Very cool!

Very cool!

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gtfo scorelet

uh dude what

It's a good thing the only people who are going to be wearing those are already liberal.
I'd have to close my curtains and turn off all the lights in my house before you could catch me wearing that thing, even then I would still be ashamed.

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if you put a strong pulse into the posterior medial frontal cortex it literally FUCKS your brain
well technically pMFC detects differences between desired and current conditions and adjusts your behaviour to solve any conflicts
or in layman's terms this part of the brain determines how your brain reacts to threats or conflicts and decides how you will respond to them
or in other words, inhibits the ability to process threats
33% of people exposed to a strong pulse have their religious beliefs lessened
26% of people exposed to a strong pulse have their opinion on immigrants change
that is, they are more likely to side with an immigrant who has a negative opinion and criticism of the nation they are in
ie. if you stick this shit on someone, there is a 1/4 chance that they'll support a muslim preacher who advocates sharia/hates america

excellent work, israel, thank you for sharing that people who lack faith or believe in open borders are medically defective

Really sways my brain.
Cue the 'magnets can weaken faith in god and weaken threat response part of the brain' article


Brain damage makes you liberal.

depression what a fake ass thing
I am so radicalized by Jow Forums I would still be far right after that

>tfw you strap on your kike cap for the first time

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Become a libtard today, only disable your brain here ... and here.

Haha, I know right fellow CIA Age- I mean, 4channer :)

I dont believe in god and hate non whites

I am a man of principles I don't backtrack user

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Go to sleep goyim

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I don't get how it simultaneously makes you less likely to have retarded beliefs about God but more likely to have retarded beliefs about third world immigration.

A cure for nazis

Humbling yourself is a terrifying prospect, huh?

Trans-cranial magnetic stimulation is quite a popular technique in cognitive neuroscience currently. It can be used to temporarily disable targeted regions of the brain, but obviously requires million-£ equipment in a lab setting (so there isn't an Israeli conspiracy to control your mind).

The hunt for the 'morality' region of the brain has been inconclusive, but it is well known which region processes fear.

I mean, from an evolutionary point of view it makes sense that some people would be friendlier to outsiders (co-operating with another tribe) or defensive (protecting your tribe from incursions).

anyone who asks for "depression treatment" deserves to be lobotomized, anyways

Well thank god christians aren't depressed anyway, their life is full of meaning.

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Underrated. Maybe you believe less in the bipolar fictional sky jew because it is tied to your ingroup culture and acceptance.

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oops wrong picture

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Hey didnt facebook buy Oculus a while back ?
