>Gewiss, ich habe unterschrieben, dass ich 2 Millionen Juden umgebracht habe. Aber ich hätte genausogut untershrieben, dass es 5 Millionen Juden gewesen sind. Es gibt eben Methoden, mit denen man jedes Geständnis erreichen kann — ob es nun wahr ist oder nicht.
(Certainly, I signed a statement that I killed two and a half million Jews. But I could just as well have said that it was five million Jews. There are certain methods by which any confession can be obtained, whether it is true or not.)
avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/04-15-46.asp >The 'final solution' of the Jewish question meant the complete extermination of all Jews in Europe. I was ordered to establish extermination facilities at Auschwitz in June 1941. At that time, there were already in the General Government three other extermination camps: Belzek, Treblinka, and Wolzek. > 2,500,000 victims were executed and exterminated there by gassing and burning
1. Treblinka was built in April 1942 so it couldn't have been used as a extermination camp during June 1941. 2. Wolzek is a camp that doesn't even exist. 3. There are no official records that support the 2 500 000 claim.
Whoever wrote this "confession" was not a high ranking SS-officer.
avalon.law.yale.edu/imt/05-30-46.asp >M. HERZOG: I would ask you then, Defendant Sauckel, if you confirm the statements which were made under oath, voluntarily and without any duress, on 4 September 1945, and which contradict those that you made yesterday and which you have just made to me.
>SAUCKEL: I confirm that my signature is appended to this document. I ask the Tribunal's permission to state how that signature came about.
>This document was presented to me in its finished form. I asked to be allowed to read and study this document in my cell in Oberursel and decide whether I could sign it. That was denied me. During the conversation an officer was consulted who, I was told, belonged to the Polish or Russian army; and it was made clear to me that if I hesitated too long in signing this document I would be handed over to the Russian authorities. Then this Polish or Russian officer entered and asked, "Where is Sauckel's family? We know Sauckel, of course we will take him with us; but his family will have to be taken into Russian territory as welt" I am the father of 10 children. I did not stop to consider; and thinking of my family, I signed this document.
Communists threatening Germans and their families seem to be a recurring theme for extracting "confessions".
archives.fbi.gov/archives/news/stories/2010/november/holocaust_110910 >Driven by crooked Claims Conference employees, former employees and other conspirators would recruit people—some unwitting—who weren’t eligible for the program (mostly individuals of the Jewish faith in the Russian immigrant community) to take part in the fraud. >To make it appear that applicants were eligible, identification documents were often altered (for example, a birth date was changed to make it appear that applicants were born during or before World War II) and fake Nazi persecution stories were often made up.
youtube.com/watch?v=1oEd0fRsq1U >Zyklon B consists of pellets that the Germans allegedly dropped through holes in the ceiling >Fred Scheifler says Zyklon B was dispersed through showerheads
>"survives" 11 concentration camps >claims to be an eyewitness >not even once did he see pellets being dropped through holes in the ceiling
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerstein_Report >The Gerstein Report was written in 1945 by Kurt Gerstein, Obersturmführer of the Waffen-SS, who served as Head of Technical Disinfection Services of the SS in World War II, and in that capacity supplied the hydrogen cyanide-based pesticide Zyklon B from Degesch >The people stand on each other's feet. 700 - 800 on 25 square metres
>Rosenfeld, a Jew born in Lemberg, the Austro-Hungarian Empire (today Lviv, Ukraine), was raised in Wöllersdorf near Wiener Neustadt. He graduated in medicine with a specialization in urology from Vienna University. After the Anschluss, Rosenfeld was deported to Dachau concentration camp and later to Buchenwald. In 1939, he was released and had to leave the country within two weeks. Since China did not require Jews to apply for a visa, he fled to the Shanghai Ghetto.
there were gas chambers but really it was just disinfectant chamber to get rid of the typhus epidemic. If anybody still believes the official narrative of the holocaust check these videos out. This guy was basically banned from all of youtube codoh.com/library/authors/1557/
Hunter Barnes
It must not be raining in France today.
Brandon Reyes
Actually it is. But I do have a life you know.
Anyway, here we are again the same thread that we showed contained lies and deceit yesterday, three times, and here is the same stale spam and pasta today again.
And the cowardly eco warrior who won’t say if he used software to spam the board, or does it manually. Several times a day. Every day. For months. The same graphic, the same text. Even though he knows that they are shit.
I am busy today, so don’t have the time to waste. Have fun children, lying to each other, knowing you are lying. giggle at the naughty lies, like naughty schoolgirls, and of course tell yourselves that you are really butch and macho because next time you really will mass murder millions, unlike the pussy Nazis who didn’t have the guts to do it.
The Eternal Lying Wetbrain Boomer is claiming he has a life, the lies never end with that retard
Carson White
ITT American “humour”
Autist that thought he was so funny he is now posting pictures of his hilarious joke.
I think that is really much sadder than the denial.
At least holocaust denial is merely Poor education and crude lack of imagination, intelligence and taste.
It must be terrible to live without a sense of humour
Lincoln James
What is the answer to question thirteen?
That is the only one that isn’t easily debunked with a few minutes Research or thought.
Hunter Russell
Ah the Lying Leaf.
Just o explain he thinks I am an alcoholic because he has spent a lot of time with them (in rehab, not sure if he was staff or client). But sadly of course, like the rest of his ravings, he has no actual evidence for that opinion.
Also he keeps saying I am a boomer, when he knows I am Gen X.
And of course he doesn’t claim he has a life...
Although I note today he forgot to add the also unfounded allegations of being a Mason and a Pedophile - or that I am English and married to a Jew.
Is it dementia, perhaps?
Michael Thompson
Oh look you're back frenchie. I rarely come to these threads because barely anyone here actually knows what their talking about but its funny that its always you who shows up. You ever find out why they had windows in the gas chambers in majdanek and survivors claiming that they went in only to get a disinfectant shower. Did you ever find out about the furnaces limits, fire blocks, and how long it takes to burn a body? Did you ever find out about how the starving kike who dragged dead bodies down the a long hall way with a fucking cane was able to pull it off? Did you ever find why they pushed the propaganda of shrunken heads, lamp shades, human soap, kids being thrown into furnaces a live, how they already claimed 6 million jews died before their was any investigation of the camps at all and this was when germany was still in power as well?
Daniel Johnson
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The truth hurts him very much
Jaxon Rogers
ah fuck, you got in the way kek
Juan Thompson
Sounds like somebody wants that image spammed every time he pops up in one of these threads. Since he's a guest we'll clearly have to oblige.
Nolan Foster
They didn’t have windows In the madjaneck gas chamber.
I punster an article about the technology of the German crematoria several times - you just didn’t bother to read it.
I don’t remember you talking about The sondorkommando- who were fed extra rations to keep them fit for the work, so that is a weird question. The soap lie was of course a WW1 invention by the British, which was then adopted by the Nazis - they loved to tell Jews they had just washed with soap made from dead Jews as it freaked them out. So it is not surprising that many believed the lie. No one now does. The shrunken heads you know existed, just that they were probably anthropology collection from South America. Given the horrors of the camp it is not a stretch for someone to think they made them there when they found them there. The lamp shade - there was only rumour of one - is unproven either way. I doubt many kids were thrown alive into furnaces. But would it surprise you if it did happen once? Or twice? Any honest look at what happened would suggest it was far from impossible. As for the claim they pushed henuber before the investigation - it wasn’t hard to estimate how many Jews were in the hands of the Germans, and how they were being treated. Also all sorts of numbers were thrown about - it is cherry picking to say they just used the 6 mill figure
Caleb Taylor
Oh please do.
It is so hilariously funny the whole world should have that meme forced on them
Hunter Hill
Yes, I am cut to the bone by your psychic powers detecting the “truth”
Are you going to lie about the IBM and the Holocaust book now?
Or claim the death books from Auschwitz are still held as secret and can’t be seen (despite being searchable on several websites) ?
Or will you again declare that you know you are lying, but hate jews and will continue to lie?
Kayden Phillips
You heard him boys, he's literally asking for it. Save and spam whenever you see the potato nigger in France that can't be honest about his motivations.
Bentley Stewart
Kek nice deflection we've already been over this. Answer the question do you know what the limit to the furnaces were, fireblocks, and how long it took to burn the bodies? Even if the guy was paid more food for his job its straight up retarded to think he could drag thousands of people who weighed probably 100-150lbs down a long as hallway with a cane. Its the most retarded logic from germans if they were going for efficiency and they were known for their technological achievements but the best the could come up with is a kike dragging dead bodies with a cane, not a simple conveyer belt?
Yeah the shrunken heads came from south america that was my point but they even used it as evidence in the nuremberg trials against germany, same with the lampshades. You still ignored several of my questions since the holocaust is entirely based on anecdotal evidence why the hell do you cherry pick the survivors stories that fit your narrative when there's plenty of survivors for example majdanek claiming that they only had a disinfectant shower when they came into the gas chamber?
Also which questions do think I gnored - I went through in order and answered all of them
Including the one about firebricks etc - I have given the link to the paper dozens of time. Read it
Body disposal at Auschwitz an end to holocaust denial is the title. Easy to find
Jaxon Hill
Funny, I have a life... back for a few minutes, now have things to do.
Back later if thread still up
David Garcia
Oh please do.
Although I am not sure what you mean about my motivations. I have always said - I do it for the lulz, and to feel superior to denier idiots.
Although they are such low level idiots that the superiority buzz is pretty low.
The big question is why you do it? Is it contrariness - you want to be special? Or just old fashioned bigotry?
Matthew White
Just ignored them again. Why did they use false evidence in the nuremberg trials? Why did they only cherry pick survivors stories that fit narrative? Show me your photos of the majdanek gas chamber because this is straight from spielbergs site? collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/pa1067795 You still are refusing to answer my questions about the furnaces limit, fire blocks, and how long it took to burn a body? Literally should take you a couple seconds to answer since you're all knowing on this topic
Christian Howard
this thread is based, thanks for doing it everyday user everyday this faggot comes in and tries to shit it up with their lies.
the only lies are the jew lies
Robert Hill
obviously you don't since you're in every single holocaust thread
Ryder Morris
>Even if the guy was paid more food for his job its straight up retarded to think he could drag thousands of people who weighed probably 100-150lbs down a long as hallway with a cane
Not only that, they managed to not die from inhaling the toxic fumes that had just killed the victims whose corpses they were dragging out.
The state of CA used to have a gas chamber. An MD would have to carefully wash the corpse of the executed individual before it could be released to a mortuary.
Joseph Rogers
if its not all lies, when why cant people question it? why is it illegal to deny it happened? who would make a law that punishes someone for simply saying "that didnt happen." why is all this necessary if it happened and there is insurmountable evidence confirming it?? Where is this evidence? show me one thing please. just ONE non-anecdotal piece of evidence. i too will wait
>Although I am not sure what you mean about my motivations. I have always said - I do it for the lulz, and to feel superior to denier idiots. "I only do it when it rains." "It rains every day in France?" "I mean I only do it when it rains or I'm bored." "So you're bored every day it's not raining in France?" "No, I only do it for lulz and to feel suprerior."
John Reyes
Ignored what?
Less gnomic more communication
They used what they had to hand at Nuremberg
It was rushed, it was messy, and it wasn’t very good. No one denies that. At the same time, the evidence they had which was good, was good enough. And subsequent investigation has confirmed it.
I don’t have photos of it, I have not been there, but I know that this is a common denier lie which has been debunked. Prove that was the gas chamber. You can’t, because it wasn’t. You have a picture of a room with a window - big deal.
Yes the madjaneck camp has been badly curated and maybe the wrong room was claimed to be agas chamber at some time. Big deal,
It takes about twenty minutes to half an hour to burn an adult body to bones. At that time all that is left is a mass about the size of a football, plus skull and rib cage. At that point you can throw in on other body. If you are burning children it don’t take that long. A third were children. You can put two or three small people - little old ladies, children, babies, lifeless ill fed peasants, (average height of Polish Male at that time was just over five foot. It hulking modern well fed six foot plus fat bastards.)
I have no idea what you mean by furnaces limit - I am not a crematorium engineer, I suspect neither are you, but the questions about the maintence and lifespan and capacity of the crematorium are all addressed in the article you refuse to bother to look at.
Juan Roberts
Where is Wolzeck?
Next to Sobibor isn’t it? And when you read the transcripts of the earlier interrogations doesn’t he say he does not know the name of the fourth camp, but gives directions on how to get there, which lead directly to the fourth OR camp, Sobibor, beside Wolzeck.
So who is being deceptive here? OP is trying to suggest something false...
Landon Martin
Says someone who has to be in every single holocaust thread to know that... but if he was he would know I am not in all of them...
Funny type of criticism to say someone is Niall the threads you are in...
Jackson Nelson
lol no there wasn't you skeevy hebe
Robert Diaz
You make this claim but why?
It wasn’t just one guy dragging corpses, they had a team. Why does dragging them not make sense? Easier than lifting them. Why does it not make sense that they used a stick to help them drag, so didn’t have to handle the body or bend to lift it?
And given that the room was ventilated with powerful ventilation system, and the gas is lighter than air, and is not deadly in small amounts (it is dose sensitive) your objections about the safety of doing it are nonsense.
If you are merely draggging a corpse to a,lift then it is thrown in a furnace, and it is being done by disposable slaves, then you don’t usually have California style health and safety regs to worry about.
Can you buy Kinder Eggs in California?
Joshua Morris
I am on my iPad, so don’t have my usual resources
But look up census data for Jews pre and post war. Ignore the deniers who lie by using the World Almanac without telling you that the AWA published the 1939 figures until 1949 because they had no new data.
The drop in numbers is confirmed by census data, and all census data since the war. Unless that is all faked, a huge conspiracy, then what happened to the five and half to six million missing Jews?
Then check mass graves holocaust - huge mass graves at all major camps, and mass graves from shootings - thousands of mass graves- all over the East.
Deniers say there are no bodies - they are simply lying.
Check the train records for Anne Frank arrival at Auschwitz 79 kids under fifteen on the train, and five hundred other people listed as on the train, never recorded as accepted into the camp. They just disappeared. There is no plausible explanation for that.
Ayden Bell
A furnace limit is when they will have to perform maintenance and repair the inside of the furnace most likely replace the fire block which takes a good amount of time. It literally means what it sounds when a furnace goes past its limit.
You're such a faggot I literally posted the link of that photo from spielbergs website and theres even zyklon b stains on the walls. Nice deflection faggot. A gas chamber room with a window is huge flaw in the narrative.
You have skip over this question 3 times now. Why do you cherry pick the survivors stories that fit the narrative and ignore the survivors stories that say they only went in to get a gas chamber?
They used faked evidence that isn't evidence at all. Theres no way in hell they could pull off burning a body in 20 -30min do you even know what type of furnaces they used they were coke based literally primitive to what we have today and no furnace today can burn a body that quickly unless it was a midget or a child. A $100,000 furnace today can only cremate 100lbs for every hour. No way in hell could a primitive coke base furnace even compete with a modern day one but you claim that they somehow how made a coke base furnace superior to what we have today able to do it 24/7 with no furnace limit. You're retarded if you believe this
Cooper Thompson
Of course not. Only conspiracy theorists believe that nonsense
I love the way you hang on to this one. It shows dedication and single mindedness.
So I made a throw away remark, and you want o make a federal case of it? When are you going to accuse me of colluding with Russia?
I don’t owe you any account of what I do or why. But please keep obsessing over me. It shows I have won. You can’t argue wth the truths I tell, so you just make up shit to talk about as if it is important.
Gabriel Torres
Why don't you post this somewhere where people give a fuck?
Talk about it in a school user. Do it.
Colton Adams
I'm not in every single one you know this because I will bring up the same subjects to you that you never give a straight answer of. Check all the archives of these threads you won't see me at all bringing up my arguments its been at least several months since I partook in these threads but I can go look at the archives and find you in every single one using the same exact tactics
Juan Kelly
>You have skip over this question 3 times now. Why do you cherry pick the survivors stories that fit the narrative and ignore the survivors stories that say they only went in to get a gas chamber? *Only went in to get a disinfectant shower
Xavier Nelson
Read the article, it discusses the maintenance required and the number of times the furnaces broke down.
(Also note the use of pyres, which you are conveniently ignoring)
I don’t care what a film maker with no historical training and less sense posts. Schindlers list was hardly an accurate historical drama was it? So you expect me to support every word he says or picture he posts? Why?
And you are entirely wrong about the primitive nature of the furnaces - Topf and sons were world leaders.
And entirely wrong about modern furnaces. A Hurikan 3000 portable carcas incinerator can do one tone in one hour to ash. And can run twenty hours a day. Modern tech is ten times better than you are claiming
They don’t use that in funeral homes because they have strict regulations about single cremation in boxes, with strict emissions regs.
You are comparing apples and oranges,
Levi Collins
Does anyone have that image of the Jow Forumstard in a German history class? Pleeeease tell me someone has it I can't find it anywhere
Gavin Gonzalez
Ask straight questions, I am answering them.
David White
>he has a life >he has more important things to do kek
ITT: conspiracy theorists. The last is of course the delusional Lying Leaf...
Why does no one ever ask who is paying him? Why shills for the deniers are here every day, and OP is here posting the same stuff repeatedly every day?
Why are they shilling this stuff?
I mean he, OP, does this two of three or four times a day. Same pics, same pasta, same order. You have to be paid to do that, yes? Or mightily weird in the head?
Elijah Peterson
did you notice that the bodes were emaciated and the men had foreskins? nope, you just posted all of that claiming they were "jewish" tisk tisk
Oh you have new factoid picked up from another Pol tard last night. Pity the man had no foreskin in the picture he was posting, but being a Burger he doesn’t know what a foreskin looks like.
All you holohoaxers, today's your lucky day. I'm going to copy and paste all your facts that youre so confident about, and send them to the most conservative news station I can find.
I will post a link when they finally blow the whistle! Hell Hitler!
You got your answer - cherry picking stories about Russian Jews, where six million Jews lived...
Also the one about Macedonian Christians in you graphic - proves the word holocaust was used not just about Jews, not just about ansacrifice, but about any large scale destruction., not necessarily with fire.
Eli Lopez
What, we're supposed your conspiratard grade kvetching in images because you got btfo?
I love these threads, watching kikes squirm and attempt to defend the indefensible always highlights why they were ejected from over 300 countries.
>Hurikan 3000 portable carcas incinerator You're the one comparing apples to oranges theres a huge difference between a one person furnace and a Hurikan 3000 portable carcas incinerator. They used coke based furnaces this could be possible if they made some giant oven similar to the Hurikan 3000 portable carcas incinerator but they didn't the official claim is they used individual furnaces that could only take one person at a time.Yeah you can still keep the heat to the top temperature but it won't slow down the time for all the water to evaporate especially in a coke based furnace.
You are ignoring the holocaust database that spielberg owns which is taken as fact and can use as citations even in college essays on the subject but you ignore it because it doesn't fit your narrative. You have skipped this question for a 4th time now.why the hell do you cherry pick the survivors stories that fit your narrative when there's plenty of survivors for example majdanek claiming that they only had a disinfectant shower when they came into the gas chamber?
Robert Parker
Anyone who does will of course see that they don’t include the German records, they report some German records.
And those are incomplete records, as we have no complete record from any camp, and no records at all from the majority of the camps.
Thr Lying Leaf is being deceptive again
Blake Reyes
Typicall answer from you kikes.
>N-no no g-goy your claim is false look at my ((((proof))))
5 article mentioning the 6 gazillions is just pure coincidence goy !
Jordan Edwards
always remember that no matter what the claims of the holohoax nutters none of them can produce any records proving extermination orders existed. even Raul Hillberg, a pro-holohoax nutter, testified that after going through thousands of German records that there were ZERO autopsy reports claiming anyone died by gas poisoning, and not once was the word "killing" used
>No argument You're actually pathetic and should be euthanised, all of your low IQ "arguments" have been debunked here including ones your small brain couldn't even think of
Cooper Powell
Hey frog rabbi. Always miss your talmudic schizophrenia.