USA is gonna let the muslims join forces to wipe you out. Have fun! You have no more allies!

Palestinians don't exist yet Jews caught celebrating and driving around with bombs while dressed as Arabs in NY on 9/11 said to the police "your problem is our problem, the Palestinians are your problem". Also there's Zion Don saying he saw Palestinians celebrating while it was Jews celebrating. So what to make of this, other than the US Govt is totally fucking cucked because Mueller and Chertoff let the spies go home?


>You are a traitor for hating a foreign nation

Peak boomertard


>other than the US Govt is totally fucking cucked because Mueller and Chertoff let the spies go home?


>Immigration committee
>it's a bunch of foreigners

Dog guarding sausage, etc.