Get it off your chest

Let's hear it!

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Why did I have to be the bad guy?

Man I want to talk to you all the time, even when I don't have anything to say. Its pathetic and annoying and I've never been like this before at all. Why am I like this? You are MINE. Legitimately, for real, mine. And yet now that you are, I've never felt more like I have to try and keep you. This is nonsense. I wish I could just go back to the way I used to think and be but apparently you're different. I'm really sorry.

bye bye to my only friend. got tired of her whines about an ex, drinking and not taking care of herself. sometimes i feel good that i recently stopped talking to her and sometimes i feel really guilty about it because instead of talking with her about it i just stop talking. once told her that i’m tired of her whining about her ex but she just said “if you broke up with your bf you would feel even worse” so don’t really want to talk it out but don’t know how to get rid of that guilt

her ex is my bf’s friend and recently i mentioned her ex and his new gf in context with my bf and she just got mad that i mentioned him. maybe i’m just a stupid bitch who doesn’t think about others

What happened to all your other friends?

Dunno if you're a stupid bitch but I'm in a sort of similar situation and it's legitimately hell. It's difficult to navigate and you're almost guaranteed to fuck up repeatedly. I'd say that you should speak to her for peace of mind, but I haven't spoken to my "her" about it either. Just letting you know you're not alone.

i gave them up for my only friend. thought i don’t need them anymore so lost contact with them. now i’m regretting it and trying to talk with them again

thank you! i want to tell her to shut up about her ex because it’s really annoying and it’s draining me out emotionally but when i think if this happened to me, i would feel really really sad

Why did you have to give them up? I’m confused about the nature of your relationship.

Yeah that's my problem too. The situation legitimately sucks for her but I tried really fucking hard to be helpful and understanding and it wasn't good enough. Its like speaking to a happiness vampire. But to get better they have to move on to get better and if they don't want to move on, what are you supposed to do? You can't be happy enough for the both of you for forever.

she didn’t really like those people and i thought that i feel a lot more free around her which actually isn’t true right now. i was stupid

yeah, same for me. if i suggest her something to do she would say “that’s stupid” and just go drink with her friends. and then i have to whine about her education problems which were caused by her alcohol problems. i’m not doing well emotionally and she’s just making me feel worse and she probably doesn’t know that. even when i start talking about my problems she’ll find a way to talk about hers instead of trying to help me and it makes me feel stupid

listen to her whines*

Had a dream about lexi, she was groping all over me. I haven't even seen her in 10 years. Wonder what she's up to

I'm quitting my job and want to move. But I started falling in love with my boss, who is married and has kids. A friend and coworker of mine convinced me that it's perfectly fine, and that I'm not a shitty person for continuing to have a close relationship with my boss, and she even encourages it saying that the feeling always seemed mutual and that my boss probably feels the same.

I stay very skeptical of all of it because it seems too good to be true to me, and my time with the company is ending in a couple weeks. I feel lost and confused, and I ultimately dont want to be hopeful. But I am. I have allowed myself that measure of happiness and want that there is something there. That I'm not just crazy. That she wants to me to stay with her and not leave.

Why does it all seem so real? And why now, when I have started plans to leave?

Thank you ;_; We need to learn how to talk about things. If the elephant in the room is something bad I can handle it. I’ll always love you and will respect how you dictate our relationship should be. But I need to know what you want and what I am to you so I know how to go forward. I hope this hasn’t caused irreparable damage to our relationship.

>be me be foreveralone-ish
>not know a lot about politics, really
>ACLU activists outside grocery store
>there's a cute redhead there
>at first try to focus on getting my stupid pay to go bike unlocked because I'm off to go studying and lost my bus pass
>fail to unlock it while they keep trying to talk to me and walk around the corner to get a pay to go scooter from a different company instead
>stop. Remember I'm supposed to go out of my comfort zone. Look up ACLU on wikipedia and !they seem alright, I guess.
>go talk to redhead about politics and shit. Brings up other stuff too. We start talking about my major amd I tell her I work nearby. Nudges me a couple times and we start standing closer. I'm too socially retarded to directly say she's cute, but compliment her on her hair. Te
>still a lot of the conversation is on ACLU and shit. I end up signing up for a $20 ACLU membership 90 to 98% because a cute girl talked to me.
>ask if she's around her a lot and if she wants to get coffee sometime
>she says she's out her all the time and that would be great
>Leave because I'm nervous with the pretense of going off to study
>Didn't get her number, didn't set a date, didn't exchange contact at all, hard to tell if she was lying to me, didnt ask when she's around, and now I basically have to show up ouyside the store again to talk to her hoping I don't sperg the fuck out and accepting that she'll probably think I'm weird now or was just going along with it do I'd join ACLU
Well, I started to ask someone out at least so that's an improvement. I mean, I lost $20 and joined some random group too, but I... I don't even know.
Its some kind of progress I guess even I was probably not thinking clearly and probably abasically got scammed.

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Found out I have been severely depressed for the vast majority of my life. Got over it with meds and therapy. Life has never been better. My worst moments are now better than my neutral state previously.

Some shit happened with my friends of over a decade that resulted in me having to cut them off. I have no one else. It sucks but I'm glad because they were holding me back. Got my life together with school and I'm on a fantastic road. Life has never been better.

Got over my ex, the only girl I've ever been with. She made my depression so much worse but I'm out of the hole now that I've more or less fixed the depression.

Things are great, but I'm so fucking lonely. I have no one. I've become extremely outgoing and social. At school I have a lot of people I talk to. Girls that are interested in me. But I have no one outside of school. The one beautiful girl who's actually pursuing me happens to be really fucked up, so things are incredibly strange and going nowhere. I have no one to hang out with outside of school. I only get along with girls. Guys are harder for me. I could probably hang out with a few people but there's no one I REALLY connect with. I don't feel like an alien anymore, but I feel very different.

For the record, I initially thought it could just be a single donation, so I essentially got caught up in sales tactics from a volunteer.

Note to self: do not desperately try for girls that are promoting stuff.

I'll soon find out how much I fucked up.

I'm 24 and I wish I didn't have to worry about throwing away my "prime years" isolating myself in books and games instead of dating and engaging in other normie activities. What can I do if I don't crave sex and interesting, intelligent girls are rare/taken? If I were already old I could just fuck off and be at peace but being young creates this fear that when I am old I will regret not doing something that I don't feel like doing now.

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She's not gonna be there next time I check
I'm sure of it. I'll probably find out I somehow accidentally gave money to Scientology or something.

So I keep falling in love.

My only friend started spending all his free time playing videogames and basically engulfing himself into this cringy anime lifestyle. All I want is do normal stuff with normal people but if I don't change my social circle very soon it seems like it's gonna be another lonely summer...

They're masturbation buddies now. Pathetic bromance.



I hate being scitzoid. I just want my friends to stop following me ALL THE TIME. They must listen before I just leave them for good. I like being friends with them but all I ask is for them to stop following me ALL THE TIME



Who are you?! STOP TALKING TO ME

>be 24
>had a few internships, but never got a job, and even if I finished uni classes last year and only have the grade thesis left, I've been unlucky since then in trying to get a job
>parents are halfway to 70, mother doesn't work anymore and father has back problems but still has to work because someone has to bring food to the table
>older brothers have their own profitable jobs, and they help with the bills and maybe some cash if parents ask for a little something, but that's about it; the older one has his own family already and moved to another house, while the other is working on paying his own stuff + an apartment that's gonna be on construction for two more years

>feel like shit for our situation since we get by, but out stuff is mostly old and I can't depend on my dad(who also has to pay for medicine for his back and shit after almost having a heart attack last year) and a shitty scholarship for much longer, so I decide to lower my standards a bit and accept an interview as a phone salesman
>will also help get my own dosh and pay for my grade thesis, plus a job's a job an any experience is good experience
>when I come back from the interview, mom starts questioning me and as time passes on she gets more and more disappointed at me to the point of almost crying because she said that I should do something better instead of dedicating my early professional life to a job where all I do is listening to people telling me to go to hell(according to her)

I guess it's natural for her to assume that, since she got a job in her field fast 40 years ago when the market wasn't so saturated, and since my brothers got work fast because they're engineers and those are always needed; then her son, who went his own way and following a career with a saturated market due to all the armchair professionals out there, should also get a job in his field as soon as he gets out of uni(not like he wasn't trying).

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Well stop doing it then JASON.

family's been kind of treating me like shit since my father died, mom is just uninterested with anything but is having a good time with my sister. Sister always has an attitude and acts like a cunt she treats me like shit but i can never fight back because I am not allowed to always has this snarky attitude and is a hot head so anything will set her off, I miss my dad. he always treated me so well...

Stop viewing my LinkedIn profile.
You dumped me at the worst time, in a horrible way, and against my own desires.
I blocked you on every other social media, but I kept LinkedIn in case you wanted a professional relationship one day. I'm leaning towards blocking you because I can't handle having you in my head anymore, and this is reminding me.
I know tomorrow would have been our 2nd anniversary, and the timing on this is giving me hopes that are not healthy for me to have. I need to forget about you.
If you need to see me, which you shouldn't, please view our pictures from when we were together instead. If you're trying to remind me to send your book back, it's on the way.

4channers are just the younger version of Craigslist missed connections and it's turning me off both sex, men, and lesbians. I don't want a relationship with anyone. I just want to curl up and die.

i need to be dictator of the world because i'm the only one that can do it

I fucking love you ellie

I know you dont but I think you're the most stunning woman and you have an amazing personality. I know you have a past history of people fucking you over so you have trust issues, but I really hope you learn to open up because the world deserves to know more of you.

I stopped talking to you as much because I can't invest all my time into a friendship where I want to advance things to the next level.

you mean a lot to me and it just sucks I'm not the one you like.

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I don’t want to have another child, and she’s due in November. Fuck my life.

My whole life I've climbed mountains only to fall down once I'm near the top. She was flirting with me and I did nothing so now she lost interest. I had great grades but still not enough for success. I made a few friends but I don't have anyone close to me. I got a part time job but I didn't apply myself and now I won't get that promotion.

No matter how much I improve myself, it's never enough. I started so far behind everyone that despite doing everything I could, I still come in last place. Fuck

I deserve to murder you now and always

Know the feeling mate. You're not alone. I just get pissed at myself though.

You don't deserve love or companionship

I want to kick around your severed head

Why do you say that? It’s a bit harsh.

I really wish I'd get a female friend who wasn't a cookie cutter normie like the rest of the ones i met, how do I meet a bro chick? do i just befriend lesbians?

I deserve to kill you

I wonder when he's going to realize how bad he fucked up by refusing to coparent before? Kind of just one fuck up decision after another. Almost feel sorry for him because I know if it was his choice he would've chosen differently. Oh wait, silly me. It was his choice to hurt his child by abandoning, just to teach the mother a lesson. Dumbass.

Poor baby will never get the chance to.


What happened?

Calm down

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Two minutes

I deserve to murder them

WWWAAAAAAHHHHHHHH infant that can't deal with their emotions.

They deserve to be murdered and mutilated until they are unrecognizable

Trips for best girl Toga, nice

Yeah yeah yeah you always say this on this thread but never say why.

You deserve to suffer the rest of your life along with your family

>it's turning me off both sex, men, and lesbians.
One, two, both, one-both, two-both, both-both...

Well now i'm gonna succeed just to spite your ass

You deserve to be miserable every single day of your existence

You deserve nothing. Stay, dog. Stay.

You deserve to be dragged around on a collar until you suffocate and die

You just hating and mad cause you know you already lost. Your own damn fault.

>just want to curl up and
want to curl up with me :)

I take it you're not in a relationship with them?

I originally wrote both sex and men but then added lesbians because they're just as cringey.
what are you, the grammar gestapo? Mama Mia pizza pie, fuoco cantina Gelato a pêne pasta fuck you.

And you deserve the life you have now. Which is full of a whole lot of nothing and mommy.

just gonna text her and tell her the reasons why i stopped talking with her. hope it’s not a stupid thing to do

I deserve to abuse others and make them suffer

I wish this larping never started.

no u

Magic missile

Dear old Opa is finally at rest. Sitting here at the kitchen table, all alone and without any friends left, the warnings he gave me are echoing in my head about the dangers of abusing alcohol.
Which I am doing, my dad does, as did he.

I deserve to kill them

I hope your friends are murdered you deserve to suffer

I’m doing fine. Why would you intentionally bring up my ex-gf, a psycho bitch I hated? Just to make me upset? I’m trying to move forward, not dwell on mistakes from the past. My life is really good now. The fuck is wrong with you

I went to inpatient rehab and stopped drinking. Have you gone to rehab yet?

>this thread

Spent the entire semester wanting you and I can officially say i don't care anymore. I know you think im gross, I can feel you and your friends staring at me when I walk by. I know you talk shit about me for liking you and being weird about it. It's fine. You graduate in 2 weeks and I'll never see you or your asshole friends again.

If I say it's everything that's (somehow) too vague but it is everything
I'm done

I love you. That's all. Now I gotta find a socially acceptable way to express that

I tried to be a good person but I was worn down by own actions and decisions. I trusted people I should have trusted making me look like a fool.

Blue Mountain State is the funniest show I've ever seen. Watch it before you go to college if you're nervous about college. Sorry about how serious and formal my tone is.

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When will I stop wishing posts like this are him? I’m so angry with myself and this situation.

oh no here we go again
goodbye productivity
hello insecurity
goodbye stability
RIP my sane life ;_;

life is a benis

Ya never know what you're gonna get!

it’s hard sometimes, but most of the time it isn’t
it’s fragile, but surprisingly resilient
and it’s not as long as you think.

Let's fall in love, C.

Maybe it's me, who knows ? There's only one way to be sure, ask him out next time you see him. Remorse is always better than regret

Maybe tomorrow.

Do it today!



life is hard
and so am I

I was a literal mistake

My GOD do weekends suck. I think that I officially hate weekends now. Ever since I started taking adult high school classes a few weeks ago, the weekends have felt incredibly dull and pointless compared to the weekdays. I mean, yeah, sure, I might decide to go out every once in awhile, maybe to go watch a movie or something. But I can’t enjoy movies anymore. So I might go out for a walk at a park somewhere, but it all just feels so damn unsatisfying. I might go out to hang out at a restaurant or bar to take in the ambiance, but I’ll just sit there at a table by myself browsing Wikipedia on my cell phone, bored out of my mind. As soon as my weekend starts, I start counting down the hours until it’s time to head back to class.

I'm already in love with you, darling.