Thoughts on joining your country's armed forces

I'm considering going all in for a life as a warrior--infantry officer. I can't stand the effete lives of civilians. Are the armed forces a ground for pol to organize against the leftist West?

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Fuck off kike

No thanks.

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good goy

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Intellectual handicap precludes OP from the military.

Try Wal-Mart.

Fighting against civillians in the name of the jews, no thanks

Join the french foreign legion, don't have to worry about dieing for zog when you can die protecting french assets in Afrique

like i have a choice if you refuse here to join the army you go to jail for a good 3 years

Military really hates the left and all this ass kissing to immigrants and mentally ill people

Yes, you should. But when it comes time to fight for your people make sure to fight on the right side.Also ,grow your sons into men

No way I'd join the swedish military, why the fuck would I want to protect this jewed up nation of cucks, feminists and race mixers?
Hell, I'd be happy if Putin conquered us.
Wouldn't mind joining a right wing death squad though.

If you join the military, at least get to a position of high power and defect when the time comes for the populace to fight.

Personal politics aside, your military actually focuses on your countries best interest. If I was a Jew I'd probably be career in the IDF.


Top kek
You mean civillian killing kike brigade op?

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Join the reserves, that way you gain training but don't have to actually fight

I wish I could shoot people of another nation. If we were still at war I'd join.

Yeah fucking right. I'm so glad I didnt do this. I almost did. Probably would have been a infantry goy and and gotten my leg and arms blown off in sand nigger land. Then have to live the rest of my life fucking as a sub human. Couldnt even pick up a gun to blow your own head off. God damn fuck those kikes. Now if a invasion of US soil happened sure. I've got as many ars and ammo as the next guy ready to fight but I'm not giving my life for drug and oil in fake war. Not only that. They military doesn't even fucking protect their own. Shoot the wrong person by accident or by honest mistake your fucking facking ass will rot in a military prison rest of your life. Even a seal who help kill the boogie man bin laden is about to go down. Hear this if you wanna kill people, commit and train and join in private security. US Gov keeps these guys on payroll. They have all the fun, half the rules, protect thier own and make a hell of a lot more money doing it. Or join the coast guard, its the whitest branch there is and you get stationed in a beach town lol. Idk just my two cents.

US forces are fighting in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria

How many? Like 4000? I'm not gonna go through the shit that is joining the military unless there's an actual chance I'll get to shoot somebody

Join the National Guard instead. That way you'll actually be protecting your country and not wasting taxpayer money shooting villagers in a desert thousands of miles from home.

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>private security moron
US Gov probably has more of these guys over there than marines or anyone else. They have these guy all over the world actually.

How is Israel any different to Nazi Germany? Israelis being the German citizens this time & Palestinians being the jews

>killing civilians and dying for the Saudi and Israeli lobby in Washington D.C.


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I been there

That was literally unforgettable

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Beats a cubicle and you get to shoot things. Definitely worth it.

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In a good way?

My armed forces just exit on paper.
Nothing works there.

Why waste your fuckin time? Just train up and become an armed militia on your own time. Then when shit goes sideways, you’re in the position to make a choice and defend what you actually want to defend.

>>Hell, I'd be happy if Putin conquered us.

hah, no way.

deal with it. we're not gonna even touch.

It's alright if you get a trade or education out of it, pointless to sign up to get a meaning in life or protect the country.

I'm confident that openly talking about far right ideology would get you court marshalled and dishonorably discharged. The military be doing everything they could to stamp out any organization which is against the political class.

can confirm is false.
t. I tried this

Tell more

both ways.

seen Navy seals hell week?

I had it for minimum 1 year and + another one just a little bit softer. but I liked it anyway. Helped a lot in the future life. Gave me lots of skills I still have.

“Be a beachcomber, a Parisian wino, an Italian pimp, or a Danish pervert; but stay away from the Armed Forces.”

(Hunter S. Thompson, March 10, 1957 in a letter from Eglin Air Force Base)

It's a job I guess, but not for me

I feel like

Military is for the dregas of society. The very bottom of the pile.

No good at life? Useless at everything you do? Become cannon fodder and be called a hero. If giving up your worthless life for oil companies and bankers is where you're at then just kys now.

Yes. I did. You can too. Ignore the shills, warrior bro. I will need your help when the time comes.

when was the last time any soldier killed a US citizen?

>Are the armed forces a ground for pol to organize against the leftist West?

You have no idea who the JCOS, Department of Defense, and the MIC work for; let me tell you in a language everyone here can easily understand.
