Tarrant Memes

I can't get enough of him.

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That bottom half pic.

What did he say, there was no audio for that section, it bugs me.

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me too.at first i thought my headphones broke but then realised the sad truth

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towelheads triggered epic style

“alright lads just a couple more minutes”
something along those lines

Can we write to him in prison? I'm sure he would let us know what he said.

Maybe. Was hoping for something more shit poster ish. Really wanna know!

i send him a letter yesterday with some memes.


forget your memeflag schlomo?


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Damn nigga you shilling

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Nope. Tarrent is pushing pro zionist nationalism which pits whites against muslims while the kikes evade mention. If you believe that a Jow Forums shooter would completely leave out ZOG in his manifesto you're a retard.

Haha now fuck off. You are glowing.

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You're retarded bro
>hurr durr we must ally with muslims to deafeat Zog
lmfao, so dumb

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>hurr durr we must ally with muslims to deafeat Zog
Whats wrong with that? The kikes are an enemy to all races on the planet.

It's dumb because Muslims also want to destroy whites with their Islamic shit.
And to defeat Zog you don't need military power, you need to wake white people and show them what is happening

Stop being a sperg buddy, it was necessary to leave out kikes from the manifesto to keep it focused on Replacement Migration and Birthrates. If he'd chucked some kike red pills in their the msm would've had a field day claiming he was an anti-semite.



Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Coin Flip: Heads

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>he doesn’t have the version with audio

Shut the fuck up you schizophrenic retarded faggot

tarrant is right. we will need Israel’s helps to defeat islam

you’re a traitor fucking faggot if you think otherwise and Islam has already won if not

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>It's dumb because Muslims also want to destroy whites with their Islamic shit.
No they don't retard. The Muslims here are economic migrants being ferried in by jewish NGOs after the ZOG controlled NATO nations destroyes the ME.
>you need to wake white people and show them what is happening
Which is jewish control of our institutions. The jews have to be removed before the muslims are.
>it was necessary to leave out kikes from the manifesto to keep it focused on Replacement Migration and Birthrates
More normies are anti-Semitic than are racist. This strange excuse that people push that it would of being too optics unfriendly (after he murders 50 people lmao) is retarded.

Pretty sure the audio mutes coz he is changing audio source. Everywhere else OK, including the end where he talks about dropping the MAG.

>Schizo, take your meds!
>tarrant is right. we will need Israel’s helps to defeat islam
Kill yourself. The only reason Islam here is because of world jewry you retard.

fuck off kike


>More normies are anti-Semitic than are racist.
I mean you're just wrong about this, a lot of normies didn't care about the attack because it was done to Muslims that like to go around peace trucking in Europe and running over little girls.
>No they don't retard. The Muslims here are economic migrants being ferried in by jewish NGOs after the ZOG controlled NATO nations destroyes the ME.
Yes, they are simply an instrument. But they're a willing instrument, read their fucking holy book for fucks sake

The new zealand shooter was clearly a mossad false flagger! His actions have ended up making the west worse for no reason. Downvoted

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maximum fucking kek

This but unironically. Brenton Tarrant is on mossad payroll

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>I mean you're just wrong about this
Nope. Go outside.
>es, they are simply an instrument. But they're a willing instrument, read their fucking holy book for fucks sake
The only way to remove muslims from our nations is through mass deportation. The only way for that to happen is to have control of our institutions. If you don't connect the migrant problem to ZOG, you can never usurp the people in power.

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Youre a fucking retard how about you say schizo a million more times and see how much effect it has on real anons narrative.

You arent fucking shit bitch

Nah there’s a version with the audio in that section + better resolution. Will upload if you want it.

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The will just repeat the same things over and over in every single thread, no matter how many times they get BTFO or how many times their "evidence" gets debunked.

The Four Kinds of Shills To Sage:

1. The do nothing ever goyim shill.
2. The everything is fake you have no heroes shill.
3. The optics cuck shill.
4. The "oy vey he didn't give jews an eternal victim narrative, I'm mad he didn't criticize jews more explicitly" shill

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>Kill yourself. The only reason Islam here is because of world jewry you retard.

same is true of cuckstianity tbqh

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> implying the backwards fucks who've been at war with everybody that isn't them for a millennium and a half aren't.

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4 seems to contractict with 3 doesn't it? It seems like you just listed common grievances people have with the Tarrant shooting and dismissed them as shills. Good fucking argument.

Just type what he said, that ll satisfy my curiosity.. Not worth the hassle of a re upload, unless you insist. But just type what he said dammit.

Thanks user.

>>implying the backwards fucks who've been at war with everybody that isn't them for a millennium and a half aren't.
This applies to pretty much every group in history ever.

This is my power level!


So this is what it's like to be fucking braindead. Intredasting user.


>I have no argument

No it doesn't, he stated that he wants Jews out of Europe and he gave a tactical reason to why he focused on Muslims. He explains it well in his manifesto. If you don't want to read that or are incapable of understanding it, there is no point in having any kind of discussion with you. This has been done to death since the shooting happened.

He would be so offended by this

I have read it and he has no problem with Israel. You forget the part where he visited Israel and magically made enough money on crypto to travel the world. All i see are convoluted rationalization for why he doesn't mention ZOG. If you cant see the influence on the chans that tries to shove people into a Muslim vs White dialectic, that leaves out the jews than I don't know what to tell you.

Fake stories are being spread to support the narrative on here that the shooting was orchestrated by Mossad. Pic related. Look at the actual website, "Lorem ipsum dolor" (standard placeholder text when making websites) and the social media links are all empty placeholders as well. This is clearly a website that was quickly set up to spread a bunch of fake stories. If you think that Mossad was behind the attack, think again. Maybe they are just running an op to make us think this so we don't support Brenton. If this attack was genuine, they would be scared shitless that white men could follow his call and rise up as a result of this. The best way to turn Jow Forums against him is to spread doubt about him and make us think that he might be sent by Mossad when in reality, the opposite is the case and they are playing us as we are convinced that we are on to them. Just try debating with the false flag shills, you will quickly notice that they don't care about truth and just bring up the most ridiculous stuff to spread doubt, they spam and spam and spam, almost like they are coordinated. Just food for thought.

For people who think that he should have mentioned the Jews more explicitly, you clearly never read any of the stuff that the National Socialists wrote about good propaganda. You can't give people multiple enemies at once and you can't give them complicated reasons for why they are the enemy. Nuances confuse people. If one side deals in absolutes when spreading propaganda, while the other side tries to be nuanced, the ones that deals in nuances will be obliterated, If one side says "well if you support this guy, it's not the end of the world, but it would be better to support me" and the other side says "If you support this guy, everything will be over, only I can save us" who do you think people will support? Read Mein Kampf.

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Kek ok, he just said “hello lads” when he turns to face the camera. Most of the rest is pretty indistinguishable other than him basically wanting to wait a minute, as he was ahead of schedule. Presumably to let the mosque fill up.

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nice social justice relativism... Muh Crewsades!!! The Muslim community at large has done nothing to combat "extremism" (Islam in general) and has been consistently asking for special gibz because they're the true victims of Muslims killing, raping and cutting enclaves out of the West...

Yeah.... Muh fucking Magic Dirt is going to change all their minds if we just name the Jews. Okay buddy...

If we kill the enemy, THEY WIN!!!

If a dying patient comes to a hospital, the doctors will always first treat the symptoms. Only once the patient is stable enough to not die right away will they try to treat the root causes. There is no point in treating the causes if the patient dies from the symptoms. It is much easier to convince people to fight against the invasion itself, as it is clear to see for everybody, than it is to convince them of the hidden forces that caused that invasion.

It's impossible to argue with a fuckingbidiot, which, you clearly are.

Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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For people who think that he should have mentioned the Jews more explicitly, you clearly never read any of the stuff that the National Socialists wrote about good propaganda. You can't give people multiple enemies at once and you can't give them complicated reasons for why they are the enemy. Nuances confuse people.
Exactly retard. Anyone trying to get us upset at any group other than jews is destroying our movement. If the jews were terrified of Tarrant he wouldn't have received the media attention that he did. Bowers didn't receive a fraction of it and he went after a real enemy.

Youd like to take credit for that wouldnt you you dirty kike nigger. Are all you filthy kikes and shills going to spam false flag hurr durr mossad after the next one happens in iseral? I wish Israel would get nuked off the face of the earth.

>i have no argument

Cheers ears, that scratched my itch and I don't need to wonder any more.

Thnx m8y

The only way we can ever start to mass deport Muslims is if we aren't controlled by ZOG. Jews have to go first, If they don't, they'll be the only ones who benefit from a white/muslim conflict.

Cheer lad.

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Goys are such snowflakes

>Fake story that the shooting was orchestrated by Mossad.

They can’t even tell you’re trolling them.

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Yawn. Again, not with you. You're an idiot.

I'd be better off arguing with a piece of wood. It would have better comprehension.

Fucking leaf. "But muh muslims are frengz!"

Stupid fuck.

A bunch of Jews will get mowed down, fucking mowed down and all you shills would stfu then. Oh no bad goy. Ban the goys guns. Anything else happens on earth the shills are out in full force MOSSAD. False flag. Trying to create this illusion that these dirty kikes are really that powerful. Fuck these disgusting kike mother fuckers.

>I have no argument
I get it, stop repeating yourself.

Not gonna lie, if he had swapped out the word "lads" for "gents" it would have been ever so slightly more subverse.

That's pure hindsight tho and pretty nit picky.

Hi kike

How can you remove ZOG if you’re an oppressed minority? You think it’s hard now, just wait 3 more election cycles.

Even so, trying to top it is going to be very difficult.

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You don't wait until your an oppressed minority. Please tell me how you plan to remove millions of muslims if you don't have control over your own government?

You don't understand how bad the demographics are. There is absolutely no way to turn people against Jews before whites in Europe are a minority, but it would be possible to turn them against Muslims and reverse the replacement.
Option 1: Focus on Jews right now and become a minority
Option 2: Focus on Muslims, stop the replacement and focus on Jews afterwords

read Jews would love a white/muslim conflict while they still control our politicians, media and academia.

How many Jews are even in New Zealand? I live in Perth and have never encountered one i can't imagine NZ would have more. Attack the enemy that is closest to you.

I believe the ensuing conflict gives premise for a takeover of our governments. Fighting as white people, for white people gives rise to stronger nationalist movements, and much higher rates of growth than we experience now. It breeds ethnic consciousness, something we lack now, and can’t reproduce quick enough.

Agreed. And 2 years off-line planning cannot be stopped. This is a fact.

John key was a jew.

way too east schlomo, gas chambers for you

Heres a solution. Kill all politicians who are globalist agents for the Jews. What they are doing used to be called treason, now its celebrated.

Makes you wonder about all the anons who started planning a year and a half ago. A year ago. 5 months. The day he saw the video.

The fire rises boys. Can you feel it?

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Tarrant cant dino post

So you expect to be able to run paramilitary groups to deport millions of muslims while your governments and media are adamantly opposed to is? Deportations come after we are in control of our states. Anything else and the jew will use to conflict to spur Zionist nationalism. The media outlets will have people allying with Israel to defeat the Muslim menace. This is how isreap expands.

I agree, that's why ZOG has to be the thing we discuss.

He could if he was here.

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>Please tell me how you plan to remove millions of muslims if you don't have control over your own government?
First of all, lets make one thing clear. There is no democratic solution. When people say stuff like "Hitler was elected as well", they forget that the NSDAP was a legal party, it wouldn't be today. Most modern democracies are locked down, thinks that would be necessary to stop the replacement can not be advocated for by any party. The only way to stop this is to bring people to a point where they overthrow the current system entirely. Turning them against Muslims and showing them that the replacement can't be stopped without destroying the system will be enough. Jews can be dealt with after that.