What are immediate turn-offs that hold nervous or socially retarded guys back?
If a Jow Forums relatively attractive non-manlet approaches you and initiates a conversation but it's obvious he's not the smoothest talker in the world... What SPECIFICALLY do you hear or see that makes you go from "maybe" to "no"?
Where do we fuck up?
Femanons pls help
"I'm a nice guy/gentleman"
What if I'm really nice to people because my dad was an abusive psychotic manipulator and I strive to be the opposite? I actually worry I come off as "too nice" sometimes but I think my fear of being like my father is so all consuming that it's unhealthy
different femanon here with a similar situation to you user. i can get super emotionally dependent on other people if i don't watch myself and it turns them off pretty hardcore. for some reason people get more interested in me when i pretend like i don't give a shit about them. it's like a game, i guess. people want back that emotional power and if you just give it to them freely they won't value you or your friendship. sucks, but that's life.
Oversharing probably scares some guys away, and sometimes because it reminds them of themselves.
The quotes implies that it's something you'd say. Absolutely nothing wrong with being a nice guy, on the contrary, if it's genuine, it's great. But you'd be surprised how many people unironicaly label themselves nice, which is a huge red flag.
it's not just men, it's most people in my life. i'm lonely and want friends and people fuck off when i show them that side of me, so into deep repression those feelings go.
No. 1 cause of death for males under 40 is suicide - because they never talk.
Next time you find a man or start to make friends, hold off and wait until you really get to know them. People also like to get things off their chests when they feel comfortable.
>If a Jow Forums relatively attractive non-manlet approaches you and initiates a conversation
why would i ever say no?
There's obviously more than physical attraction otherwise Jow Forums wouldn't be in the dire state that it has been for the last few years. We're asking for the failings in our personalities which we need to fix.
i was just shitposting user, i've never been asked out so sadly i can't help much. but to answer your question with something, any kind of sexual innuendo would make more likely to say no.
>would make me
>swear words
>sexual innuendo
>too many "ummmmmmm"
>trying to sound like someone they are not
>pick up lines
Body language can tell a lot too
>no genuine smile
>rigid posture
>shoulders very tense
>swear words
I learned how to swear from women. This is literally just you.
where is that tweet from?
>people want back that emotional power and if you just give it to them freely they won't value you or your friendship
how do you stop it ?
>>no genuine smile
>>rigid posture
>>shoulders very tense
this is pretty disheartening to be honest
>swear words
>>swear words
Yeah I guess
>>sexual innuendo
Yeah I guess
>>too many "ummmmmmm"
Socially anxious guy?
>>trying to sound like someone they are not
Yeah I guess
>>pick up lines
Socially anxious guy?
>Body language can tell a lot too
>>no genuine smile
Social anxious guy?
>>rigid posture
Social anxious guy?
>>shoulders very tense
Social anxious guy?
You're just thinking of some tall handsome chad who doesn't have to speak much.
This thread is about a socially anxious person.
>Shoe horned sexual innuendo
>Explaining shit without asking if I already know / understand
>Needless negativity
>Talking about shit that I'm clearly uninterested in because I've said so
>Cringe humour (that's super personal tho)
>Shoe horned sexual innuendo
The second time it's mentioned and this time by someone who sounds more reasonable. Care to expand?
I've been doing it a lot when younger and had zero problems attracting women ... despite it? Usually had pretty positive reactions too. Though used it to make the situation more relaxed instead of flirting, so maybe that's the key.
An awkward smile is pretty valuable. At least try, even if you don't feel confident in how it looks. Others don't judge harshly in such situations.
I am awkward too user, it all comes down to exercises to hide it as best as possible. Or at least to pass as functional enough.
"ummmm"s can be substituted by a moment of silence or breathing. If you feel awkward, try a longer blink - it gives the illusion you are thinking hard about the situation and are invested.
Be authentic. Blurting an autistic thing with a goofy smile may work better at establishing something than a rehearsed pick up line. Enthusiasm and unironically bee-ing yourself can will give you extra points.
>body language
Study yourself in the mirror and fake it till you make it to a non-abysmal level of stiff. Wearing clothes that hide it is also an option, but idk how you'd like loose shirts with puffy sleeves.
>Doing all this stuff to appear 'social'
Nah fuck all that shit I'll just do whatever the fuck I want honestly.
Making money keeps the apathy at bay.
Not even the 'bee urself' bs.
tfw those are all me
I'm 36 now and I think about suicide quite often. Maybe 4 or 5 days of the week. I know it is stupid and I have no real reason to feel that way about my life. I've got loads going for me. Maybe it is just the drinking and clown world despair cycle
>Maybe it is just the drinking and clown world despair cycle
Nah man I wouldn't worry about it.
Bottoms up! Honk honk!
>him having to point out he's a good person, most of the time it turns out he's not a good person at all
>getting clingy too soon, imagining a future together before even the first date
>being overly sexual on first meeting
>being rude or mean to his mother
>not understanding or respecting boundaries
>talking a lot of shit about his ex or other women
>likes to talk a lot and be center of attention but is actually saying nothing of any substance
that kinda stuff
>I am awkward too user, it all comes down to exercises to hide it as best as possible.
But it's cute when girls do it
this, everyone thinks awkward girls are cute.
>getting clingy too soon, imagining a future together before even the first date
I really really want a gf like this
>swear words
>too many "ummmmmmm"
>no genuine smile
>rigid posture
>shoulders very tense
Its fucking over boys Im fucked
Post face and body. You're probably a lot prettier than you think and it's just in your head.
Jesus I'm glad my wife doesn't give a fuck about any of this
In my experience based off of my friends, it depends on the girl's preconceived notion of you
>be cute or attractive
>dont be a bitch
>have a neck circumference of at least 12.5"
>dont have bad posture
>dont have good posture all the time
>be skinny
>be muscular
>have a dad bod
>nice smile
>medium sized ears
>cool job
>social power
thanks user, but i know it's because i look very plain and rarely go outside.
Kek, in your land maybe. Here in HellholeExtraordinaire #3, it's social suicide on all levels.
It can't be over if you don't start trying
Well, of course not. Being in a relationship and being approached like OP sugested are very differemt things. Or did she not mind spaghetti even from the start? Then gz user, you got a compatible girl.
Femcel, eh?
you should stride to be like your dad you got the best role model already i bet he got laid not like you with your nice guy act
im serious