GF hit me

My girlfriend was being very rude to me in front of my coworkers by speaking to me in a ugly tone that was visible to everyone. I proceeded to flick her lighly in the head so she could get the message but she reacted by swinging her arm as hard as she could to my side( in front of everyone). Afterwards I lost my temper when we were in private and was yelling to her about the situation and now she's made herself the victim. Should we breakup ?

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Dump her or die as a beta cuck shithead

two wrongs don't make a right

you can fix this easily. It doesn't sound like you love eachother though. You or Her

>One OP makes post about beating gf
>lol go die she should break up and report you to the police
>One OP makes a post about being beaten by gf
>get told you can fix this, called a beta cuck

Get her to apologise for hitting you and make her promise to never hit you again. If she doesn't agree to or if she hits you in the future break up with her.
She might have just been angry and not realised she was out of line, but you can't be in a relationship with somebody who doesn't respect you.


Attached: police.gif (480x270, 315K)

She did apologize but she's done stuff similar to that in public but never to this degree.

>Lost her shit and hit you
>Made herself the victim
How have you not already broken up with this bitch?

if you've been in a relationship youd understand. Once she makes herself the victim I am convinced its my fault since i did yell at her pretty harshly after wards.

naw man I get it

you're not the only one that has been pussywhipped

these guys are making level headed points

Dude that's so fucking cringe. Both parties are at fault here.

hehe too late I just broke up with her for now. Thanks for the free advice losers

If you are looking for a woman who isn't going to make herself the victim, you're not going to find one. So that shouldn't be part of your decision.

nah, just want her to act like a adult in pubic and respect me. but yes from my previous relatioships; all bitches is crazy

Sounds like nothing, because it us nothing. If all you did was flick her then it means nothing. The second touch strike her like you would a man, then the relationship means nothing.

Flicking means nothing, in fact breaking up with her would make this worse. You really don't know much about women, do you?

That made zero sense

Why would you flick her you moron? If you'd calmly asked her not to be disrespectful you would have come out on top. Now you both look like dumbasses. The relationship is over, you two must be toxic

I know. Get over it. Next?

Guys always go on about "if a woman slaps me I have to right to knock her out" but then you flick her and she slaps you and suddenly "how dare you"

fucking pathetic

Op literally slapped her then yelled at her and is acting like a victim here
Fact is men do this a lot more and think women do it because they project their own faults onto them

You girls are making a lot of sense today. Are you all the same one? Anyway. You're alright.

>flicked her head
Good job escalating it, shithead. Break up.

girls always go on about how "guys should never hit a woman, even if she hits him first", what a load of horseshit.

>flicked her head
You sound like a passive-aggressive faggot. Break up with her.

OP could probably kick the everlasting shit out of her if he tried though. Don't feel too empowered.

A man is usually more physically dangerous than his girl. You're supposed to not be a pussy and de-escalate the situation. But I mean if some lady punches you in the jaw might as well give her the 1-inch punch right?

-An Essay on Heterosexual Violence

and here we are right out the gate and already making excuses for female-on-male violence.

Maybe you bitches overestimate our superpowers. When I was a pup, my gf socked me one, just playing around, I shrugged it off.. Broke three fucking ribs. Still poking my lung 25 years later. Thanks Sonya.

Of course it isnt right but if you have the power to annihilate her dont you think showing some restraint is more noble? But maybe youre not an idealist. Just knock her the fuck out and break up with her right? Better to break people down than to build them up.

You absolute cuck, women can't hurt you physically.

>more noble
This isn't the middle ages. I give what I get, not more or less. If a women never gets physical with me then I won't with her either, but the reverse is also true.

That's just dumb dude. I'm a badass motherfucker and showed no signs of pain and never went to get it fixed. She fucked my shit up.

Being rude in front of coworkers is definitely the biggest offence here.
Drop her.
From a fucking mountain.

You clearly got butthurt over it so why pretend otherwise

Those are fond memories bro.