How to overcome the mindset in this pic?

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This mindset makes me so fucking angry it's unreal. How can you be so disconnected from reality to think this is true?

Literally all you have to do is walk outside and look at young people socializing for 20 minutes to realize some of the men women view as the most undesirable are not all that physically attractive, some of them are even outright unpleasant looking one way or another.

That's not to say it's easy to get girls, or that anyone can do it. But it's NOT fucking looks that make this possible. It's psyche, personality, vibes, etc.

The uncomfortable truth is that looks are easy to fix. Anyone can work out, wear nice clothes, practice manscaping to up their appearance a few levels. EVEN IF none of that works then there is STILL the option of plastic surgery to literally change your face. BUT THE ONE THING YOU CANNOT CHANGE IS PERSONALITY. You cannot get "personality surgery" to change you from an awkward scared autist into a Chad. So if you were unlucky enough to have a shit upbringing like I did that fucked up your mental health, or to have autism like I do, you are SHIT OUT OF LUCK and no amount of physical good looks will help you.

Not even remotely true. Look at all the ugly dudes that are famous.

That said, women don’t care as much about physical appearance compared to men. They don’t

Remember Seth Rogan exists

All the data says that women care more about appearance than men

this post is the reason why I remind myself that Jow Forums is trully a worthless shithole on this website and comes in second


T. Incel who lifts, wears clothes, has good hygiene, speaks 3 languages, is 6'2 tall, is not dumb by any metric

I dont think i have bad morals and i just want meaningfull relationship where i can love and care for other person

Guess what
Face is more important than all above apparently

It's not a fucking cope if I'm an incel too you fucktard

I tried everything but nothing will work because I have nuclear grade autism that actively repulses girls even when they are initially attracted to me. Seeing girls go from hanging on my arm and grinding on me to not even acknowledging my existence once they realize how autistic I am is soul crushing

I get regularly outplayed by guys who are far shorter than me, fatter than me, babyfaced fuckers, balding guys, you name it. All because they aren't autistic and actually know how to talk to and make moves on girls

Jow Forums is just an aggregate of haters and stephan hawking said women are “a complete mystery” so don’t think in absolutes like this stupid chad shit

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Are you kidding?
Women will date the ugliest frog-looking motherfuckers just because they have a great personality or they're fun to be around.
Look at comedians like Danny Devito or Steve Buscemi or Seth Rogan.

I'm good looking and good body and I'm empty. Everyone just wants to have sex with me and not be my friend.

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It gets at something true
>being attractive is a form of privilege
but then falsely relates that to some incel level logic
>so that's why you're lonely, depressed, ect. because you're inherently wrong

It's the same reason conspiracy theories work OP, it's taking a nugget of truth and seeing a pattern or relationship that just isn't there. attractive people have plenty of privileges that's definitely a real and understood effect in our society. that has absolutely nothing to do with you if you're unattractive though, by definition because it does not apply to you.

Yes your life will not be handed to you like it would be for an attractive person, but that doesn't work both ways. Your life is not bad BECAUSE of the unattractiveness, it would just be less shitty if you had that added boost.

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>This your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to.
>You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.

Although it's cheesey, it's true. You can't leave and you can't get out.

Someone's apperance has a massive effect on the outcome of their life, and ugly people must be exceptional in other areas in order to break while attractive people have to be exceptionally untalented in order to have a shit life.

>The uncomfortable truth is that looks are easy to fix.
This is true for a decent portion of the population, but incredibly frustrating for the genuinelly ugly people with awful bone structure who have already maxed out their appearance.

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Literally 90% of successful successful people, especially celebrities are incredibly attractive unless they're known for being unnattractive eg. Danny Devito and they've made it their 'thing'.

>women don’t care as much about physical appearance compared to men. They don’t
This is the biggest lie that women have ever made, Women care just as much about looks as much as men, the difference is that a lot of men just finish it there and women add on a hundred other requirements that men don't care about.

Women want to believe they don't care about looks but that doesn't make it true.

>Look at comedians like Danny Devito or Steve Buscemi or Seth Rogan.
You are a meme.
>Balding isn't so bad. Just look at the Rock!
Anomalies will never stop existing.

>l-look at these rich comedians getting laid, I'm j-just autistic

Go outside and walk through a busy downtown area.

Count how many men you see as goodlooking as the one in your OP pic.

Unless you're living in NYC I doubt you will see a SINGLE one.

It's like complaining you weren't born into a super rich family.

That wall of text would have been congruent even next to an Elliot Rodger's pic

Understand that wealth is a great substitute for looks, if you have neither then RIP

Jow Forums said my face is nothing to be afraid of so i dont really care

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It's really so utterly misguided and retarded that there's no way to explain to you how to not think this way. It would be like explaining to a child why the moon isn't made of cheese. You just have to figure it out.

Fuck yes you can chance your personality. I've done that several times.

Ever wondered what happens if you only allow yourself to say positive things for a month while only thinking positive thoughts? The brain is malleable.

personality is typically very stable after adolescence

I'd love to say that your comment has made me angry, maybe it would have in the past, but I'm not really phased by this. Just a bit of "Here we go again".

On the one hand, you're completely right that personality is the ONE deciding factor. One the other hand, you are very wrong to think that you can't change it. There are certain parts of personality that are pretty hard scripted, but those are not the important things.
The SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING is CHARACTER. HOW you think and your APPROACH to everything.

Character can be built. Character makes you attractive.

Now listen here. I've been an awkward, anti-social and ignored angsty teenager for YEARS. Then I became the slightly autistic guy that noone takes seriously or ever really likes.
But at some point in my life, I started to change. Because I was sick of it, and because I believed firmly that I could get what I want if I worked hard for it and that I had all the right information that made me THINK in the right ways. I started to get fit, made approaches and failed and failed and failed.
It's easy to say that it's unfair because your parents made you this way or that your face isn't pretty and all the other stuff.

It's so fucking easy to find excuses.

But I didn't take any excuses. I kept on doing, ever slightly improving yet failing, but knowing that I was on the right way and only needed practice and experience.
After three years, everyone around me noticed changes. All elder women in my family said I look 'more like a man', 'more grown up and manly' and I'd personally say my face alone has improved from a 4-5 to as 7 at least.

Psyche has a GIGANTIC effect on appearance.

I'm not going to deny that there are pretty and ugly people, but there are ugly people who look fucking attractive. Charisma can be learned. It's all about your mindset. If you are REALLY convinced you have it in you, you WILL have success eventually. If you are secretly bitter about the world, you WON'T.

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It is all by design to push all of these notions of "perfection" in order to make people feel inadequate about themselves and what they have in life. Years ago, people worried about living up to the standards of magazine models. Now with the internet, people are bombarded by this crap 24/7 365 days a year. People who are insecure about themselves will spend more money on goods and services to try and live up to their perceived ideal and think that this will make them happy in the long run. Hence we have the empty and shallow social media and selfie culture that we have today where people seem beautiful with exciting lives and material goods and yet they are all miserable and lacking in their own souls. Don't believe the hype. It is all by design too in order to prevent this younger generation from truly seeing past the bullshit presented to us from those who run the show.

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Now one interesting thing is happening in my lfie: While I noticed my improvement over the years, I also noticed that almost everyone around me, ESPECIALLY the chads, did not improve. They are the very same people as years ago and they'll continue to be as time goes by. However, since they are not improving, I'll eventually overtake them.

For example, my best friend is a true 9/10 chad. Years ago, he was lightyears above me in every aspect, even belittled me and didn't really take me seriously. His opinion of me has changed gigantically. He respects me now fully and sees me on the same level as him.
It's the same with everyone else. I get much more attention from women and people want to be my friends now. It started very very slowly, but like an avalanche it gets bigger, faster.

If, years ago, I didn't stop to blame my parents, my appearance, the world and the universe for everything that was wrong with me, I'd still be the whiny little unsuccesful beta cunt incel today.

Get your ass up and make a fucking change.

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I live in NYC, you don't see that many. I think looks are important for men and women, but people over-exaggerate how good you need to look/how "ugly" they are. Yes, there are some genuinely ugly people but the chances that all of them are here bitching on Jow Forums is unlikely. People here just complain way too much because life isn't easy.

>failed normie ages slightly better than peers
wow congratz dud

I want to die

Which data?

>How to overcome the mindset in this pic
Simple really. Guy in the pic isn't good looking, he's in good shape, and unless you have some congenital deformity you could look like that in 5 months or less; just hop on 200mg test e for 10 weeks training 4 times a week to build your fitness levels, then do 12 weeks 400mg test and 400mg tren (5 day bro split with 2 back sessions a week) before cruising on your previous test dose. It's not even expensive and diet is a total meme, eat whatever you want just get 2500 calories and 120 grams of protein a day.

>b-b---b-b-b--but it's unhealthy
It isn't, but even it were, who fucking cares? You hate your life anyway, just fucking try it. If you feel like stopping just blast some HCG for a few weeks then gobble your serms and you're good to go.

Women don't care much about face. Work out. Have a nice personality.
Being tall will get you further than being an attractive man.

> just fuck your hormones for life bro

> just lift your height bro

Except that doesn't happen. The suppression from long term TRT is reversible with HCG, not a single published study shows otherwise.

what about your balls, tits, hair and bacne?

Very nice dosages, straight out of Jow Forums.
Gonna make it

Testicular fullness returns as the leydig cells begin to activate again.
That's estrogen, not testosterone. Managing it with supplementary medication is trivial.
Jesus the broscience here, if you're going to go bald you're going to go bald and that's simply genetics at play; higher levels of testosterone, in turn converted to dihydrotestosterone will accelerate the process, not cause it.

Didn't realise a 50/50 split of test/tren was common advice anywhere.

Stop needing sex so badly. Holy shit, like six words in and this guy's obsession with sex is so apparent I can practically feel it physically.

Stop it. Just fucking... stop. And yes, that's the advice, because you're god-damned adults and at some point in your life, your willpower has to be good for fucking SOMETHING. You can't be 26 and unable to self-motivate. You just won't make it. You'll be one of those lifers at Wendy's or Walmart, the one nobody likes because they're a grey-hair that has a shitty attitude because they've worked Walmart for sixty fucking years.

Get off Jow Forums