I'm losing so much money to taxes and other shit like gibs, pensions (boomer gibs) and others

I'm losing so much money to taxes and other shit like gibs, pensions (boomer gibs) and others.

I am seriously losing my mind because of the sheer amount of money that the fucking government takes from me.

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Do something.

If you terminate one migrant a week, that is 52 in a year. Multiply that by the amount of gibs they would have received & you can say with pride that you saved your fellow countrymen that many extra expenses from having to care for the foreign born army of non uniformed fighting age males who have made your country home.

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Stop paying taxes, wait for the collapse
Get yourself some boomer slaves and be a neet or study if its free

Lol the goy animal doesnt know how to dodge taxes

Waaaaa waaaaa me no smar enuv to wurk ouside de slave trade gubirmint.
Waaa waaaaaaaa

This is actually a really good idea, especially if you're a sneaky serial killer & drag it out for as long as possible to not get caught.


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At least your money goes somewhere practical, here it just goes to some mayor's family member Porsche or vacation house.

Needs it to pay for all the great culture enrichment. Think of all the culture youre getting!

Just become a leech like everyone else.

Dam son


Are euros allowed to leech off the system? Over here if you're not a nigger or a single mother, or a blatantly obvious homo in the coastal cities you don't get jack shit.

>At least your money goes somewhere practical


OP can just get preggo. It's current year +4 bigot.

is that a plastic broom handle you put up to the camera?

is this a metaphor for you're going to sweep up this whole mess and make things right?

stimmt das?

I suppose I can identify as a preggo woman.

I feel you fren. Hoping for imminent collapse.

Or pull a Sean white or whatever the white BLM guy is named.

Go 1099 and don’t pay bitch that’s how the real OGs roll😂

How do people like you even live in this country?
It's like you have to be a fucking moron to live.
You actually believe people like me get help from the government?
I mean how dumb can you possibly get???????

You are just like most of these morons.
You chose not to know the truth and just go by lies cause you think it's funny.
Well the funny part is that I get to laugh at your lies.

Talcum X is his birth name, I believe.

By being a wagie you are sustaning the jewish system. I have more respect for welfare leeches or people that sponge off their boomer parents than wage cucks.

If you are doing anything other than working for yourself then you are spiritually jewish. Leech off it as much as you can and drain the jews essence.

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I know these feels

It's afraid

work for cash only so on paper the government thinks you are in poverty and you can get on the welfare system

Become a libertarian and achieve nothing. This is the only solution.

You can also vote for a party promising smaller government and watch the government expand as always

Someone has to pay for these immigrants Hans. I heard you need like 800000 niggers a year or else the economy will collapse or sth. That's what Merkel said

Attached: 111Merkel — kopia.jpg (800x510, 66K)

>I am seriously losing my mind because of the sheer amount of money that the fucking government takes from me.
I lose 24,000 a year to payroll takes alone. I am supporting an entire family...

I was almost certain you would be a britbong before opening the thread.
Where are the far right parties in Germany?

I bet you are supporting more than one family Bill

Also thank you for financing the State of Israel and the military-industrial complex

Attached: Americans.jpg (600x398, 58K)


Pic related is the Far Riht HQ.

You also have the AfD which is ran by a Goldman Sachs lesbian in an interracial relationship

Attached: Frar Right.jpg (860x484, 66K)

Do you know why this makes me angrier than oligarchs not paying their "so-called fair-share"?
Because it's fucking dysgenic. My hard earned money and sensible family planning is funding dumb and lazy people to create more and more dumb and lazy people.

>Also thank you for financing the State of Israel and the military-industrial complex
The IRS now carry AR15's so what do you expect?

>Because it's fucking dysgenic. My hard earned money and sensible family planning is funding dumb and lazy people to create more and more dumb and lazy people.
Yes, we get to subsidize our own destruction.


Gov need to pay reparations. Six billions!

Welcome to the gynocracy.

It's only fair.

Take comfort in the fact that at least YOUR government spends it on YOUR benifet. My government just spends it on themselves.

But you won't do anything.

>millions of gibs for rapefugees
>his benefit



Cut all boomer gibs!

>still pays taxes

>My government just spends it on themselves.
No, they give it to israel.