What should I ask?

Jow Forums what should I ask this PhD candidate of Holocaust Studies/Lit? I will post his replies.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>wooden doors

why are you looking at boys on tinder

Alot of businesses need those ppl right

Also magic crematoriums

You a faggot or something?

Ask why is the Holocaust given more attention and a place of reverence when such things have happened in the past i.e. the Holodomor or hell let's say within the last say 30 years like with Rwanda and other places genocides keep happening up until this very day?

Ask him what he thinks about the white genocide of the jews?

Oops, also ask about why most don't even recognize or even care about the Armenian genocide?

>"How many really died?"


ask how much the rabbi paid him


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Wooden doors, Keep us posted

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That didn't answer his question and you're an idiot for posting it. The holocaust is only number one on that list because they deliberately ranked it based on lowest estimate. Other genocides had higher average estimates and much higher high estimates.

Also, it's erroneous and deliberately misleading. Plenty of widely accepted scholars did estimate lower than the numbers on that list. You can find more on that here.


Show him the aerial photos of the grave sites at Treblinka and then ask him if he think 800000 bodies worth of ash and sand would fit in those holes

ask if 4 million is holocaust denial...if 5.9 is...

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Ask him why the Jews in charge of the prisoners at the concentration camps were way worse than the Nazis.

Ask him how much money he wasted on that bullshit degree. Fucking useless bullshit. PhD in Holocaust studies. Fuck it I nominate anybody who has a high degree in this or Gender studies or Feminist tap dance or Period blood arts
And crafts to be genocided next. And the fact that someone can get an 8 year degree in Transexual satanic orgy decorations or the like and be proud of it needs to be gassed more than any individual race or culture. Absolute deceleration of humanity these fucking wastes of space. God fucking damn this earth im fucking sick of it. We are in hell

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Why get a degree in holocaust studies rather than something normal like English?

OP is an actual fag hahahaaa

They had metal doors. Even IF the doors were wooden, go sit in your bathroom with 5 other people and fill the bathtub with naptha, ammonia, and bleach.

They used ZyclonB faggot. Which actually takes several hours to vaporize at room temp.

Why are you on gay apps matching with men you faggot?

thats remainds me of 70' show

Hydrogen cyanide, boils at room temperature.
Diatomaceous earth? LOL you can buy that right now, go ahead, crush some up and inhale the air around it. Let me know how your hospital visit goes.

>1 post by this ID

what did Hitler do wrong?

Top goy, he'll make a great slave

You're a retard. The hydrogen cyanide in zyklon b was encapsulated in a porous material it needed to be evaporated from. Commercial use of it requires incinerating the pellets, not dropping them through a hole.

>Hydrogen cyanide, boils at room temperature
ZyclonB were pellets that would take a long time to boil at room temp. What was room temp at Auschwitz besides the Jews of course?

just show him this youtu.be/RoyFb3b4fbg

Ask about the "Bloodstone" report.

Ask why the numbers were changed on the Holohoax plaque.

Ask why Holohoax plaque says "Mainly Jews" when the Bloodstone report contradicts that statement.

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Ask why the rooms for delousing have tons of zyclon B residue on the walls while the supposed gas chambers only have trace amounts on the walls.

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ask him is better to be
>pro choice
with regard to vaccinations (as the Nazi's vaccinated and nobody had any say)
or is it better to be
>pro choice
as it relates to late term abortion, as in 5 min before the delivery, or even 5 min after

Is it really your body, or is it not.

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Ask him if he's aware that six million dead bodies would occupy six square miles, and that nobody noticed anything close to six square miles of dead bodies.