>just have sex
Always the same "advice"
I don't want sex, I want to be loved
Just have sex
sex a precursor to love you dumb incel
If it's not built in decent time, it's just sloppy shit.
She might already give me herpes by the time she finished her 5th banana of the day.
Sex should be the culmination of a deeply loving, long relationship. Not meaninglessly slapping your genitals because your lizard brain tells you it "feel good"
Nobody will love you if you don’t love yourself first
pure bullshit. A bromide people spout when they know they're wrong.
Wrong, whore.
You are one wrong dumbfuck
t. virgin
Nah man. If you don’t like you it manifests itself in your lifestyle.
>always lonely posting on Facebook
>hardly laughing or smiling
>no friends
>no confidence in your choices
If you think that people don’t pick up on that shit instinctually, you’re not thinking straight. These are signs that you are weak stock and low value.
I’m not saying you have to be full of yourself, but you have to care about yourself and your internal world. This allows you to pursue things with passion and confidence and then others will be attracted to that.
I'm fucking right though! How am I wrong?! Everything I said is true
Because it’s your opinion. Sex can be whatever someone needs it to be. Abused person used it for closure, young people use it for casual fun and life experiences, you use it to find a partner in life.
Sex is a tool not a lifestyle
>casual fun and life experiences
what the fuck is this?
what kind of shallow person does this embody
sounds like something a whore would say
just be loved
Again those are your opinions. What does it matter to you how someone else’s sex life looks? Some people meet up for casual hook ups and to be intimate with someone new. Sometimes it turns into a relationship other times not.
Why didn’t you question the abused individual scenario?
woman want to be loved after you drench their face with cum. if you cannot do that.. you are doomed.
Hahahahah. News flash dipshit. There is no love. Love the ake in your balls when you see a couple of nice tits. If you want real companionship make sure that its not a physical thing.
Man, I just wish I had the freedom to be the dumb innocent kid who was unready for any kind of sexual contact back then and the the ptsd addled weirdo I am now. Am I allowed to have my flashbacks and have it be ok? Can I be the person I am? Is it even possible for me to have consensual sex? Can I actually drop my guard and let a woman in? Is she going to do something other than abuse me or kick me to the curb if I try to open up? Is anyone going to let me move on?
>just get a hooker, it'll fix all your hangups
This one's stupid too. I want my first time to be with someone that matters to me. I don't want to regret it
Men who are flippant with sex and jaded that women are.
Chicken & egg.
saga, reportu, derete.
I'm a virgin. My attitude about sex is not flippant at all
No such thing. A lot of my married friends have partners who would leave them at a the drop of the hat or have "turning a ho into a housewife" syndrome. I know only one couple who seem legit.
>I want to be loved
Protip: stop being a judgemental prick
Whenever i want to feel loved, i just hold one of my rose quartz crystals. Makes me feel loved as fuck. And its love for no reason. Its amazing.
sure, as long as she hasn't done that with another guy.
How is that a judgmental desire?
I’m glad you feel that way, but note that virginity doesn’t exclude you. It’s easy to remain (seemingly) virtuous when temptation isn’t present.
I do believe in you though, I’m not trying to discredit or drag you down.
Your posts ITT show you to be a judgemental prick, assuming you wrote any of the replies to the posts about sex
You can't
>I want to be loved
You're an adult now, probably a man, so nobody will ever love you without performing some function for them. You had several years of unconditional love from mommy. If you didn't get enough of it from that, it's simply too bad.
Okay, so why should sex be as special as you claim? Provide your evidence.
>just have sex
>it doesn't work guys
>I'm a virgin.
the story tells itself you fucking retard incel
Not that user
See, the question itself is pretty stupid. It’s not that it SHOULD be special, rather that it IS special, and if it isn’t special for you then you simply killed the part of you that made it special in the first place (or that part of you never existed at all, which is quite sad and I pity you for missing out on it)
Okay, allow me to rephrase the question: Why is it special?
>why is the feeling of love special
Why is the sky blue? Why is water wet?
Why did Judas rat to Romans while Jesus slept?
Not him but sex doesn't always equal love. You think casual hookups or fwb is love?
People shouldn't have sex if they don't feel love
>why is the feeling of love special
I didn't ask you about love, I asked you why sex is special. Love is love, sex is sex. The two can be related, but they aren't the same thing. It's possible to love someone without having sex with them; it's possible to have sex with someone without loving them. They aren't the same thing.
>Why is the sky blue?
The diffraction of light through the atmosphere.
>Why is water wet?
Water isn't wet, water makes other objects wet. But ignoring semantics, it's that way because of it's molecular composition.
>Why did Judas rat to Romans while Jesus slept?
For silver.
Now quit avoiding the question and quit it with your shitty rhetorical nonsense.
Again I ask, WHY?
Yeah, even if they don't feel love, they still do. It's so common and it probably warped OP's thoughts on sex as a whole.
No one should be trying to explain to you how/why sex is special OP. It's for you to figure out and to experience for yourself at your own pace. However, love does come first. Have you tried looking for dates?
Sex is special because it's the only human instinct that requires another person for it to be performed.
There are also a lot of social implications that come with sex.
That's not true. Socialization in general is a human instinct that requires another person. Can't socialize by yourself last time I checked.
And social implications don't make something special. Farting in public has social implications. The clothing you wear has social implications. Plenty of things have social implications and aren't particularly special. You've got to get a little more specific than that.
Here read this I can't explain to a virgin why sex is special because it's a purely subjective experience
There’s nothing inherently wrong with casual consensual sex. It would be akin to two people with itchy backs scratching each others’.
Sex without love sort of seems like chewing food indefinitely without swallowing, just to taste the flavour, if that makes sense. With love, sex is a lot better imho.
Realistically though, with casual sex/fwb, issues arise (non-zero chance of pregnancy, non-zero chance of unwarranted love)
These things are truths and as much as we try to avoid the nature of things, if you want to experience the pure pleasure of cuming raw, you will have to face the realities of consequence and the true nature of things.
And the answer to that Wutang lyric isn’t literal description jeez. Rather that it is in it’s nature.
t. had casual sex, it was okay but broke a heart and t. enjoys love a lot more and it makes sense too biologically and logistically
actual pic of OP
Oh, I can explain why sex is special to a virgin: Because they've never experienced it before. I too was once a virgin and felt that way.
For the record, I'm not against waiting for the right person. I think it's a good idea. I did. I just think people shouldn't be grasping onto a belief so desperately if they can't logically explain it.
And it's not nitpicking. It's wanting a good answer, which hasn't been presented.
OP having standards at all really gets to you personally, doesn't it?
and sex (without love) isn’t special, I can’t argue that, I lumped both together.
not only is it nothing special, it can hurt one of the parties involved, not always but there’s going to be a possibility that a complication arises spontaneously (which really sucks; you’ve taken something that could have been PEAK SPECIAL and made it into another problem)
I’m not condemning it at all, just recommending to forgo it
There's a difference between having standards and being a judgemental asshole. Personally I think that girls who sleep around a lot are making a mistake and undervaluing themselves (usually due to self esteem problems). However I don't call them whores and try to shame them because it's their life and they're free to fuck it up if they want.
Also having that mentality makes you unlikeable and is probably a huge factor in why OP can't get laid.
I didn't say I want to have sex.
You're literally just arguing against having standards, why don't you just have the spine to be honest about that?
also lmaoing at this tactical lolbertarianism, you talk like someone who really doesn't give a shit about community and would rather see it all go to hell than have daddy scold you
Nobody wants to love an angry whiny dickhead loser. Solution: stop being an angry whiny dickhead loser.
Do this
How many friends do you meet up with on a regular basis, and how many of them are women?
>female friends
lol, i only meet girls at parties and in uni.
let me guess you think gender doesn't play a part in what a persons interest are, or if they're even interesting at all?
Just seems that for someone preaching about the community you seem very out of touch with how the community actually is, unless you come from Saudi Arabia or another Muslim shithole
Im at a loss for words, are you telling me i must accept the state of the community if i want to be a part of society? You're a very morally perverted figure.
love is the precursor to sex. without love, sex is meaningless
Sex is kind of meaningless in general. I mean it can be a bonding experience, but it realistically doesn't deeply enhance a relationship. It doesn't bring two people as close as genuine shared experiences. It doesn't even mean as much as spending quality time together. It certainly isn't magical.
Nor is all sex within a committed relationship the same. It's very possible to have sex just for the sake of having sex, within a relationship. My wife and I have had plenty of meaningless sex just because we were horny. We've had lots of passionate love making as well, but it's not always a particularly meaningful interaction between us.
Lol quiet yourself virgin
Does it hurt knowing that you'll die alone without having ever known the touch of a woman?
Cause he's a brainlet
>I don't want sex, I want to be loved
Get your testosterone level checked.
Could you be loved and be loved?
Could you be loved and be loved?
Don't let them fool ya
Or even try to school ya!
Oh, no!
We've got a mind of our own
So go to hell if what you're thinking is not
Love would never leave us alone
A-yin the darkness there must come out to light
Could you be loved and be loved?
Could you be loved, wo yeah! - and be loved?
[I threes]
The road of life is rocky and you may stumble too
So while you point your fingers someone else is judging you
[Bob Marley]
Love your brotherman!
[I Threes]
Could you be,could you be , could you be loved?
Could you be,could you be loved?
Could you be,could you be - could you be loved?
Could you be,could you be loved?
just have sex
That's why we have success and you guys are on Jow Forums begging for girls to date you and shit
Stop acting like you have a leg to stand on. Your idea of success with a chick is getting her to reply to a simple greeting. You guys lose your fucking peanuts when they text you back. They've elevated from human to godlike status in your minds.
Stop, man.
What a dumb post
Almost everyone
When you get love you are going to crave sex. It's human nature, you won't be satisfied
It's a matter of needs, you should love yourself prior to anyone else loving you, If that's not enough you need to grow up as a person.
I mean i know what you mean, but as you grow you will learn that sex is something that matters greatly in relationships.
you know how i know you're an american?
Oh, I'm sorry, can you not deal with the reality of sex? Perhaps you should fuck someone before you comment.
>all those heil hitlers
I notice a pattern here every time something 'revolutionary' happens.
This is true.
I only ever had sex with my husband, and I can't imagine having sex with a person I don't love as much as I love him, but 90% of the sex I have with him is completely, absolutely meaningless.
I'd never want to have sex with someone I don't love because sex carries consequences and risks that I'm not willing to have with a person I don't love and trust completely. Because I value sexual intimacy that way, and because I'd never be able to let myself go and enjoy myself as much as I do if I was fucking a random dude. But really, when it comes to the sex, it's mostly just fucking.
If sex is the highest point of intimacy you share with your partner, maybe rethink your relationship.
Sorry user you are living in the wrong century if love is what you want. All women are thots who will hide their wedding rings and spread their legs as soon as Chad walks by. Time to take the red pill user. Either go have casual sex, go MGTOW, or pick a waifu.
Of all the fantasy worlds you could choose to live in, you pick this one. Sad.
Yeah it should be. But now girls fuck first and figure you out later.
It's the real world
I know the feels, I'm the same way
This post is so delusional.
If you didn't had sex with your wife and you feel the need of it, sex will become the most important need in your life alongside eating and sleeping.
We live in a period of time where sex is too easy to attain and has lost almost all value. As a result of this, love has become increasingly more difficult to find for most people. Don't give up hope because it is still possible, but it is pretty miraculous to find true love in this day and age. Just don't settle out of boredom or loneliness because the old cliche is usually true, you don't go out and find love but it just somehow finds you when you aren't even looking for it.
Is it possible to get a girl who feels the same way as me?
This is legitimately the dumbest post in this entire thread.
I went 2 years without having sex with my wife because of her health issues. You know how much it impacted my life? About as much as missing my morning coffee. You know why? Because I would jerk off, and suddenly I didn't need to have sex any more, and my life doesn't revolve around getting laid.
I know this is probably tough to understand when you're still dealing with the fallout of puberty and you're horny all the fucking time, but as you get older, and start having an adult life, sex just becomes less important. I still love it. But if I don't get it, it's not the end of the world.
But please, continue to tell me how important sex, that thing you've never experienced, is in my relationship and my life, you fucking idiot.
Jesus Christ my guy you need to stop with this "I'm married" charade you lookin more and more like a clown unless you want to post her tits lmao
Okay. Now fuck off.
>no timestamp
Knew you were full of shit. Called your bluff and you lost.
Yeah, let me go wake my wife up at 3:30 in the morning to ask for a picture of her tits with a timestamp I can post on the internet. I'd rather remain married, thank you.
Terrible cope
Go to bed, you've got school in the morning.
No I'm too busy fucking my sexy as hell wife check out this pic she totally sent me
You're like the exact opposite problem. A whore is no better
If you weren't a moron you would be able to read the filename he posted and realize it's at least a real photo he took
She's got a nice rack, dude
Are you autistic? Is that why you missed what was going on so severely?
Uhh... no user. Seems you're the one who's autistic. Would you like me to tell you how I know?
Plenty of loved celebrities have killed themselves annon.
You are a huge cuck and to be triggered like this shows how much sex you need