
I am dog, *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump* *shloump*

Attached: dog chewing 2.jpg (342x296, 46K)

Attached: 1DA90283-AE17-4871-82D4-883F6ACBD66E.jpg (640x626, 86K)

*licks your mouth*

I am dino
munch munch munch


bad doggy


ok how do i do this shit before it goes away

ok got it

damn it🐸

this is dumb

Based and dogpilled

makes one wonder🐶

Attached: 1549130318151.jpg (960x960, 95K)

Attached: pitbulls.jpg (640x960, 66K)


liked and upvoted

I was walking somewhere with my dad and we saw a dog licking itself. he said "don't you wish you could do that?"

I said, "You better pet him first, he looks kinda mean."

this thread again eh?

Attached: protectiondoggo.webm (720x402, 1.33M)

immediately proceeds to lick your face. the best is when my dog is in heat and has blood all over her face and proceeds to lick me

Attached: 1527367769071.jpg (438x437, 20K)

My dog breathes as heavily as an obese woman who ran across Walmart after doing this.
I guess she never thought to breathe when shloumping

based and dogertpilled

Attached: dogert.png (566x372, 279K)

implying you wouldn't do this too if you were flexible enough.