Why are you not mewing Jow Forums? You can't save the white race of you look like a subhuman with no chin.
eat shit
Just lose weight and chew gum you overcomplicating fuck.
After you subhuman mouth-breather
>implying I didn't figure this shit out for myself after smoking a few bongs
>Putting tongue on roof of mouth where it should be
Brainlets: do not try this
I self-bump because I want pol to look sexy again
Oops forgot to attach pic
photo tricks are always used in these. how about you rotate the right pic so it's in line with the left one?
frito o'swalwell
>Trusting (((British orthodontic society))) making billions every year from unnecessary metal train tracks on people's teeth instead of a guy who gives out free information and has proven results
Found the kike
thats not a refutation, but it discouraging that he never published any proper studies on the effect.đ¸
Gotta agree with this, appeal to authority is a logical fallacy for a good reason.
The complaint that âhe sells a book to make money! Therefore he is a fraud!â is fucking ridiculous too.
I've always had proper tongue posture and have a solid jaw line so I might be biased but it makes sense on some level. can't hurt not being a mouth breather
too old now
maybe if I knew this when I was a younger man
My front teeth need to touch each other or no?
It can be done at any age, epiphyseal plates in the skull donât fuse.
not necessarily, although you will look like an african if they don't.
it's perfectly healthy to have a gap.
>Braces are unnecessary
Get a load of this dumb dumb over here
if I dont touch them, my jaw goes to the back. know what I mean? when I align my front teeth, my jaw goes forward.
Looks like its necessary.
>You can't save the white race of you look
do u engrish?
I have unironically been trying this the past few weeks. Itâs a big awareness exercise. Do you even have the control over your own body to hold your tongue in a certain position?
Can also report mad tongue muscle gains. Pretty soon Iâll be able to open a can of beer with my tongue.
So you are telling me that if I just start mewing I can magically change my BMI to 12 percent?
Facial structure and bmi are to completely independent subjects that can both be improved upon with certain methods
Imagine that
Based. Why would you trust the society shilling fluoride and mercury amalgams as 100% safe?
so to do it, you just push the tip of your tounge to the point where your front incisors and gums meet,then flatten out the rest of your tounge to the roof of your mouth, and breath through your nose?
Whatever I have a good jawline so I don't really give a fuck anyway
You can see the scar under his ear, he got a neck lift. You will get a good result doing the surgery when youâre young like that guy, the skin snaps back nicely.
t. plastic surgeriet
jawline obsessed pansies.
did none of you have real dads? Is this what you think being masculine means you worthless subhumans? God my race is such a cringey fucking joke.
yes, because being a mouthbreather is BAD.
and an indication that you have some other health issue preventing you from using the nose.
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
>trusting the word of (((medical associations)))
Fucking hell I laughed. Cheers
I did and I shifted my skull sutures around to become extra powerful but the real secret lies in releasing the dura mater.
sizable if substantiated
We (calisthenics and lifting fags) naturally mew with our work outs. Bless me by the Lord that he done made my father influence me to lift at age 14 (so many other boys were DYEL, sad).
Goddamn user I just watched Scarface earlier tonight and my sides are in orbit
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for this share. I've asked doctors, dentists how to position my tongue in my mouth, they say just however you're comfortable. I knew they were wrong. I bet this is good not only for your neck and haw but proper teeth alignment. I grew up as a mouth breather and I've been working on getting better. Thank you.
Lmao this. I look at my mouth, chin, and stretch everything. You really feel it bc of the cotton mouth and subsequent water drinking.
I try to mew during the day but my fucking allergies clog my nose at night. Doesnât help that I have pretty narrow nostrils so itâs even harder the breathe. On top of that I have a narrow palette and not enough space in my mouth because my dentist removed 4 molars then loved my teeth back. I want to find a dentist that will work with me to expand my palate but there are very few.
They seem a little crazy and money grabby but I like that they're advocating tongue exercise, /fit would approve no doubt
He's advocating free exercise, so if course they're after him. But he needs to produce results, science to prove it, tho I suspect advocating exercise works better than thousand dollar braces
>where it should be
You what?
This, I've looked into it and found the studies to prove it. Mouth breathing fucks with the structure of your face. It causes that Roman nose ( bump in the middle ) as well as other shit
that's a shadow m8
t. has eyes
ho shit a floating face
This is the natural place for the tongue to rest, it clears the throat of any blockages, slowly pushes the middle of the face outwards creating better facial structure, makes it impossible to mouthbreathe and makes you into a halfchad(the other half is clenching your jaw all day)
ok but how do you know it doesn't work
orthodontics makes a bigger difference
I bet you have a lot of sex
I do
Pic related(I look better now)
fake and gay
t. Dentist, New York State Dental Association
>the other half is clenching your jaw all day)
TMJ only happens with improper tongue placement fren.
what are you guys going to do about that super cancer yall get from drilling fillings?
>have a decent jawline
>still a virgin
Send help
If you want the best jaw you can have you need your teeth in alignment so you can properly chew on your back teeth. Pressure on the teeth through eating causes the jaw bone underneath said tooth to grow.
Your teeth drift forward naturally as you get older. This means the back molars will move off being above the jaw angle.
-Keep good hygiene (otherwise it causes bone loss and the teeth will drift and crowd even moreso)
-Get any missing teeth fixed with implants
-Get braces or invisalign to keep teeth straight and molars at the back of the jawbone
orale, Alex Jones.
I've been trying to train myself to do this for a while now but only by pushing the chin forward so my teeth rest on one another. Didn't even realize I have a slight overbite and my chin looks shitty from the profile until I went to Jow Forums
As long as my upper teeth rest on lower teeth in literally transforms my entire face, but the muscles below my ear tire out
That's a tantric thing too.
I think I have a pretty good manly jawline. I was always a nose breather whilst my brother is a mouth breather and his jaw didn't develop as sharp as mine.
Being able to breathe properly is essential I guess.
My dad done force me (I was shy) to talk to girls at age 12. He said I needed to talk to 4 girls a day, five minutes each (at minimum). By age 14, I've put in many hundreds of hours, experiencing nonchalant talk and banter with girls (able to gauge, note body language and understand facial cues). Many guys never went through this. It's unfortunate.
ya all just a bunch of fag.
Suck a cock a day, keep the weak jawline away. (it place the tongue very well)
who would have thought right?
>Many guys never went through this
I also had clogged nostrils, turned out to be due to a low level virus my body was having trouble fighting off that had spread to my sinuses. Go to a naturopath maybe
My tongue is always at the roof of my mouth, wtf where else do people put it?
simply live in he countryside.
If you have to mew than you didnât have a properly developed childhood. I never even heard of this until someone mentioned it on here with a chin meme.
His chin is pretty yoked, does he mew too much?
I've had a Chad jaw since I was 15 and I always breathed through my mouth lol
I should be surprised that people fall for this hoax but we live in a clown world.
in your mom's pussy
>He's not born with natural sharp Caucasian features
You're all getting the rope you filthy betas
after last night?
I grew up in a single parent household (mother). I've been shy my whole life. INTJ life though.
> all of these shitskin and mongrel JAWlets
If you descend from Germanic or Celtic lineages, then you have that chad jawline that used to be prominent in Europe before WW2.
What's the name of that gum like stuff that's hard to chew but doesn't give you cancer the way chewing gum does?
This. only half bred mutts and kikes are born with weak chins
It's not only that, but he suffers from asthma too. Being able to breathe down the diaphragm is key too. Chest breathers are creating all kinds of problems for themselves.
You should be losing weight, getting buff and maintaining proper posture anyway.
Poor excuse for the master race if you look like a tard.
>tfw jawlets can't keep their mustache
I'm INTJ too but don't have a problem talking to women at all, although I forced myself to do it until I could do it naturally. I do have a big problem connecting with people because I usually have completely different interests form literally everyone I talk to. I guess as INTJ you're naturally more inclined to have inward focused interest unlike vast majority of the people
Absolutely true. If you are a jawlet then you are not white and 99% likely to be gay
I'm half ruralfag and cityfag. It's not really the location, but most male classmates I knew in school were socially crippled to talk to girls. Lifting early in my teens and being in the baseball team did help me; truth be told, I've never (personally bought or owned) been a desktopfag, phonefag reporting in (always out).
Furthermore if you are below 6´1 and a beardlet you are also not white
>I guess as INTJ you're naturally more inclined to have inward focused interest unlike vast majority of the people
Yeah. I know way too much about ancient history/military history/art history than most people. That's been my main focus these past 14 years.
I did. I went to an extremely small school. I bantered with girls every day. Still do
>phonefag reporting in
Ah okay nevermind. Yikes
>Twitch slang
Fair enough and bless your heart, son.
>tongue on roof of the mouth
i do this naturally. seems like the most comfortable position.
> tfw strong jaw and high cheekbones.
>tfw 5'8"
kek even this German qts has a better jaw than all of these jawlet mongrel and shitskin incels
the Germanic jaw needs to be preserved for future generations of chad whites
can confirm all jawlets are mutts or nonwhite
Their jaw is even bigger than yours