Why do women tend to end relationships when physically hit? I'm not a misogynist, nor do I like beating women...

Why do women tend to end relationships when physically hit? I'm not a misogynist, nor do I like beating women, but isn't leaving your partner you knew for such a long time just because he hit you once a bit extreme?

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Imagine making a dumber thread than most incels.

Physical violence is one of the best reasons to end a relationship.

I would add that if you're a male who hits a female you're a pussy. No excuses, no equality bullshit, just a pussy ass bitch. I've had girls throw plates at me, deck me in the face over verbal arguments, and threaten me with rape allegations when I said I'd call the police. There is no bitch you should ever lay your hands on violently if you are a male unless your life is in jeopardy.

Women should leave men that hit them every time, there's no excuse for accepting fuccbois that can control themselves and act like a man.

one hit can show signs of future hitting. a lot of women may believe that's a red flag (it kind of is) and may think the relationship is toxic and turning into abuse.
also if you resort to hitting, even accidental you clearly cannot argue effectively in extremes.

Idk my husband has hit me a couple times when angry but when he's not angry he is usually loving and caring so I don't leave him

If you’re older than 10 (and even that is pushing it) and you’re still hitting people you don’t have the emotional maturity to be in a fulfilling relationship. If you aren’t capable of expressing your emotions in a non violent way then you could never be a good partner.

It’s not extreme, it’s just the logical smart choice.

(My one exception is hysteria. If someone is just completely losing their shit in an emergency situation, then sometime a slap is a good wake up call)

I know you don't mean this. You just want replies, so I'll give one. Just for (You).

No it doesn't. Everyone has the capacity for violence. Just because a kind and loving person sometimes loses his temper doesn't make him less kind and loving.

even if he is kind and loving, hitting is inexcusable from either gender. you're right, everyone loses their temper but it certainly is not okay to resort to hitting in an adult relationship. if it was one time, it can be forgiven if they learn from it. if it was multiple times, you cannot use the excuse of losing temper forever.

Or unless she's going for the balls.
Sorry. Your tantrum is not a sufficient reason for you to jeopardize my singular dream of raising a large and happy family. If you attempt to cause me reproductive harm, I will drop you.

>Just because a kind and loving person sometimes loses his temper doesn't make him less kind and loving.
Obviously it fucking does. Even if you can't control your fucking emotions and lose your temper, it's not an excuse to hit anyone.

If your sperm cell count is low enough to become infertile off a hit to the nuts you probably werent going to have them to begin with.

You can defend yourself against most women without a closed fist or hitting them unless you're a 5'3 beta. Having a family in this day and age is more of a indicator of severe codependency than compassion, your kids are just going to die of famine by the time theyre adults anyway.

So if I'm in a relationship with someone for let's say five years and we have mutual affection for each other, and I hit her once, does that mean that she's been living with an abusive person without knowing it for five years? How much you beat your partner isn't really a very good indicator of how good your relationship is.
Like said, you can beat your partner and still love them as much as you did before. On the other hand it is easily possible for a relationship to turn very toxic and painful without any physical harm involved.

Do you think she loves you the same as she would have if you didnt hit her and practiced self-control? Be real honest here.

not him but
>How much you beat your partner isn't really a very good indicator of how good your relationship is.

common sense if you've hit your partner multiple times the relationship isn't very stable and healthy if you've needed to hit them on different occasions. get anger management.

First of all, why would I ever hit a woman I love? To cause her injury or pain? Of course not, and the woman probably knows this too. The only reason I would hit a woman is because she angered me, and in almost all cases it's because she won't shut up. In that case, hitting her is the same as shouting at her, as I just want to convey my feelings to her. Why, hitting her is more effective, since she is more likely not to do what angered me, thus in the future I won't even have to shout at her. Anyway, if mutual love is present, a smart woman will forgive the man because she understands her fault and her partners intentions.

I would stop being friends or in a relationship or being a family member of anyone who expressed violence toward me. What kind of maniac sticks around to eat that type of shit?

>a smart woman would forgive her abuser
No thats a woman with a battered housewife complex.

A smart woman would leave you to find a man that can control his anger and not take it out on her.

stop making these threads you retard

Your testicles are not indestructible. Your sperm count is irrelevant to permanent damage to the organ. Your brazen ignorance is not charming.

Legally, you can defend yourself anyway. Morally, I come from a conservative environment. We were always told to never hit a female...but it also went the other way. Ladies were not allowed to get violent with us.
Act like a man, get treated like a man. There's nothing effeminate about not letting one of society's pet retards mutilate you.
There "is" something effeminate about suffering submissively because you've been firmly brainwashed into treating every drunken town bicycle as some precious little flower that needs to be handled gently.

It's really not open for debate. If you're female, I wouldn't expect other men to have an attitude much different from mine. There "is" a point you can push us to where we no longer care what happens to you. I know one guy who used to take beatings from his abusive mother, until she put her hands around his neck. The colossal teenager picked her up like a fucking rag doll and threw her over the patio's banister, into the front yard, telling her that if she did that again, he'd kill her.

If you're a man, your flexing comes off as entirely phony.
>Having a family in this day and age is more of a indicator of severe codependency than compassion, your kids are just going to die of famine by the time theyre adults anyway.
A famine in the us would honestly save more lives than it would end.
That's implying this country is going to sustain a famine in the near future, though. It's not. The worst that happens is when the midwest floods like this and you end up with a spike in the price of certain goods. Our crop is varied, redundant, adoptable, and cheaply harvested. Our abundance is without parallel.

It's neither codependency or compassion. I will have a family because I want to have a family. Your Gaia cultist, greenpeace bullshit notwithstanding.

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Stop making these threads, jesus fuck.

This only happens if you already see issues elsewhere. The physical assault was just the final straw. I have seen it happen where the guy was too autistic or narcissistic to understand what else he had done wrong, but trust me, there usually is.

I've been with a guy who did it once, and my reaction was actually worse than leaving him, but we still fixed it at the end of the day. He was extremely stressed out, had just quit his job due to how hard they abused him, and he had been in a massive fight with his dad. I bumped into him in the kitchen, and he just lashed out as a reaction to that, and gave me a blue eye. I threw a stove of tomato sauce on him and gave him a first degree burn on the arm, so we kinda both overreacted pretty violently. But it was all due to outside influences, there were no other deeper issues that we were struggling with, so we talked it out at the ER, and after a solid talk with the ER doctor as well, we kinda out it aside.

Things happen sometimes, what matters is whether you expected it or not. If you expected it, you can pretty much be sure it'll happen again. If you didn't, and it felt more like a sudden reaction with little thought behind it, then there is rarely any reason to make a huge deal out of it.

You're getting quite worked up about the possibility of getting hit by a woman. Have you ever been hit by something that isn't a girl?

If you have any ounce of testosterone in those nuts youre so keen on protecting you should realize that your physical strength is superior. Its not submissive by not taking advantage of your strength to harm something smaller than you. Male athletes outperform female athletes in pretty much any sport that matters. They dont put girls against guys in UFC. Males have more upper body strength and using it against someone you're in a relationship with that is most likely weaker than you is a pussy move. Would you behave this way around alpha males in a gym, or is this beta shit you do in private?

If cat scratches you, do you punch it in the face? Do you feel submissive by not doing so?

Are you guys ugly or something? I don't have a job and neither does my friend, we can hit women and they stay with us. My ex started it so maybe that's why she let it go, but she did in her last relationship too and it was BAD in that one. Also he gets drunk and hits his girls and bruised his gf at the time a lot after she got him festival tickets and paid for everything kinda like the new gf is doing now. She's pretty and rich too. Take away the tats and makeup and it's how he looks, also we are both manlets under 5'10.
Women stay with ATTRACTIVE men, abusive and not. Come on, I thought you knew this. I don't get violent but it's not in my nature but I'd be fine if I had to. I fucked a lot of girls and their feminine nature is so beautiful but also rather disgusting and many I meet are mostly dim witted.

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>I've been with a guy who did it once,
So... you did leave him?

You are kind of contradicting yourself. Clearly there were deeper issues anyway.

It sets a frankly terrifying precedent. Maybe he would only hit you once in his entire life -- but he's someone you should feel safe with, and now he's broken your trust and shattered your ability to feel safe in his presence by escalating to physical violence. Will he do it again? He can promise he won't, but how can you be certain? You never thought he'd hit you in the first place and then he did, so how can you consider his word reliable? How can trust be reestablished when one party may now be frightened, suspicious of ulterior motive, possibly furious at, and wary of the other?

Going separate ways makes the best sense.

Right, so you're attempting to control another person through fear of violence rather than, say, talking about whatever it is that bothered you and coming to a compromise like anyone reasonable?

You don't hit the people you love, ever, and never in anger.

He got a job opportunity that meant we both had to move, and I wasn't able to do that in my current situation.

Sometimes life doesn't work out the way you want it to. Once I had the chance to move, it was too late, and he had moved on.

You dont necessarily break up because you dont like each other anymore.

imo its a case by case basis. If a women initiates violence, is harming you, and you cant just push them away, then it would be ok to hit them. Of course only do what is nessesary to protect yourself. Usually, you dont need to beat the living shit out of her.
as for OP's question, thats something hes gotta figure out for himself. But you hit your gf because you were angry, then that makes you a stupid child. Dont be a stupid child. Apologize to her and say youll never do it again, and she might stay. If not then youre out of luck. You should still continue to not hit people. Do that an youll be fine. Of course im speculating. I dont know your situation

In essence the feeling of lost trust when you get hit is similar when being cheated on. How can you know it won't repeat now? Men that can't control themselves are animals, plain and simple. I dont want to date an animal.

Most women don’t do anything to deserve physical retaliation from a man, and if a man abuses his wife, he will almost certainly abuse his children. That being said, some women bring it upon themselves by berating and beating their partners. You can’t treat anyone like that and expect them to never snap.

>Just because a kind and loving person sometimes loses his temper doesn't make him less kind and loving.

It has nothing to do with the person's emotional capacity and everything to do with their expression of emotion and relationship with violence. For most people, violence doesn't have a place in the home

>The only reason I would hit a woman is because she angered me
You're responsible for your own emotions, not her. You actively would be choosing to harm another person because of the way you felt. There's no anger threshold for "oh it's ok do do violence now" just like how there isn't one for sadness or happiness.

Most women in domestic violence situations actually don't immediately leave when they first get hurt. I was in the situation where we had a really emotionally abusive and toxic situation going on and he never hit me. Then one night he poured water on me in a drunken fight. I was understandably scared, and saw that as him breaking a physical barrier when he was angry. Then I convinced myself that I needed to wait to find the right time to break up. Lo and behold a few months later the next time we get into a drunk fight, he chokes me. I left the next day.

>isn't leaving your partner you knew for such a long time just because he hit you once a bit extreme?

No because you can easily convince yourself that all the emotional shittiness is ok, but once someone actually tries to physically harm you then the context is "oh well what else will he/can he do". And hitting someone in a relationship is not normal regardless of what your experiences might tell you.

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If a cat scratches my eyeball I break its fucking neck.
My junk is more important to me than that. Anyone that goes for my nuts with injury being the goal is going to receive retaliation. Doesn't matter who they are, doesn't matter if they have to die to prevent that injury. The very simple solution is for them to not try it in the first place.

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Because its a sign of what is to come.

Don't make me flick your balls again you little bitch.