Give me REAL facts

I don't care about your crime numbers where there's no distinction between city-village people, wealth. Most blacks live in the big cities, are (more) poor, are born in worse social economic situations.

I don't care about IQ graphs for the same reasons.

I don't care about crime rates that have been influenced by ethnic profiling.

Compare people with similar lives in similar situations with similar background living in similar neighbourhoods.

So far I've seen one graph comparing rich young blacks/hispanics/whites (forgot to save) and one IQ study on adopted kids (forgot which).

Is there more? Give me REAL facts

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Other urls found in this thread:,

you are a faggot

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Almost every country in africa is an economic shit hole, it was better under white rule, and got worse when whites ceded rule, in every single country you can name.
Africa had rail before China did. China succeeded with their shrewd chink mental acuity.
Haiti's slave revolt killed off all the white and mixed people and has never improved, it is a shit hole 200+ years later.

These facts remain true even if you believed the preposterous "blank slate" theory of human intelligence.


>give me the facts
>but not these facts
>or these facts
>and don't even start with theses facts they racist
shal we talk about the fags then. because OP, you are one

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Doesn't care about IQ because of socioeconomic status of niggers in cities meanwhile literally every nigger nation is poor as fuck. It's almost as if the poor socioeconomic status is caused by the low IQ instead of the other way around.

>At higher levels of wealth at the baseline,although the black-white incarceration disparity wasreduced for males, it was not eliminated. One explanationfor the differential odds of incarceration between races maybe that even while having similar wealth levels, individualsstill may have disparate economic situations, throughincome, extended family wealth or differential exposure todiscrimination. Personal and family human capital levelssuch as education, job experience and social connectionsalso may differ greatly among those with similar wealthlevels. Therefore, observed racial differences in maleincarceration rates despite similar wealth levels may beexplained once those factors are taken into account.
>Why Hispanic males experience this convergence but not blackmales, we leave to further study.

As to the graph posted, the graph can't be find in the research document, so I'd have to do calculations myself to check.

Fair, but many blacks nowadays have been born in Western countries and get dispised, looked down upon and treated as 2nd class citizens. Often because they're overrepresented in crime. Do you think this lays in the fact that the African civilization is "behind" compared to the Western one?

I am not denying those facts, I'm just saying that those images aren't representable. Ethnic profiling does exist, no distinction city-village people and social economic situation is also a problem.

People only look at some numbers and do not take into account the root causes of crime.

>Ethnic profiling does exist
for good reasons desu. a patern is a patern even if we do not like it
>People only look at some numbers and do not take into account the root causes of crime
i can agree with this in a way. meaning that the way statistics are used by diff. groups is a problem. if i put on the news i always wonder how they come to their conclusionsbecause when i do my own "research" i always come up with quite the opposite. a good example would be the chance of (((her))) winning the 2016 elections. or pic related could be fun to dig in to

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Hmm, how come? Maybe because whites colonized them, stole their shit and used them for slavery? Maybe whites delayed their civilization?

That only happened recently.

>do not take into account the root causes of crime
No. You mean they dont follow your preconceived notions of what causes crime. Here's the answer. Wickedness/lack of self control/lack of empathy/disregard for authority. Crime creates poverty not the other way around. This is because the behavior that manifest in criminal elements are not conducive to long term planning and resource accumulation. How do I know that crime is the originator and not poverty? Because crime existed when everyone in the world was poor as shit.

But what if that pattern exists, because most crime takes place in the big cities, most blacks live in the big cities, whites are spread in big cities and villages, thus blacks are already overrepresented in crime, since they're a minority and there's more crime in big cities.

What research have you done? I'm curious. And about elections isn't that because people don't wanna voice their right wing opinion?

And what do you wanna dig into exactly?

You're making some good points.

But I was talking about race and crime, I don't see any point you're making related to that. And if you did, could you provide evidence/research?

Feit is dat wanneer wij aan de macht zijn landverraders als eerste aan de beurt zijn.

Galg of vierendeling voor uw soort.

"Wij", "landverraders", "uw soort". Waar hebt u het in godsnaam over?

Er zijn veel mensen die haten op zwarte mensen vanwege hun oververtegenwoordiging in de criminaliteit, maar kijken niet naar de redenen hiervoor. Ik ben van mening dat het amper tot niet heeft te maken met etniciteit.

Wrong, we had tradeposts on the African coast, the nigger hunting was done by Africans and Arabs. Colonization of the continent only happend much later. This occured to secure markets since African kings didn't want free trade. Yes there have been resources removed from the ground, but no Africa wasn't robbed of anything. The infrastucture, technology, institutions etc they gained was worth 10 times of what we took from that backwater. And don't go say we scammed them, we can't help their retarded currency was conch shells. It's the fault of Africans that they can't handle upkeep of their colonial heritage.

Het heeft te maken met meerdere dingen. Ten eerste ze zijn gewoon dommer dan andere bevolkingsgroepen. Ten tweede, en misschien wel omdat ze dommer zijn is er geen cultuur waarin kennis wordt gezien als iets belangrijks.
De reden waarom Zwarten meer crimineel zijn is om deze twee redenen. Domme mensen kunnen niet concurreren met slimme mensen dus moeten ze buiten de regels spelen, om het een gelijkspeelveld te maken. En geef me niet die shit van dat ze in slechte omgevingen opgroeien, zij veroorzaken dat soort omgevingen. Kijk maar naar de Bijlmer, dat was de wijk voor de betergestelden. Nu is het een achterstandswijk waar iedereen zijn afval op straat dumpt en mensen zich onveilig voelen omdat er een stel criminelen wonen. Wat kwam eerst, de kip of het ei. Het sociale verval of zwarten?

>ree give me proof to substantiate my own claim
>ree you are wrong defend your frame so i can reframe
Nigger you are a bootleg politician and you know it.
#1. Let your opponent step into your frame and let them waste time defending theirs

Kys dunning krugerlet

Of course you're from NEGERlands.

Faggot facts don't become more real the more you care about them.

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>Give me REAL facts
How about true facts?

nice facts bro

These people literally don't even know what the graph they post is go to an expert in the fields these people make retarded theories about blacks devolving jaws over intelligence Imao

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You are not allowed to post kino Dutch landscapes anymore OP

Here’s a real fact: you need to finish High School.

>give me REAL facts not the kind that make me uncomfortable because muh feelings

Fuck off toothpaste faggot

>Give me facts that fit my existing world view and wont burst my bubble.

You were in the other thread, shill kun confirmed.

It is you who is the nigger

Reminder that fucking CANADA of all countries had to come and "save" your faggot ass from the germans in world war 2 because even back then you were a bunch of cucks. Us based canadians totally regret it.

desu I'd rather have had been in a german reichskommessariat than 'saved' by the leafs

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>get dispised, looked down upon and treated as 2nd class citizens
fuckin where and i mean today? like seriously prove it if not just fuck off, desingenouos piece of shit

Seeing as you don't care about statistics, you should just experience it yourself.
Go live a year in Rotterdam Feijenoord and compare that to living in a poor area in Enschede, its a very huge difference.

>I don't care about facts
>I don't care about facts
>I don't care about facts
>give me the bluepilled version that fits my own narrative

En jij mag het land uit.

One would hope you realize, after a certain point, that correcting for factors turns into cherry picking to fit your bias.

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Think about it like this, they are less evolved because they are black. Okay, so with white people and Asian people they usually have black hair, easily contrasted on white faces eyebrows/eyelashes, in showing emotion and socializing in general this contrast helps. White skin also helps generally to see more depth in bone structure so they are better at choosing traits of aesthetics in mates propagating a more beautiful people of physical harmony. See golden ratio to better understand beauty scientifically. little things like this seem little but over time they will add up and contribute to inherent evolutIon, natural selection. Black or "dark" unfortunately is just that, its more a chaotic form of life, they even treat eachother with less respect. We need to simply leave them to evolve on their own lest they drag us down with them, slavery was a mistake.

>I don't care about crime rates that have been influenced by ethnic profiling.
You think our prisons are filled with 2/3rds foreigners because of ethnic profiling?

The Color of Crime

>But what if that pattern exists, because most crime takes place in the big cities, most blacks live in the big cities, whites are spread in big cities and villages, thus blacks are already overrepresented in crime, since they're a minority and there's more crime in big cities.
Ask yourself: who is forcing these black people commit crime?
The answer is that it's a choice, a choice some(actually way to fucking many) blacks choose to do and keep doing despite being punished, their brothers commit murder and oyher crimes around the clock in Sub-saharan-Africa, yet they aren't a minority there.

Just let them take responsibility for their own actions user.

Our crime stats show that even wealthy, well educated niggers commit 3x as many crimes as their white counterparts and poor stupid whites.

Its race, deal with it or live in willfull ignorance.