Where can I find 'Chad'?

Where can I find 'Chad'?

I've been doing some interviews for an article I'm writing exploring the incel mindset.

I've walked around for days trying to find guys who look like 'Chad', I found one guy who was an almost-chad but his life didn't seem particularly extraordinary.

Do these guys just not walk around in public or something?

Attached: chad.jpg (600x600, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Chad is the guy who has to put zero effort into his life (it doesn't mean he doesn't, he just doesn't have to). Girls approach him and throw themselves at him. Hes harder to spot in public than stacy but once you know what to look for it isnt hard. Just hang around bars and if you see multiple girls approach the same guy in one night, he is Chad.

Not alone they do, usually with a girl they are with

You're making the mistake of thinking Chad is about looks. What you need to do is find the young successful professionals and where they hang out. Professional networking events for example, or afterwork drinks.

As far as I'm aware incels believe Chad is only Chad because of his looks.

Case in point. When are incels right about anything?

Eh, they think the world is unfair, maybe that?

They're right in that it is unfair, but wrong about how it is unfair. Incels think the world is unfair because they haven't been given things for free and hate being told that they must work for things like everyone else.

you can find the Chad in your photo

>just world fallacy

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 48K)

Sure, they are basically conspiracy theorists who notice that something is going wrong but fail to see what and what to do about it.

Jow Forums will describe anybody who resembles as chad. Generally a man who grew up in "standard functioning family", kinda like pic related. Somebody who didnt choose unemployable uni course. Somebody who didnt drop from highschool. Somebody who never experienced depression. Somebody who isnt fat. Somebody who doesnt have crippling anxiety when talking to unknown people. Somebody who wasnt raped by their uncle when they were 6 years old. Somebody who wasnt born in shithole country like brazil.

All these "normal" people are chads for /r9k anons. Chad meme is just coping mechanism with being inferior / failure + it gives them illusion that trying to change is pointless / not worth the effort because in the end, chad did all the things without effort. He was just lucky.

Attached: excuses.png (540x410, 110K)

What part of this was wrong? If you disagree, if you think you need to be given a government assigned gf without you even leaving the basement, then you need to present some arguments for it.

>What part of this was wrong?
thinking that world is just
>if you think you need to be given a government assigned gf without you even leaving the basement,
strawman. GTFO to your logic and rhetorics class

"chad" doesnt exist, people who use that term are just retarded

>using logic instead of reffering to ad hominems

I said the world is unfair. Maybe reading comprehension is not your strong suit, since you only replied with an incel meme. Again, why do you think you are such a special snowflake you deserve a 10/10 virgin loving gf without making any effort for it, when everyone else has to work for it?

No one is suggesting the world is just. It's just incels perceive it an injustice that hot women don't throw themselves at them despite all of their attempts to appear as unattractive as possible.

>you deserve a 10/10 virgin loving gf without making any effort for it, when everyone else has to work for it?
you don't work for women. they are either attracted to you or not

Yes, you work on yourself. If you did a decent job, people will find you attractive. Is the idea that hard to swallow?

There isn't a specific 'Chad look'. It's not necessarily the guy in your picture who is probably a model or atleast could be.

Chad is simply a conventionally attractive guy who girls seem to naturally gravitate towards. He doesn't need to practice PUA, he doesn't need to sweat blood and tears to get a girlfriend or sex. That guy your little sister used to have a crush on in high school? Probably a chad or chad in making.

Chad isn't some sort of ridiculous ladies man with a massive cock like incels often say he is. He's just an above-average looking guy, extroverted, has good social proof (plenty of friends) and knows how to socialize. Thus women become attracted to him and one thing leads to another.

>He doesn't need to practice PUA, he doesn't need to sweat blood and tears to get a girlfriend or sex.
So basically a normal person?

>Girls approach him and throw themselves at him.
Any real evidence of this? Incels claim again and again Chad has women throw themselves at him like ragdolls but I'm very skeptical of this claim. Definitely easier for a handsome man or women will kind of orbit, have obvious IOI's, etc. but full on cold approaches for fucks? Difficult to buy... at least in the UK (we rate as one of the most introverted peoples in Europe btw).

>we rate as one of the most introverted peoples in Europe btw

Do we actually? Not my experience atall.

What constitutes a Chad varies among incels. Some have hyper strict requirements when only a 6'2+ guy, hunter eyes, ripped Greek God body, etc. can be Chad whereas some will label, say, young Depp or River Phoenix Chads.

I'm starting to write a second article called "The Myth of Chad: Delusions of a phantom male"

theres only so much you can do, especially when everyone else puts in the same effort, those ahead of you youll never catch

yesterday at the pub i was watching this pair. she walked up to him at the bar, bought them both drinks and they went from there. a couple of hours later i was having a smoke and theyre outside making out. guy gets a facetime and is talking to his friend with girl hanging off his face. a few minutes later he takes her hands and goes "can i tell you something sincerely: fuck off" and walks back in

she thinks its a joke and goes in after him, comes back out crying shortly thereafter and leaves. a bit later i see this guy leaving with a different girl. not sure what changed in the space of a minute that made him ditch the first girl, but yeah, chad is real

What was special about this guy?


About 20% of guys are Chad. Pareto-principle basically. I know i'll probably get comments about how the Pareto-principle is a load of rubbish but for the sake of argument it's a decent estimate. Women are naturally attracted to roughly 20% of guys give or take a couple of percent. These are the Chads who will date and hookup with the majority of available women (80% roughly).

>especially when everyone else puts in the same effort, those ahead of you youll never catch
Sure but that applies to actually important stuff in life too. Besides, most people are mediocre, so it's not like you compete with the top tier when it comes to dating.

not sure really, i dont understand what girls look for in guys but i guess he was chad. not the typical look as he had a big beard but anyway definitely not ugly

the biggest takeaway for me was how brutally he ditched her and she still wanted him

you do compete with the top tier because girls want the best due to different reproductive strategies and costs (much higher for women). and if you already way below average, its impossible to catch up. same as trying to be a top sportsman with no athletic ability

>girls want the best due to different reproductive strategies and costs
Anyone wants the best either way. It's just that most people won't get that and eventually settle for best they can get. Hence you'd only have to be as good as that; which really isn't much.

Your local University

Chad is like girls Santa, everybody want it to be, but it doesn't exist

sure but guys have much lower expectations

additionally, living a miserable life of loneliness just to become the financial caretaker for an old lady once chad is done with her really doesnt sound like a good move. we only get one life, how could i waste it like that?

Chad is more like an abstract entity that represents the man you wish you were rather than a being that truly exists.

I’ve met chads. Just go to college sport houses and top fraternities on campuses. It’s chadtopia out there

See, in the UK we don't have frat stuff, so maybe the Chad thing is largely an American thing cause of the way frats work and how much more conducive they are to fucking than just a sports society, club, bar, etc. I will say that incels do annoy when they think being good looking is a free card to having the best of everything, or an ugly can never come out of top cause personality is irrelevant. REEE at me for using anecdotes if you like but seeing guys my height with skinny-fat bodies and unequivocally ugly or ethnic (incels go on a lot about women hating ethnics) have beat me in the popularity 'contest' cause they aren't unlikable autists. Basically, looks do matter but incels seriously understate the importance of personality.

That's actually says a lot about today social state. Too many people were born and living in a poor divorced families and a whole family institution is broken. So incels want to have a not just gf, but intimacy and support that family should provide.

Chadcel here.

It's not all it's cracked up to be.

Attached: cel.jpg (600x600, 43K)

Chad is the manifestation of lust of closeted homosexual incels. That's why they always describe him as being big and muscular. Even though that body type is not what women find attractive, but only gay men. Add to this how incels often mention other men's cocks and cum, and it's pretty clear most incels are closeted.

Please elaborate. How do you know for a fact you're good looking and do you dispute the incel claim that Chad has girls throwing themselves at him?

I'm not going to label most of them as closeted but cause I don't think they are (guys do fixate extensively on what the envy) but some certainly do like one guy raging and raging over his 'Chadlite' roommate fucking his 'looksmatch'. He was raging big time over how unworthy she was of his cock and cum

Pareto principle doesn't mean you can throw 80/20 at everything. Certainly not in dating. Since over 99% of men and women will have a romantic partner at some point that figure is obviously not applicable in the slightest. Women also may find on the average 20% of guys attractive, but that is a different 20% for everyone. There is no universal objective scale of attractiveness. Any guy will always have girls who find him attractive and girls who don't.

>living a miserable life of loneliness just to become the financial caretaker for an old lady once chad is done with her really doesnt sound like a good move. we only get one life, how could i waste it like that?
Incel cuck fantasy. You're not going to be a caretaker with your neetbux even at 30.

>How do you know for a fact you're good looking and do you dispute the incel claim that Chad has girls throwing themselves at him

I used to model, and yes. My worse looking friends have more success on Tinder and in real life.

there is a convergence on male attractiveness

i run my own software business. its still early stages but everything is looking good so far; i wont be the next jeff bezos but should do well. and even if i was just a regular engineer or even a bus driver or whatever, its the same

>He was raging big time over how unworthy she was of his cock and cum
Based Envycel.

Attached: BasedIncel.png (884x285, 92K)

>there is a convergence on male attractiveness
Which is?

>over 99% of men and women will have a romantic partner at some point
Many women will eventually settle down with a man they're not at all attracted to but for other reasons. Like for safety, provisioning or out of fear of being alone.

>Pareto principle doesn't mean you can throw 80/20 at everything.
Like i said, it's a rough estimate. It could be 85/15, it could be 80/20, it could be 75/25. It's about the concept of the majority of women being sexually attracted to the minority of men. I think we can see this play out quite clearly in college and bar/club environments where the minority of men clearly outcompete the rest of men who are left starving to get some female action.

>There is no universal objective scale of attractiveness.
That's the common belief. 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. While i do agree that there is a fair bit of subjectivity in attractiveness, it's not nearly as subjective as you might think. In the end of the day sexual attractiveness mostly comes down to indicators of good overall health and fertility

google.co.uk/search?client=ubuntu&hs=zwJ&biw=1299&bih=632&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=9t_OXOjFM5uD1fAPyOGsgAw&q=male actors 30s&oq=male actors 30s&gs_l=img.3..0j0i8i30.10672.10971..11184...0.0..

roughly this

You keep spewing all these incel memes and yet have not presented a single fact to back your claims up. But go ahead and present the same fake "studies" or meme graphs that incels always post. Inceldom is literally built on falsehoods, there is not a single fact in your belief system. Because facts would destroy it, you actively avoid them.

"Just be white and not horrifically ugly" theory confirmed.

>Many women will eventually settle down with a man they're not at all attracted to but for other reasons.
Going to need a source for that.

if it wasnt true we wouldnt be in this problem. incels dont like being miserable

>incels dont like being miserable
This is completely false. Incels are miserable because they want to be. They are losers because they want to be. Being an incel is a choice. And leaving inceldom is also a choice but most are too scared to do it.

Do you really think these are things that can be scientifically studied? Ofcourse not. Too controversial and women are rarely honest about these things so it's not as simple as just taking a survey. If you open your eyes and think logically you know that there is truth to what i'm saying. We see it all around us.

But hey, if you want to disagree by all means go ahead and do so because you're right, I don't have evidence to back it up.

Stay bluepilled anons.

"Chad" is just a trigger term created by social engineers in order to trigger frustrated virgin teen males going through their awkward stage to have some invisible idealized entity to both envy and focus their hatred on. It is designed to sell gym memberships, cosmetic surgery and self-help motivational books. It is also the agenda to get normally awkward young men to turn into either suicidal incels or potential homicidal whack jobs. Don't buy into the hype. In real life, you see some of the hottest chicks with some of the most normal looking average dudes. Look up Tavistock and realize how the media is designed for social manipulation. The same ones pushing the "onions boy hipster" are the same ones pushing the "perfect ideal chad". Divide and conquer.

Pretty much. They always use the OKCupid graph as evidence yet when presented with the exact same OKCupid graph that ALSO takes into account how men and women message and puts a dent in their narrative or can be spun as 'men are the evil ones!' narrative but halfwits on the other side of the coin, the response is 'I don't believe these numbers! Ugly foids have no trouble getting dick! This graph is bullshit!' stuff.

Attached: DcXX8meUQAAYQS8.png (858x374, 34K)

makes no sense. why would anyone want to be miserable? being incel is literally not a choice, unless youre suggesting becoming a rapist or something?

make an online dating account (doesnt matter which platform) with an average girl profile and another with an average guy. observe the results

go to a college campus or go a club/party. if you couldnt figure this out then ur probably just a retard trying to pwn the incels by trying to prove chad doesn't exist to people on Jow Forums.
contrary to what someone here said, being a chad is about looks. but people on Jow Forums just use chad synonymously with 'normie'/'normalfag'.

Posting for the first time in this thread but:


I’m 100% sure that if wasn’t true, you would have another equally arbitrary reasoning for being miserable.

I say this as a dude who was socially anxious and bordering on suicidally depressed until 22, KHV til 24. And finally had his first girlfriend at 26.

I can definitively tell you that looking back after having forced myself to turn shit around for myself, I now can pretty clearly see for a fact that I made up a lot of bullshit executes for things that ultimately boiled down to it being a problem with me and my mentality.

I tried hanging around in some bars and clubs and I couldn't find anyone significantly above average.

Maybe it's because I live in the UK and people are just ugly here.

>I live in the UK and people are just ugly here
there you go

I mean, find me a chad amongs these thousands upon thousands of people.


This is the problem I'm having.

Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality

How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)

Attractive people associated with all positive personality traits

Height is extremely important

Your face heavily affects your entire life

Why don't smart teens have sex? (study with 1k+ people)

Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide

Love at first sight is real

On tinder bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men

Women care about face much more than body

It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces

>make an online dating account (doesnt matter which platform) with an average girl profile and another with an average guy. observe the results

What the hell would that prove?

That guys are 20x more thirsty than girls are?
That there are more men on dating sites than women?
That the cultural norm and expectations are that guys make the first move?

Because yes... all of those are true... and they have nothing to do with the point you’re trying to imply...

im not so sure. i have everything else i need, a good job, my health, my own place, hobbies, friends, etc. etc. but i dont have anyone to share it with. i dont get to spend lazy days in or go on travels around the world with someone who likes me just as much as i like them. i worry that ill never get to have children. i see a pointless life of material wealth and spiritual death in front of me. all i want is a partner

lmao people don't even know what chad is anymore

the lookism faggots are a lot closer to reality, a select few attractive men inherited genetics that women love
you can't ~work on~ them

I'm skeptical about his existence too OP.

I've asked a bunch of my female friends to show me the best looking guy on their Tinder and all I got back were a bunch of photos of well groomed normies.

The 'Chad' incels talk about essentially doesn't exist.


look, we can go over all the studies, statistics, research and even casual common knowledge (such as the ones here ) but i know youll just come up with some other confounding factors, misrepresentations and so on

are you really trying to tell me that women like ugly guys as much as hot guys?

This but unironically.

>ugly guys as much as hot guys?
On that physical attraction level alone, nobody is arguing that but incels are wrong for handwaving personality as irrelevant, or thinking face alone is all that determine's one's attractiveness and not other factors.

Guys i think i might be a chad. How do i confirm

See: Halo effect

>I think we can see this play out quite clearly in college and bar/club environments
I can tell you haven't been in either

I know what the halo effect is. What's your point? This debunks my believe that personality does have relevant how?

Well then what happens to handsome guys in bar/clubs in your experience? Do they get tail by just standing/walking around?

looks are a big factor (possibly the main component) of how your personality is perceived. the old meme of a hot and an ugly guy doing the same thing being mysterious and creepy respectively is very true. feel free to read any of the material posted above for details/evidence (i doubt you will)

additionally, some people are too ugly to be considered at all. it doesnt matter how great your personality is in this case

is just a cope psychological mechanism of incels for taking the lazy way out.

Sure, you can still be a manlet and balding and uggly, but you can also workout, make money, get a personality, get a nice car, maybe learn to play a musical guitar, learn to draw, read books.

Being a Chad is about as much as your looks than your actitude.

I'm sure a genetic trash would still be more atractive than average males if he worked out of his income, get a nice car, get fit, dressed properly, get a haircut, get a nice personality, charisma, become funny, learned guitar.
But that shit would take more effort than just complaining about being an incel.

Even the lookism retards still admit women are atracted to social status and money as much as looks.

And yes, money usually has the biggest change in atractiveness with ugly dudes.

Attached: 1521564031169.png (402x398, 126K)

Now this is a theory I can get behind

And I’ve been there too... and eventually had to realize that:

1.) i was trying to fill another hole. A gap in my life that I thought was missing because of a lack of another person, but really was something I was lacking in my own self-sufficiency as a human being.
2.) I was trying *too* hard, and in ways where i basically guaranteed my own failure
3.) I wasn’t trying hard enough in the most meaningful of ways both for fear of getting hurt, and for fear of what it might mean if I actually 100% put myself out there and failed

Where things really turned around for me is when I stopped looking for a partner to spend my life with, and instead just realized that meeting and connecting with people in the day to day, even if it was only for one month, one meal, or even one moment, was in a way its own reward and goal for my trying, because it opened me up to a lot of unique world-views and experiences that I’d never had before. Every individual I met, whether I had a positive or negative experience, was someone I could potential take something from to add a little bit to myself with. If I got more than that, then awesome, if not, too bad, that’s just how it was.

I really have absolutely no idea how you jumped from:

>make an average guy and an average girl account and compare the results
>women like ugly guys as much as hot guys

There’s absolutely no connective tissue there dude. That was a fucking logical leap and a half that’s not at all helping your case and just making me think you’re a nutter filled with, in your own words, “confounding factors” here dude...

Even jumping back to that original graphic (which I didn’t post btw, that was my first time entering that conversation thread), no one ever said anything about ugly guys and hot guys being liked the same....

Because looks influence perceived personality. Again looks come 1st

>I'm sure a genetic trash would still be more atractive than average males if he worked out of his income, get a nice car, get fit, dressed properly, get a haircut, get a nice personality, charisma, become funny, learned guitar.

Maybe it's just an incel creation to continue to blame others for their problems?

this comes down to levels of fat in the body, women perceive leaner males as hunter types while fat boys as prey guys.

doesn't have to do with genetics.

plenty of uggly politicians, priests, military guys, singers, rock stars who are lusted by hundreds of women.

Some really ugly motherfucker amerindian singer had 30 kids with 20 women because he was a popular singer in my cunt.

women still lust for messi (a literal manlet) and ronaldinho (an incel facial wise).

thats a nice idea which ive already been doing for some time. but that assumes eventual success. there is nothing missing in myself. i am successful in all respects except romance. whats the point of life without love?
asking a simple question like that is a 'sanity check'. its not exactly related to the previous stuff, but i know if you answer it wrongly despite the obviously correct answer, then i know youre living in another dimension, whether thats due to ideology, psychosis or whatever

But I had/have all those things and I'm still a neet with crippling depression and anxiety, no friends, no purpose, eternally lonely, and suicidal but not enough to want to try.

>are you really trying to tell me that women like ugly guys as much as hot guys?

We're not debating that.

We're debating that there is some guy called 'Chad' who is the pinnacle of male attractiveness and had a one night stand with your girlfriend.

> just be a world famous millionaire bro

>Well then what happens to handsome guys in bar/clubs in your experience? Do they get tail by just standing/walking around?

I have on many, many occasions seen big, square jawed muscular men skulking around an almost empty dancefloor at 3am desperately trying to find *something* to fuck.

not really, if you're american you only need to make 4k per month to be sexy to women.
also if you're 1.70 mts, women can ignore 13 cm of your height if you earn 15k more in a year.

So, is not being a millionaire, but just earning like 70-80k if you're american.

convert this to your local cunt.
In my nation is 700 USD per month.

Nobody goes to bars to randomly approach people, you may find that in suburban strip mall bars where disgusting middle aged women are desperate for some kind of sexual release, but that's about it. People go to bars in pre-arranged groups, where the genuinely attractive men and women are actually just couples.
Absolutely no one who sleeps around does it because "they are attractive and can". They do it because they either can't sustain a long term committed relationship or because they have ego/self-esteem issues and are trying to fill the void with bad shitty sex with other ugly people.

You're saying they expect to be approach? Wouldn't that imply it's happened to them plenty of times before?

I think his point is that female attraction is not 100% about looks.

If it was 100% about looks the concept of 'groupies' would not exist.

I agree bar/clubs aren't the best place for meeting someone. What would you say is a really good place/situation to meet someone?

No, they're the ones looking for women to approach.

chad is an abstract concept, hes not a literal person called chad. chad represents the top ~20% of the male population, which is the point at which they start to observe a vast array of positive effects (as detailed here ). its the top of the S curve

> not really, if you're american you only need to make 4k per month to be sexy to women.
absolutely untrue, truckers make more money. the rest of your post is invalidated thusly

i agree its not 100%, but its the major component (lets say 80-90%) and basically a requirement. i dont follow the groupies point?

Either a place where you love to be regarding the whole dating shit. Or a place both of you absolutely hate to be but have to and there is enough of time to communicate.