SIDS in minorities

Niggers. There I solved the age old mystery.

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It's the polite diagnosis for either letting your baby overheat or suffocate.

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Just had my first baby and was warned about SIDS. At no time could they tell me what causes it except basically, dumb asses.

Nothing more than a medical diagnosis for neglectful parents. No mystery niggers would claim the top prize on that one.

sids is basically sleeping then having the baby suffocate in the bed or wherever it is not being on it's back in a crib. like dude.. just throw it in a crib. wtf

Its because of the vaccines first they blamed it on baby shaking.


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Oh god :(
No wonder niggers are so terrible. I like the videos on YouTube of the German shepherds being sweet to babies. Even animals are better with kids than niggers

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Because niggers don't pay attention to their kids. Was riding on the train a few days ago and a white couple with their two little ones were playing with the kids the entire time. Negress with her child wasn't paying attention to her child the entire trip, just sat there staring at her phone.

SIDS is caused by neglect.

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I think it is stress related, neglectful parents being a very significant stressor for an infant. It often happens to boys (circumcision), poor families, during winter, etc.

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The things you learn in private vs what can publicly be stated.
For example you'd probably be under the impression that blood donations are free and open to everyone! Yay! It's your right to give! When you actually get there they grill you with multiple questionnaires and will screen you for having done needle drugs, homosex, or having sex with anyone who has sex for money and a bunch more shit.


What the fuck were they thinking?

What the fuck were you thinking? They are niggers. Do you think people call them niggers because they are nice and hard working people who think about consequences of their actions?

Guys, come on. Stop using the 'n' word this is serious.

SIDS is mostly due to mothers with (((postpartum depression))) murdering their babies. This is a dirty little secret (((doctors))) have covered up for years due to pressure from (((feminists))). They’ve tried to shift the blame for SIDS to men over the years, as OP’s pic suggests.

>It's the white man's fault for blacks not getting ahead I society
Also, letting your kid nigger lip at an early age