Opinion on country girls

since city girls are getting more and more degenerate everyday, what is your opinion on country girls?

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I dated a nice 6/10 country girl back in 16 in all honesty they aren’t that bad.What ended it was lifestyle differences the thing is with country chicks they fall into 3 different categories 1.Mildly Country 2. Country 3.Extremly country Give it a try op they have good mindsets.

Did you see the one where she busted three of my ribs? It was great.

I don't you mean by more degenerate, but city girls are having less sexual partners and lose their virginity later now than ever before. They also consume less alcohol and drugs. Where did you get your ideas from, your fellow basement-dwelling incels on Jow Forums?

from living in the city

statistics say that the fertility rate of people in the city is much lower

women in the city work longer hours and have higher testosterone resulting in more male behavior.

You didn't answer the question. What makes you think girls are "getting more and more degenerate", when all evidence shows the opposite? You are obviously a teenager, so it's not like you even know how girls were in the past or even just a few years ago.

You know virgin girls are the worst at sex, and then they go batshit insane if you want to break it off.

I mean we can wait until you find that girl, but you’re going to experience it sooner or later. Also all girls are the same everywhere, it all depends on whether or not they have issues with their parents, they were abused, their first relationship or if they never had one, etc.

degenerate comes from Latin and means losing gender or losing the kind

city women participate more and more femininity and take part in competitive behavior, which is boosting T.

they reproduce less and go from man to man without having children.

google the dating behavior of new york or london e.g.. Women try to find prince charming but end up in an apartment where it is unable to have kids so instead of procreating they move to the next man, earn their own money and demand for higher salary.

On the country side sluts are shamed but in the city you are anonymous.

Still waiting for any evidence for your statements other than personal anecdotes.

>girls are the same everywhere
females are the same everywhere. yes. they adopt to their environment. if they are in a male territory big enough to have children, they procreate.

when they live in tiny apartments too small to have children and with their bf working all day for the rent and society is not slut shaming them they will move from man to man to man until they come to a super rich investor that has a penthouse apartment or until they turn into 35 yo roasties,

you want evidence for the fertility rate being lower in cities? (with women still living in community apartments until age 35 in london it should not be hard to see that but anyway, here you are.

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I thought you originally said that women are getting more and more degenerate each day. Meaning, you are angry and bitter that they are having sex with everyone except you.

I can get as much sex as I want but I want to procreate. If I tell girls that I want children they all run away. Also, I do not want to buy a 4 bedroom apartment and pay off the mortgage until I am 60 or pay 50% of my income to real estate investors.

what do you mean by lifestyle differences?

I grew up in a village so I've always had a thing for tomboyish country girls because they were the kinds of girls I fooled around with when I was young.

I've been in cities since I started college and my job has kept me there. I kind of regret it now and wish I could find a nice tough country girl. But its been too long and I'm too out of touch now.

Maybe they run away because they sense you would be a horrible husband and awful father.

maybe, but then I see muslim people having 8 children while beating their wives and not having any degree or big apartment.

Imagine that even they are seen as better husband material than you.

thanks for the advice. you surely have 9 children and are not an incel.

I don't want children until me and my fiancee are ready for them. So that's in maybe 3-5 years.

It can be hit or miss. She can be a wholesome, down home girl with old timey values about marriage and family but your best bet would be to find one in the church who is a conservative. Country girl can also be degenerate, but in a different way. Think small town slut who is hooking up with strangers at the truck stop for Oxys or something. It really is more about the values than the geographic location. Country church girl with "guns and the Bible" mentality is probably your best bet if you don't want super liberal, degenerate city girl.

Women dont want kids these days. Especially more than 2. Its alot of sacrifice on their part. Like irreparably changing/damaging their bodies to spend all their free time looking after a child. Giving up their hopes and dreams and careers. Some women being a mother is fulfilling but for the majority of mothers i know they regret it. They are unhappy. They feel they dont have autonomy anymore and have less worth than before children. Even the mothers who say they enjoy being a mom have a ting of sadness to them. Because even they feel they gave up on dreams and such.

>Some women being a mother is fulfilling
where can I find those?
>christian girls
I cannot take a girl seriously that believes in a 2000 yo book.

ancedotal evidence here:
my mother has raised two children, who both have moved out now. she has a lot of free time that she spends with my dad. i have honestly rarely met an altogether happier person than her, the only ones who come close are parents in a similar situation. meanwhile, i've met lots of unhappy single moms and cunts who never had children.

>looks for Christian values
>doesn't want a Christian
every single time

I had a psuedo country girl gf.
She was born and raised in north dakota.
What I learned from her was they can be just as degenerate as city girls.
From what I seen, they are too small minded, if you want the family life I guess your chances are a bit better but there is never a guarantee.

Just because they are not degenerates by default doesn't mean they won't become degenerates if given a push.
Women, specially countryside girls (who grow in closed communities full of prejudices, hypocrisy and vanity where they learn that they must behave according to social norms) fall victim to manipulation and social pressure with extreme ease.
>the local girls seem to be having fun fucking around with guys
>local girls love vapid talks about fashion and forcing their parents and boyfriends to buy them shit
>the other day she heard some girls from her university group discussing tattooing a dick on their asscheeks - suddenly she comes home and wonders "if they do it and like it perhaps i could get one too!"
It's quite tiring to date such a girl because you always have to be on guard, like a parent trying to raise a retarded baby without letting the baby realise its being raised.
Then you break up and voila! Within a couple of months she will be out partying with the hoes, going on feminist marches, she'll cut her hair like a man and do ear expansions.
It's quite sad to see. Women in general are quite the sad creatures. Slaves to emotion and social influence. They just can't help themselves.

>Assuming all city girls are the same and all country girls at the same

you're already too retarded for a relationship
your preconceptions will always ruin you

grow up

>If I tell girls that I want children they all run away.

It seems like you only go after immature girls

What am I supposed to do with a country girl lmao? I grew up in the city, I love the city and what it has to offer. The difference in lifestyle would be too great for me. Plus I wouldn't want a girl that plans her visits to her parents at least every 2 weeks.
>muh degeneracy
You see what you want to see, depending of the social circle you made yourself part of.

OP's social circles seem to consist mainly of bitter basement-dwelling neckbeard virgins on Jow Forums.