Javanka are in a cult

... it's called Chabad-Lubavitch.

On Nov 5, 2016 - three days before the election - Javanka went to Brooklyn to pray at the grave of their cult's messiah, Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, supplicating for Trump's election victory.

Their prayers were answered.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fun fact:
>when Weev transfered dailystormer's domain to "" he used the home address of Alex Pilosov, a Chabad-Lubavitcher.

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Good to see weev is still doing something fun.

Steve. You're going to be hanged for treason. Just shut the fuck up, go suck Epstein's cock some more and wait for your inevitable fate.

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Fun fact:
>Jared and Ivanka are 2 of the 3 "senior advisors" to Donald Trump - the 3rd is Stephen Miller, also a Jew (unknown if he's Chabad affiliated too).

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>Since Jews supported Hillary, anybody who points out the influence of a Jewish-cult on Trump must be really working for the Democrats.
Okay, Shlomo.

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Is Chabad-Lubavitch the real Russian-Trump connection?

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Chabad kids hail the empty chair of their messiah:

We want Moshiach now!

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>chabad-kushner connection

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Rabbi Weev and Anglin says don't believe conspiracy theories goy

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>goyim wont know we worship Baal if we put "sham tov" at the end of it

All I wanna know is, the 3rd temple is built, then what? A debt jubilee? Nuclear armageddon? 1984?

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Jew here- which side am I on? Trump? Resistance?

If I'm participating in something nefarious, dammit I want to undermine society in the correct way.


>He thinks prayer got Trump elected
Israel and its proxies got Trump elected. They wanted a president who would tear up the Iran deal, and Trump was that guy. I don't know how people could think Trump colluded with Putin when Trump hasn't given Putin a single thing except more sanctions

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>Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson

Another cult of personality

There was a beeper service that would alert you of his death so you could run to his house and watch him be resurrected as the messiah,

He died, No resurrection. No refunds.

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Who dicked Ivanka better? Jared, the pool cleaner, the delivery man or Trump?

this guy comes in any thread mentioning Trump's Zionist ties and posts the exact same image and all the fucking time
pic related, take your meds schizo.

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A holy mosque is on the mountain where the third temple is planning to be constructed.
Just the removal of the mosque alone is enough to trigger a war.

Isn't it wonderful? We've finally gotten the shills to accuse their opposition as kikes and Israel-lovers as negative attributes.

The dead Rebbe's miracles:

>she was suddenly overcome with an intense, excruciating pain in her abdomen and back, causing her body to spasm uncontrollably.
>I could write to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, for a blessing for my daughter’s recovery. I wasn’t the biggest believer, but I figured it couldn’t hurt.
>her recovery took place just two days following my visit to the Ohel.

>There was an 8.7-centimeter growth on my left kidney that was releasing blood as well
> there was little chance that the growth was not cancerous, and that an operation was necessary to remove most, if not all, of the kidney.
>Rabbi Weber, with whom I had grown closer with as a result of my daughter’s situation, suggested we go visit the Ohel and ask for a blessing that all should go well. Once there, I wrote my note, in which I asked the Rebbe for a blessing for a complete recovery.
> It all ended with a clean bill of health, despite the grim prognosis of the doctors.
>Since then, I have arranged regular trips to the Ohel,
>I now lay tefillin every day, attend shul on Shabbat, and have fully dedicated myself to assisting Rabbi Weber in building Chabad in our community.

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And? That doesn't somehow prove their little service magically won him the election, and I never disputed they didn't go. That completely ignores the intense efforts of Israel to rig the 2016 election. Stop covering for zionists you kike

H.R.4497 - To award a congressional gold medal to Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson

…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.”

>…the general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews.
That's a good way of putting it. Temporal > Intemporal. Same thing with Lucifer.

Oh it's all very obviously, but, what does a meshuganah dreck goyim mamzer amalek like you know, anyhow? Phew. How dare you question the Rebbe's powers? Beware the Pulsa deNura, goy!!!

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Observed Annually (11th day of the month of Nisan on the Jewish calendar – or 4 days before Passover begins) is National Education and Sharing Day.
In his 2009 proclamation on Education and Sharing Day, President Barack Obama wrote:
“Few have better understood or more successfully promoted these ideas than Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who emphasized the importance of education and good character. Through the establishment of educational and social service institutions across the country and the world, Rabbi Schneerson sought to empower young people and inspire individuals of all ages. On this day, we raise his call anew.”
On March 21, 2013, while making his first trip to Israel as president, a proclamation was issued, and President Barack Obama declared March 22, 2013, Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A. This year is the 111th anniversary of the birth of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson. Reinforcing the importance of education, in this proclamation, the President stated:
“We also know that learning does not stop when students leave the classroom. Whether at the dinner table or on the field, it is our task as parents, teachers, and mentors to make sure our children grow up practicing the values we preach. We have an obligation to instill in them the virtues that define our national character — honesty and independence, drive and discipline, courage and compassion.”

>Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.
US goverenment officially commemorating the birthday of a false Jewish antichrist = a pseudo Christmas.

ext: H.J.Res.104 — 102nd Congress (1991-1992)
Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society
from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;
Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization
stands in serious peril of returning to chaos;
Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these
principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric
of civilized society;
Whereas the justified preoccupation with these crises must not let the citizens
of this Nation lose sight of their responsibility to transmit these historical
ethical values from our distinguished past to the generations of the future;
Whereas the Lubavitch movement has fostered and promoted these ethical values
and principles throughout the world;
Whereas Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, leader of the Lubavitch movement,
is universally respected and revered and his eighty-ninth birthday falls on
March 26, 1991;


>Did Felix Sater’s 20 Years as an Informant Help Land Him at the Center of the Trump-Russia Story?

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Research Talmudic noahide laws

Fun fact:
>investors not informed that FelixSater, an FBI informant and Chabad benefactor, was affiliated with Russia mafia, when Bayrock LLC set up with Donald Trump.

>Jared Kushner attended Chabad House at Harvard.

Interesting info and video here:

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Blatant paid shilling.
Possibly Mossad

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It's amazing so many U.S. president and most politicians that served throughout the years cow tow openly serving these ((( agendas))) even Putin has links
YouTube search- government chabbad
Lots of good stuff or just google it the rabbit hole never ends then you take into account this is only one side of the coin (((Zionist/Bolshevist)))
How do people even question ((( who))) is destroying white nations.....

>the rabbit hole

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I gave up on the religious aspect of all of this, I need to return to it and research it more
The black cube thing is definetly interesting,

No it isnt thats the Roman Fort Anatolia

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It's funny too because the graphic isn't the slightest bit compelling to anyone with even a minor understanding the situation.

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1990-1996 about 600,000 Russian-Jews entered Israel, but waiting for the influx from the USA never came. By 2014 it's obvious voluntary Aliya has failed and a different strategy is needed. We see "dailystormer" and all the alt-right stuff start - it's a high-risk gamble for a win-win since either elect rabidly pro-zionist administration that makes so much progress building the 3rd Temple that US Jews go to Israel, and/or it provokes a backlash of "antisemetism" that spurs US Jews to go to Israel. Either way they accomplish important goals and objectives.

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I've heard it alleged that the Saudi Royal Family were Crypto Jews, and Jews had a hand in the creation of Wahabism, but I haven't seen anything detailing the connections.

Jewish tribes occupying whole cities was recorded in the Koran, and Mohamed himself died owing a Jew money. The concept of a "Royal Family" or "King" was just a reward by the British to those clans that helped them. Allegedly the Saudi royal family descends from a Jewish merchant, but this might not be as significant as it seems to us - the Mohamedian religion welcomes converted Jews and assimilates with them - they are all cousins any how.

Thanks for the info.
This looks interesting. Will watch.


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... and some pics FYI

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jared don’t be afraid of steve

it’s me you’re really scared of


we fucking own you

it was that was 3 years ago but all these retarded hick gov agents just go along with it