Anxious about teachings of MGTOW

Hi guys.

Recently, I have been really anxious, depressed and lost from so many mgtow/red pill videos I have seen. I have heard so many horror stories about relationships, "truths" about female nature (hypergamy, women don't actually care about you unless you can provide them something, love doesn't exist, etc.) And that game doesn't exist (so if I'm short and not best looking guy in world, I'm fucked)

What is your opinion on their teachings?

Like this is not even half of the videos I have seen:

What do you think?

Attached: 2908254-YZHLFGOH-6.jpg (375x467, 17K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Watch this too.

It's a great way to stop getting invited to social circles of anything but "redpilled MGTOW."

What a bunch of crap.

MGTOW and Red Pill do have some legit points, but there also is a lot of bullshit. There are good women out there.

It's not easy to find one, but not impossible.

Like most of the contemporary internet "movements" or "philosophies" or what you call them, MGTOW starts by analysing a problem.

They are correct about identifying the problem here, there is inequality in divorce and custody courts. Men in general do get screwed over some aspects in life about education, some job fields, draft (which is a real thing in several first world countries).

Where it goes erray is usually comes down to identifying the cause of the problems and potential solutions. This is where personal biases, anecdotes and other influences come in, where the bait wnd switch happens. You have to be vigilant here so you dont become and ideologue.

When it comes to MGTOW, yes there are legitimate points, justice system inadequacies, circumcisions (this i have personal gripe with, this will be seen barbaric in a few centuries but for now as seen the norm), paternity fraud, infidelity, becoming a beta provider, workplace deaths, homelessness, unequal spending in sex specific cancer research funding, reforming the education system to fit better for girls leading the boys falling behind in every step including university graduation rates, hatred of men in general because the top %1 of people actions..

But the conclusions and potential solutions from that are wrong. Most inequalities mentioned are caused by other more prominent issues, maybe wages being dampened by automation and immigration leading to homelessness. So you have to keep an open mind and not give into any specific ideology, liste yo everyone but keep an open mind.

To add something more.

Stop watching that shit and watch something like RSD, Todd V Dating and/or Based Zeus

It's possible to extract the validity of a message without becoming an ideologue, provided you're not a complete retard.

misery loves company user
the point is to make you select yourself out of the dating game so you can join them in their misery

Careful with these youtube PUA coaches.
Their main business is selling you ideas that are marketable to them.
They are telling you things to make money off of you.
A lot of it is legit advice, albeit pretty much common sense stuff, but there is also a lot of horsecrap being peddled.
Remember: These guys are making their money with this stuff, they will always aim to give you the idea that you are just off by ONE BIT, you just need that little extra and you can fuck any women like the guys in the videos.
You can learn from it, but never spend money on it.

100 year old Vaudeville joke:

PATIENT (moving arm or something) Doctor, it hurts when I do this.
DOCTOR: So don't do that.

YOU: It depresses me when I watch these videos
DOCTOR: . . . . . . . .

You're just looking for an excuse for your inability to fuck women

What’s the point of spamming these videos? You think any of us is going to sit down and watch them all just to give you advice?

>You're just looking for an excuse for your inability to fuck women
Not OP but im a 5'5 extrovert with good social skills and I cannot get laid without busting my ass off, unlike "chad". This world is so fucking unfair but if I an hero, I will take my parents with me.
Im a wealthy 5'5 adult.


I did watch them and enjoy them, stop being a nigger

Then what is your view without seeing those videos?


I get your point, but I'm always seeking new information and want to know as much info as possible. Now, I just don't know is this legit or not..


I’m not talking about you, I’m talking about us you stupid faggot. What’s the point of linking all those videos? Did you think we would watch them and take notes and do your critical thinking for you? Is this your weird clumsy way of trying to self-promote your videos or convert other anons to mgtow?

No... I'm geniuenly fucking lost and can't make logical decison out of this shit. It's driving me insane

I'm sorry to say but western society is really irreparably fucked. We are reverting back to cave-man harem-style mating facilitated by dating apps. Every girl you've ever had a crush on is covertly meeting up with hunky chads and getting her pussy plowed before being ghosted and moving on to the next chad. She also has a legion of rich beta males clamoring to be her next sugar daddy. inb4 "shut up incel". Denying reality isn't going to do you any good. The reason you can't find a nice gf is because they have zero reason to be with you among the abundance of free shit being constantly thrown at them.

yeah okay this is bait. you’re probably hoping this thread gets 100+ replies of anons arguing about mgtow