I lost control and beat up my girlfriend when she asked me about my cocaine use. It was too much...

I lost control and beat up my girlfriend when she asked me about my cocaine use. It was too much. She doesn't really know anything about it. She wasn't supposed to find out. I deeply regret it but she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. What can I do in this situation?

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Hope and pray she doesn't call the cops on your coked out ass. You'd completely deserve it. I hope you learned something from this and take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror.

overdose it and die


I know my actions weren't right. But they don't reflect who I am. There must be a way to save the relationship.

No, there isn't. You must face the consequences of your actions.

Is that you again peanutbutter? Did you finally drop the trig?

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re-read what said. Read it out loud so that you can hear the words clearly. Read slowly and let the information be absorbed into whatever brain cells you have left that aren't coated in a fine columbian powder.

You can try to make excuses all day long, but it boils down to this.

Re-read it again for good measure. You are free to choose your actions, but you are not free from the consequences of your actions.

Every person deserves a second chance.

yes they do. you had a choice not to do it but you’re a heartless retard so you did it

>But they don't reflect who I am.
It was never about who you are. Man's nature is that of a brute, period.
It's always been about what a man does. That energy you put out into the world is what other people see and judge you by, and it's what your girlfriend saw and now fears.
Apologize, and then leave. Never do it again. Drop your habit.

Shit, in some cases not without a LOT of changing in a possitive way.

you're a degenerate. A self-pitying one at that. Stop being an shitstain and try and do one thing right in your life, and leave her. You're garbage. Trash. but you can change by leaving people you hurt

Yes, and your second chance will come from a woman who you did not physically abuse. Be thankful she doesn't press charges and land you in jail, because I would.

I know that's no excuse, but I was very drunk and high when she confronted me. In the heat of the moment I was no longer rational. That was a mistake but making mistakes is human. She can't demand perfection.

Pack it up boys, OP's just a troll, likely the very same troll that's been making various beating up women threads these past few weeks.

3/10, got me to respond.

>She can't demand perfection
You're such a worthless human. Is "perfection" not doing cocaine and not physically assaulting her? Are you so subhuman that you can't even recognize these behaviors are unacceptable?

Chances are earned with changed behavior. Which you and I both know you won't do.

So, no.

If I were your ex, I'd call every male relative and person who owes me and have them drag your ass behind a truck. I'd be waiting at the end of your ride. We do things differently here in Russia and if you want white powder, I'll have plenty to pour up your nose.

oh shit, you're right

Oh look, this thread again.

>things I did don't reflect who I'm
Pathetic. Least you can do is being honest with yourself.

Hey, nothing wrong with coke.

I'm actually sorry OP. You seem to truly regret your actions, so i feel no need to remind you what you already know.
I don't there's much to do for the relationship, but I would say seek anger management therapy.
If I were in your shoes, I would write a letter or message to her and/or her family if they know explaining that it is best for the relationship to end, that I expect nothing from her, that I won't bother her any more, wish her the best even though she probably hates me, and that if she wants to bring charges against me, that is her decision and tell her whether or not I would feel like fighting it or know if I would fight.
Granted, that's before factoring in what would happen in court, how people would treat me afterwards, my career, etc which os all pretty important, but at least in a perfect world...
Think carefully what you do next and when you do it, but you done fucked up.

I wish you the best in getting over your addiction.

Whelp that answers my question, how'd your fight go PB?

Yeah his style of writing reminds me of that thread from a couple of days ago where a guy said his girlfriend was rude in an argument so he hit her

Good thing I archive shit, feel free to analyse and compare fellow turbofags

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Holy shit. OP is actually legit wtf

If you archive, can you pull up the other countless threads made in the past ~2 weeks about asking when it's okay to hit girls and other bait threads like this? I'm getting real sick of this nigger.

Unfortunately only started taking screenshots a couple days ago when I was seeing PB agreeing with the faggot in that thread

>Take a good hard look at yourself in the mirror.
And try not to snort any coke off it while your there

>Does cocaine
>Beats up GF
>Was not supposed to find out
>Is truly sorry

You deserve nothing. May your seed be wiped from the earth

why does everyone react so strongly because it's a girl? If OP beat up some dude I can bet none of you would care even half as much.

He lost control and beat up his girlfriend. >Did you fail basic English?

Time to start campaigning in favour of harsher drug laws, based on your example. You might prevent others from going through the same pain. It might also shave time off of your sentence, because you are going to jail at some point in your life, if not for this then for the next thing you do in a few months time. Quit that shit ASAP

No, they do reflect who you are. But you can decide to change who you are.

Some steps I can think of are not using cocaine, coming clean about everything to your gf, asking her forgiveness for the beating, admitting you need help to combat your addiction, and calling the cops on your coke dealer.

It would probably also be a good idea to join Narcotics Anonymous. Its identical to AA, but for drug addicts.

Sorry that your gf doesn't want to talk to you anymore. Keep trying to get in touch and be clear that you are sorry for your actions and that you want to change as a person. If she still doesn't contact you, so be it. Maybe she will in a year or two when you've recovered.

Dude does drugs and beats GF ---> Has GF

I don't do drugs and dont' beat women ---> Dont' have GF


Make love to her then rape her.

Oh but they do reflect on your character. Change your character, it's shit.

What got u into using coke tho?

Nah I doubt its pb

No self respecting woman wants to stay with someone who will beat her in a coked up rage. She will be better off without you.

I hate these replies, just be honest to her of what you felt in that situation, it be discomfort, stress, or whatever.

Also tell her that you are indeed deeply sorry about it and don't be annoying to her, as in: don't tell her that you're sorry 10 times. 1 or 2 times is good enough.

After you've apologized and told her what you felt she will probably keep it in mind and don't hate you so much, after some days (or hours idk, it depends on the person) she'll get over it. If she doesn't then I don't know man, you will have to accept that you fucked up.

Try to keep calm and as I said, don't be annoying. Give her space and time to think about everything, it's not an everyday thing to get beaten up by your boyfriend.

>all these moral high-ground replies
I didn't know the fucking pope posted on Jow Forums.

The first thing you do OP is to sober up and get clean. The relationship between you two is over, as it should be. Enter a thirty day if you can't quit on your own, but once you get the booger sugar out of your life, things will come back together, and don't even think about getting into a relationship until you're clean. You'll be in the same position you're in now if you somehow manage to get a steady girlfriend while you're on a coke binge.

I'll say it one more time. Sober the hell up. All the best, OP.

>I didn't know the fucking pope posted on /adv
Bet he does.

Pretty sure this is a bs story.

you have a lot to learn about women user

Ha ha. He thinks things are supposed to make sense.

Serious answer here

Seems you've got three problems
A. A coke habit that doesn't suit you
B. A big problem with your GF
C. Risk of the cops coming

How often do you take cocaine?
is it linked with your work or social life?

How long have you been with your GF and how badly did you beat her.

On the police issue - you say you were drunk and she started abusing you for wasting money and accused you of doing coke, which you do not do. There's no proof of the drugs so don't admit to it