What's wrong with him?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He is a pathetic drunk wallowing in self pity, trying to convince himself he flushed his career down the toilet for some greater good. His wife will eventually leave him and she will have no problem getting a restraining order and he will only have limited supervised visits with his children. This will lead to him drinking more and even more reckless behavior he will completely isolate his audience and end up living with some fan who is just as worthless and pathetic as him. As big as he is his heart or liver will fail quickly with all the excessive drinking and he will be dead before 50.

Is this Mersh or the other fat loser?

Bear Squad unite!

the moon is fucking FLAT!!!

Nice demoralization psyop. Owen probably doesn't lurk here, so it's wasted. You seem to be very familiar with such scenarios though user. Put the spirits down and stop shilling for shekels. It'll never fill that void

From what I've seen he is maybe a little erratic, emotional, stubborn, sensitive to criticism, very religious.

But he is also officially:
>against mass immigration
>child rape
>for Logos and God
>freedom of speech
>being a good husband and father
>able to reject money for his values
>willing to call out liars and cowards
>willing to give a platform outside of controlled media

I think he's a good lad. I'm not fully sold on him, because only children have 'heroes', but I've added him to my watch list to see where his story goes next. Very interesting and insightful person. Funny too.

>sup bears, no homo
>sup, homo bear
>today, I cut trees
>I'm like intelligent, right mom?
>sodomite jews
>aaaaaaaannnnnd now you're banned
>that's literally insaaaaayyyynnnneeee
>I'm not crazy
>It's brain damage
>Toe Rogan is 5' 4"
>you're retarded
>my mom told me my IQ is definitely high
>I'm man-sized, 6' 8"
>I have a mustache, no pedo
>Vox Day
>we never went to the moon
>ducks have 20 penises
>no one's having a better time than us
>today, I did day labor since comedy doesn't pay the bills
>Mike Tyson stole my bike
>now you're banned for life
>filthy sodomite
>Toe Rogan is 5' 1"
>you're all cowards
>thanks for paying my bills
>dood, I'm like really fucking smart
>5ft of solid penis to breach my anus
>I'm gonna land the plane
>Toe Rogan is literally pocket sized
>3.14 IQ
>fuck you sodomite
>it's the Jews
>I'm a quarter Jew

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First sentence is right but his wife won’t leave him and he’s not a drunk.

He’s a white girl with daddy issues in a man’s body.

Claims to be high iq, yet fooled by stupid nigger


Owen loved Peterson and shipped for him until Peterson rejected him, same with Alex Jones same with Joe Rogan he is not brave he is not calling out anyone. He is just the angry rejected girlfriend.

You’re pretty much right. I stopped watching him once he got all preachy. There’s only a select few people from whom I will accept life advice. Currently, there are no comedians on that list.

He was crying when Eric jewstein told him he was bad for his brand and didn't want him to be part of his internet dark web or whatever the fuck it was called. He is now stuck with vox day...lol vox day is his rebound girlfriend

Seems like everyone he works with he ends up fighting with or hating. Seems like he is the problem. Seems like a drunken Patrick little at this point.

He can't even stream in the house. She is already sick of his shit. He will get drunk and push it to far and she will be gone.

interesting point, but it could just means he really values loyalty


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Owen is his own worst enemy. He's obviously bipolar or something and from what I can tell isn't getting help. He's either gonna kill himself or lose his family.

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Muahaha link plz I want it HAHAHA Based owen naming the Jew on the daily.

Kikaroni detectaronied

So what's going on with this guy, and why do we care?

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Owen is not loyal or a stand up guy. He gossips on YouTube like a little bitch. He has addmited that many of these people never realised he was upset and that they wanted to talk to him but he would rather just shit on them in Live streams. He seems really loyal. It's only a matter of time before him and vox are shitting on each other.

He was a successful Jewlywood actor, saw the evil from the inside, and rejected it all.

Talented, smart, religious and most of all FUNNY.

Humor is very very dangerous to (((Them)))

God bless Owen Benjamin.

Naming the jew, lol he only does controversial shit to remain relevant. He is a new collecting them shackles. He doesn't talk for more than 30 min without asking to send him money. Keep falling for it retards.

>>for Logos and God
no he is not. He is a totally profane asshole

Oh you're right how silly of me.

He was a c list Celeb who was already failing and he thought being edgy woulf bring him fame. He didn't call anything out until after his career tanked he would still be sucking on Hollywood jew dick if they would let him

Ok. But what brought this revelation on? Did he post a video or something?

All you have to do is look at his history, by the time he was doing anything contravertial his career was on a downward slide. He was trying to rebuild it on Twitter facebook and YouTube. He was just trying to be edgy. He never named the jew while he was in Hollywood he never did much of anything that would get him in trouble until after his career already had tanked he didnt throw it away.

Ok. So this is nothing new, then. So why are we talking about it?

>What's wrong with him?

Ans. christcuck

Damn, what did royce ever say that upset you? Mersh flips constantly on who he likes/shit talks due to his ADD and getting molested as a kid, but Royce is just a harmless follower.


Owen calling out the jews now because it's good for buisness he does whatever keeps the donations rolling in .

This is most jewish thing I've ever read here.

You just need to listen to one of owens live stream promo code send me shekels feed the bear

Watching you sperg is all I need to know about him, thanks.

Is owen a nigger or a jew. He can't go 20 min without shilling for donations.

He names the Jews on YT, that's enuf 4 me.

examples? i do think he might have NPD but I haven't seen him selling his friends down the river, it seems to be the other way around, which usually happens to people who name the jew.

Rolled 78 (1d100)

>be owen benjamin
>piano comedian
>try acting
>10 year b celebrity
>hit jackpot and get engaged with christina ricci
>rage breakup
>find jesus
>call out leftist trans rights child abuse
>go full right wing e celeb
>name the sodomite
>blacklisted harder
>name the jew
>days are numbered
>start a cult


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>I'm a quarter Jew
1/8, at most. One of his great grandparents had jewish ancestry.

It was a female so he's authentic jewish descendant, he's also a Zionist. Check my blog for more info

I hope he eventually starts to pick up that Christianity is the reason for the cuckening of the West and converts to Islam.

He already began down the path of questioning the bs he was fed by others, why stop now.

He is very obnoxious. It makes me wince at how hard he tries to make a joke. A long break from internets would do his mind wonders.

I assume thats code for "i know jews who know mossad agents", he's gone mental

youtu.be/WXmYo4GeJy8 This does not bode well.

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I don’t know who this guy is but you sound like a Jew bra.



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Islam is worse.

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147 IQ behaviour

wtf he's literally retarded

A woman contacted Vox Day and said that youtube emailed her that she would be refunded the superheats to Owen and didn't receive them and when she called youtube told her that superheats are not refundable even though Owen "said" the superheats from Jan. and Feb. would have to be refunded.

"superchats" fucking auto correct.

I bet owen kept the money

There's going to be a fallout with Day, either Day will ride Owen like a cheap hooker for the shekels or he will do something against Owen's "morals" and Owen will blast him like everyone else.

just another euro fag that forgot his christian history. what a surprise


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Owen seems like a guy who took too many redpills but genuinely believes in what he's saying.

Personally I feel bad for the Owen we literally watched someone go off the rails in real time but at the same time he doesn't help himself, this all started with the stupid moon shit and how did that start?

>What's wrong with him?
literally, High IQ, too much time on his hands and mental break down. (probably some sort of psychotic episode)

(((They))) keep people like him around because it allows (((them))) to link possible conspiracy theories with outrage insane ones.

>He is a pathetic drunk wallowing in self pity, trying to convince himself he flushed his career down the toilet for some greater good

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>this all started with the stupid moon shit and how did that start?
I blame the glowniggers.
And by that I mean infowars.

Day will maintain neutrality & continue to scheme to get followers & shekels out of this relationship, that's his MO.

Some one should send Owen this shirt, let him know that Jow Forums cares. (aafnation.com hint hint wink wink)

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>What's wrong with him?
acting for them huwhite shekels

He looks like that type of person, Day's dad is in prison for tax evasion.

everything he says about the jews is true though

I know, despite that I like his books & think he's doing more good than bad, he's just a shekel grubber.

RoTC opinion regurgitation.

When did rotc say that? I'm making an assumption based of of Owen's track record not off of something overheard.

Steven crowder, Jordan Peterson, Eric Nimmer, Aaron Hartling, Alex Jones, anyone in the chat with a differing opinion, and it will be the same with Vox Day, it's not a matter of if it's just when, unless Vox Day will tolerate Owen's nonsense to get shekels from Owen's fans too.

>not just my struggle
Was he dog whistling Mein Kampf?

good kekkles

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>hey i might be wrong, but im not lying
>lets talk it out man
>oh, your banned
>see I dont need people coming here and telling me they disagree with me
>free speech in really important and the jews are trying to take it away from us
>your banned
>jordan peterson, a complete fraud
>the talmud refers to people as animals
>banned, I dont need your jew apologetics on my channel
>dude, my kids aren't animals
>hey reddit bear, thanks for the donation
>alright bears i want to play on my shitty electric piano
>coldplay is gay
>ha ha, yeah so jordan peterson, a complete fraud
>vox wrote a book on it, and found out that when he was 14, he was a socialist
>you cant trust him. he just deplatforms people he disagrees with
>okay your banned
>like stop complaining, its really tiresome
>dude i change my mind all the time, its all about the journey
>me and crowder are still buds.
>he may have fired me, but we still talk on the phone and I have mad respect for him

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He's such a genuine and likable guy. I've been watching his transformation these last couple months and it reminded me of myself when I went through the redpilling process and whatnot. I hope to god something doesn't happen to him.

>literally, High IQ

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Tell me all about how Owen hurt you when you got banned little bear.

Life advice should only be accepted from Jordan B. Peterson and no one else. Fact.

Itt kikes show how butt hurt they are that the goyim are waking up.


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He's Sam Hyde done right. Lets compare the two:
-Is a devout Christian
-Even though his beliefs are evolving constantly in the redpilled direction, he's not afraid to openly state and defend them at any given time.
-Is a father and has a family, respects traditional values and honesty.
-Is actually funny and can do a decent standup routine without needing to read his jokes off a sheet of paper.
-Doesn't beg for money.
-Values his friends.

-Godless nihilist.
-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
-Lost his comedic luster years ago (probably because he fried his brain with steroid injection abuse), hides behind whats left of his comedy to the point that you wonder if he actually believes anything at all.
-Acts like a complete kike, where he literally pretended to be poor for fan sympathy/donations even though he's crypto-rich.
-Alienates people that get close to him and only keeps company with sycophants.

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oh look, it's that shitty leaf slendering based Owen again.

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