How to let go of a guy who's leading me on?

how do i let go of a guy who's trying to get all the benefits out of me without commiting to me?

im so sick of guys just wanting one thing. I've been seeing him for months now. how do i let him go?

I fucking hate this.

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What else are you giving him other than sex? Nothing by the sound of you saying guys only one thing.

Otherwise just keep your legs closed you tramp

Does he just fuck you and use you to vent? Don't like that? Be blunt.
"I don't want to do this anymore. You're using me. Bye."
That's all it takes.

ive only been with 3 guys in my entire life including him. most people would say thats not even average, it is low

The irony of this statement is that you only care about this whole thing.

You don't care about someone's obvious need for connection. You only care about one thing.

thanks user that helps
well he is an 'introvert'
last weekend i asked to hangout and he said 'no im gonna work on my car' and then this weekend he said he wants to be alone but that he wouldnt mind seeing me for awhile.

i cant tell how he's feleing through text messages

thanks user
yeah thats Jow Forums for ya. always gonna be jerks

connection would be wonderful to have. everyone wants to be loved.

a part of me wonder if i can still be his friend? can you be friends with someone you have a romantic attraction towards? i would think its almost impossible. but cutting him out of my life would hurt, he is just lovely to have around.

He probably assumes you're a whore, not your fault that's just what modern feminism has done to the world. You're gonna have to prove to him that you aren't, yes it sucks, but that's what we warned the feminists would happen. Men have completely lost faith in women.

Did I fucking ask how many people you've fucked, I said close your legs you tramp, maybe he'll get the idea then.

Shut the fuck up faggot, I fucking asked OP what the fuck else they had on offer other than the hairy fish between their legs. Ignorant little fuck, God help OP if you were the only one that replied in this thread.

Fucking retard, stop pining over wanting to get time and commitment out of him and fucking ask for it explicitly. "Hey what are we" or "Hey I'd like to make this official". If he doesn't give you shit then you close your legs. Why the fuck did you need advice on a simple motor movement? He's getting sex from you he doesn't need to be your friend or give you shit. Stop fucking him or do something for him that isn't fucking him and see how he reacts, and then lay it into his skull that you want the perks of being someone's woman.

>can't read his mind via text

call him or some shit

Have you tried to hit on boys yourself?

When you wait for boys to approach you, they will be generally the high test "alphas" who just want to get laid. If you pick the boys yourself, you have decent chance he will be shy, virgin or who knows maybe even qtie boy capable of emotions. It can be completely different boy experience for you.

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>waaaah why don't girls like such a nice guy like me
>women only love assholes and jerks :(
>fucking bitches whores cunts I want them to die

...Have you tried not having sex with him?

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have you no self control? if your body count is three you learned a valuable lesson very early. that is, if you can commit to it.

I wouldn’t advice you try. It’s really hard to be friends with someone you’re in love with. I thought it made sense to do it but after years I’ve become very bitter. He knows me better then most people but still doesn’t love me... it just makes me feel worthless. I know it’s irrational but I feel so bad. If he told me that he loves me as a friend that would help but I don’t think that will ever happen.

By having a minimal level of self-respect? If a person wants X but you want Y, why the fuck would you bother with them? And why would you even consider giving them X without receiving Y?

>dumb bitch with no reading comprehension

Told ya if you were the only one who posted, OP would be screwed.

Assuming you are a roastie, just move on, the world is your oyster.

You could leave this thread today with 15 orbiters and you know this, stop being a spoiled cunt and enjoy life.

>is having guy problems
>goes on a predominantly male incel site for help
>p-pwease 4-chwan.... hewp my poow fwagile femwoid sewf...
>skinny manlet defence: assemble

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This isn't a male incel site you fucking troglodyte. Get out of here, your kind is not welcome here.

but feel like unless you give guys what they want they wont even date you to begin with so thats why i gave him that before he committed to me.

i read that if you wait to long before you give it up then the guy loses interest

start by respecting yourself and stop sleeping around like whore.

If the person isn't willing to wait until you're ready, they ain't worth the time. You don't need a fucking relationship and sometimes it takes a while to find the right person. That's the bad news. The good news is that it's easy to see when someone is the wrong person. Now you only need to act accordingly.

>then this weekend he said he wants to be alone but that he wouldnt mind seeing me for awhile.
100% using you for sex
a key part of the word "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" is "friend"

How to let go? Just never text him again. Ghost, period. Dont even explain anything.
And if you dont want to do that and keep him in your life - dont fucking complain. You have a choice and a free will.

>i read that if you wait to long before you give it up then the guy loses interest
Do women believe this?

You underestimate just how insecure most women are.

It's true but there is a balance to everything. Wanting to wait until marriage to have sex will definitely drive away almost all men.

Develop the girl-balls to say "Goodbye"