Jow Forums should try reverse psychology

the principle or practice of subtly encouraging a behavior or belief by advocating its opposite. "It's ok to be white" was a dismal failure. It red pilled no one that wasn't already red pilled, thus Jow Forums should try reverse psychology. Not acceleration, but promotion of anti-white trolls. If done correctly, it can be way more successful that stupid accelerationism.

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no it's not you moron. Reverse psychology works by shocking normies into reality

white women need to be red pilled and it works on them.

This could actually work. People don't really care about being for anything, they only care about being AGAINST the bad things. As soon as they all think the mainstream is against whites in general, they'll finally feel the wall against their back, which is EXACTLY what happens to whites before they organize.

Reverse psychology often works because humans have a need for independence, says Dr. Jeanette Raymond, a Los Angeles-based licensed psychologist, therapist and relationship expert. "It's more empowering to think that you did something out of your own free will than because you were forced, threatened, shamed into it or are afraid of losing that relationship."

In the psychotherapeutic field, reverse psychology is more accurately termed a paradoxical intervention. (The term "reverse psychology" is a media invention, Raymond says.) In a paradoxical intervention, a therapist tells a client to engage in a behavior the client is trying to resolve. So if a patient is trying to stop being a procrastinator, his counselor might tell him to spend one hour per day procrastinating. The idea is that this will help the client focus on the behavior and its possible causes, and allow him to see that the behavior is voluntary and therefore can be controlled.

Sure it'll work until they link it back to Jow Forums, and then they have yet another escape method.


BS. most of the country doesn't even know that Jow Forums exists.

Incorrect. If there's one thing we've learned about liberals, it's that they're fucking stupid. They took the bait with "It's okay to be white", they'll take the bait with this.
They will all nod like bobbleheads in complete unison at the sentence "It's not okay to be white", and because of oneupmanship, many of them will take it a step further, into "kill whitey" territory.
Even many of the white faggots will be aghast when they hear that coming from a sea of people whom they thought were allies to their cause.

I agree completely with OP. All of my Democrat bluepilled friends don't like conservatives but they all agree that the extreme of the left is way too extreme.

Stands to reason it would behoove us to accentuate the far left and really shove it in people's faces. Most bluepilled normies simply don't pay attention to far left degeneracy. They don't really understand that gender activists want to cut children's dicks off.

They don't really know who 11 yr old Desmond is Amazing is or that he has gyrated in front of grown homosexual men in multiple strip clubs.

They haven't seen photos of sex reassignment surgery nor have they read testimonies of trannies who regret it.

Many bluepilled whites are very uneasy about increasing black presence in society but are afraid to speak about it or even think it for fear of appearing racist.

Many people are wary of numerous Jews in high places but dont want to appear anti semitic.

This was the genius of Sam Hyde and Million Dollar Extreme. They simply brought far left degeneracy into your living room so you had to deal with it

As another example, even most bluepilled normie Democrat voting men realize women have too much power today and feminism is fucked up

We need accelerate the left culturally if we want more right wingers. People become right wing out of disgust for the left more than reverence of traditions.

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>Even many of the white faggots will be aghast when they hear that coming from a sea of people whom they thought were allies to their cause.
so true. I'm convinced that normies love to hate WN, but it makes them feel comfy that someone is standing up for them. This could turn the cards on their comfort level and wake them up.

Actually, I was larping as a crazy leftist on another boards a few days ago. I got an user who called himself a leftist to say that he plans to vote Trump. Not that I think I was the sole cause of that, but it goes to show what pushing the limits can do.

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Cringe and downboated.

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Always false flag as an insane leftist. It works. Faggots have drank the koolAIDS and the easiest way to undo it is to drive them FROM one side by going full commie/
trans/open borders ect

I get your point user, but "zionism is white supremecy" is not really reverse psychology. You need to promote something to an absurd level to get an opposite reaction from normies.

Do not deviate from the plan.

All their precious little angelic coloreds will start talking about how all white people should die, then the cuck starts to think "b-but I sucked your black cock clean after you fucked my wife . . . why would you want to kill me, I'm no threat to you", and these lily-white victims of the urban behavioral sink will feel true fear for the first time ever in their lives. They'll slowly raise their heads, look around, and realize that every colored is nodding along with their favorite pet bull, and reality will finally set in.
>I'm surrounded by people who hate me
>hate me enough to want to kill me
>despite sucking them off daily
They will finally see the true face of evil as the scales fall from their eyes.

like this? Or is this going too far that nobody is going to buy it?

>They will finally see the true face of evil as the scales fall from their eyes.
amen brother.

Fuck off kike, that isn't reverse psychology. Americans association Zionism with right wing politics. Zionism is definitely to the right of Bolshevism. This isn't what we're talking about

Truth is most Americans don't give a shit about Israel aside from evangelicals

Pic related is a slightly better example. Not exactly reverse psychology, but it makes people realize that antifa fights for the same thing that Google and the biggest corporations fight for

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What about this?

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This must be one of those tranny honk post threads
>hurdur take the victim stance pose like those fucking loser fags over there

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It would have worked a couple years ago, but now that Trump has gone full neocon, it's not really apropos IMO.

This song must be memed, I repeat: THIS SONG MUST BE MEMED

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well you got to try something new man. Even your god emperor has abandoned you. Your approach has failed dismally.

>How do you do, fellow cishet white males?
41%, faggot. You're behavior has sunk.

gee, i wonder why zhe's bump-bombing

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>"It's ok to be white" was a dismal failure.
this isn't true, fuck off. You're just describing accelerationism


>It red pilled no one that wasn't already red pilled
says who? you?

>says who? you?
The dems won the house dude.

>fake profile pic
Lol twatter sure is weird nigger programming

BUMP…This is a good idea. Even better would be some madlads taking on jewish ops and actually hitting up Christian churches,
YMCA’s, white schools with anti-white spraypaint tactics. All off these would have a terrible optic if caught on film though.
I’m too old to do graff anymore…maybe a young lad could some wheatpasting in the urban zones….if you get caught hitting up public spots, you can still peel it off & be polite to the pigs. I’ve been caught twice wheatpasteing & was let go. But I had no paint or markers on me either. Only hit up smooth surfaces like poles & electric boxes...not brick or private buildings...they will get buffed asap....also avoid PO boxes...they get buffed quickly too..hit up the boxes on bus lines for high visibility...go with a girl for watching and not looking so supicious from 11:00 to 2:00 on drunk normie nites...thursday friday sat..

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>hey you guise should commit crimes
(((1 post)))

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And if there’s one thing samba favela tranny porn niggers know, it’s high IQ.

If there’s two things, they are high IQ and dressing up as a woman and doing the samba through the favela to the porn shoot

Even wheatpasting on week nites is chill….make sure it isn’t gunna rain the next day or you wasted supplies…which are bretty cheap…but precious they just peel off easily by the buff monster

fuck you nigger...wheatpasting isn't a crime you faggot pussy

False flagging Jew style?

Confirmed liberal.

>IOTBW was a dismal failure
Merchant thread?

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i like how you think brother

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Post flyers reading only “Race and IQ”

Shitlibs will call it hate speech because they actually know races differ by IQ, and so they’ll be mad... but to say WHAT they’re mad ABOUT they’ll have to themselves redpill people on racial IQ differences

Alternate flyers would only say “85 Average IQ” fucking DARE shitlibs to be offended and say why

normies don't give a fuck, OPs message is much more mainstream

If I posted "it's not okay to be white" on my instagram what would I even caption?

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not understanding propaganda
but hangs out on Jow Forums
you simpleton faggot..I'm telling you how to redpill normies IRL, not talk to each other..that have comon beliefs on a image board

I'll post it if I flip heads.

Wtf? Why can't phone posting activate perks?

dems won the house moron.

Ignore shills. Trash thread.

Alrighty then fags just go ahead and miss the best propaganda idea since IOTBY

Jow Forums has so many morons

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Been doing this lately with abortion arguments.
I usually say anything along the lines of "Of course I support Planned Parenthood. Fun fact: did you know you have a 50/50 chance of being aborted if you're black? Margaret Sanger was a eugenicist and is a great role model."

Wow, so the IOTBW campaign was designed to win Congressional races? That's news. So, that means Jow Forums is responsible for increasing the GOP's Senate majority, right?

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IOBTW had no effect. normies voted dem and sabotaged Trump. you know it's true.

alright...last post. staples don't work. sjws or just IRL jannies will remove. elmers glue or wallpaper glue add a little water...use wide chip will burn much longer...isn't illegal. and notice in pic related...that if someone tries to tear the wheatpaste pill..staple hammers draw unwanted attention anywhoo. & only hit up public poles on transit lines

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Are you retarded or (((pretending to be retarded))) ?

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The promotion of anti-white trolls is accelerationism.

This didn't stop the media from turning a completely innocuous ok symbol into a white power hand gesture.

In this case, I think it's both. They're scraping the bottom of the barrel with shills in 2019.

can you add? is basic arithmetic beyond your grasp? The house was lost. (((Adam Schiff))) is freaking powerful now. IOTBW failed.

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I'm not going to argue semantics user.

OK genius. tell me. how did IOTBW succeed? I'm waiting...

I think something along the lines of


might work better. the goal is to point out when they say no thats wrong, you can't do that. they are bad, evil, ect ect. to point out their own bigotry and racism and to shock people into waking up to it.

this is the same old shit. It doesn't work. get over it.

what doesn't work shlomo?

how has it been successful? I'm waiting.

Kike memeflag faggot. The point is to make normal people uncomfortable with the ongoing leftwing cultural revolution. we should post things like:




(Ideally, "fuck white people" should replace "fuck white supremacy)

YAS QUEENS (pic of extremely ugly negress)

the problem is that it's hard to do a poster campaign or something very organized and have people believe it was blacks or women who did it

That's why most left wing protests you see are rich white college kids. Blacks and Hispanics are too unmotivated and disorganized to actually do collective political action beyond rioting

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>how has it been successful
wait for what schlomo? IOTB was on every tv and newpaper in north america highlighting leftist racism and bigotry towards white people. the libtard responses were a fucking gold mine.

the real question is why are you such a butt hurt faggot about it?

it wouldn't even get mention because the message is socially acceptable.
all it would do is demoralize white people.

the problem with your suggestions is they reek of being an autistic retard and would have zero effect, maybe that is your point though seeing as you are probably a kike.

Nice try Goldman

See pic related. All we need to do is amplify views like that and people will become redpilled. One becomes redpilled by being disgusted and fed up with the left, not by being persuaded by right wing talking points

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Also if you're not a shill why don't you disable your memeflag?

>i'll act like a kike while calling him a kike

"ok" retard. good luck with that.

Gay Gay Gay waste

A wild dino has appeared


Try to alienate women from Leftists: White Women Enable White Supremacy