Does any girl here want to try dating me? or at least talk? I figured there are at least some girls here...

Does any girl here want to try dating me? or at least talk? I figured there are at least some girls here. I'm actually decently good looking and my life is decent.

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Sorry mate, Not dating facking start fish.

Your life can't be that decent if you're begging girls on Jow Forums to date you

>offers no info or personality traits
>expects girls to risk dox to date half hearted spongebob poster

>I'm actually decently good looking and my life is decent.
Then go out and talk to some girls man what the fuck are you doing chasing internet girls when you could be getting some real pusspuss my man

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did it look like I was begging? I don't think that my life being decent is dependent upon having a lot of women interested in me
I figured I would see if there was any interest at all, but if there actually is I would post some info

I don't think I would ever want to date a guy I met through Jow Forums.

I am specifically here due to the anonymous nature of things. Otherwise I would have used literally any other site.

>I'm actually decently good looking and my life is decent.
>On Jow Forums asking for dates

This doesn't seem to be computing correctly.


I mean, i don't want to go to reddit and ask for dates. Tumblr has some cute girls but the website format doesn't work so well for getting a message seen by people.
anyway since a girl actually posted in this thread I might as well give it a shot

OP ur a fucking retard

yeah, alright
I'm 20 and I'm really tall, so that crosses off "too old" and "too short". I also have a normal body type, not fat or lanky, but I'm not buff or anything, though I do work out occasionally. I'm in college right now and it's going fine, I have no real problems with my life.

waiting for pic if not bait, which it is

you sound really fucking boring and passive

I have never posted a pic of myself on Jow Forums and I don't plan on it. why do you think it's bait?

Oh, a virgin lanklet who fell for the "women love tall men" meme.


really? too much so to date? I guess I didn't list a hobby so it comes of as boring, I'm not sure how you got passive though.
Something interesting I have loved doing is boarding some of the some of the small islands around my parents house, most people I talked to about it think it's really cool I had the opportunity.

I do i'm 5'4 and 110lb US. Show pics OP

Oh shit, that's pretty neat. Where do you live that has easily accessible islands? Canada?

I just said I'm not lanky, average body type, and I haven't fallen for any meme
I never mentioned my skin color, but alright. I kind of figured that sort of thing was for reserved for at least a private chat.

It's in Wisconsin, around lake Michigan. there are a surprising amount of islands in the great lakes (and I would assume in the oceans) that don't have names or appear on any map.
I really don't feel like doxing myself to all of Jow Forums today, but nobody has ever called me ugly.

Sounds comfy, desu.

yeah, but it kind of sucks the fun out of it that I can never get anybody to come with me. I'm hoping I can get my hypothetical gf to go for a picnic or something with me

did you want to contact though? assuming you aren't just trolling, which is pretty likely.

Hey user, Id be willing to chat. Drop your discord. Everyone else is welcomed too.

I'm yellow#9059, sorry if it's too late now

Yes, this.

thinking decent is enough to get a date
You may be fine with a decent gf but girls want to feel like they win something by dating you.
You have to be above average in something they value e.g.

It would be funny but somewhat wholesome if OP finds a gf from this thread. Somewhat cringey though

Not somewhat. Very.
Discord gfs are an embarrassment to have.

It is a good ending though.

well my friends think I'm funny and my parents have money. All I really lack are social skills.
It would be nice to have somebody who could relate to me a bit, at the very least we would both be a bit divergent from most girls I would meet otherwise.

Yeah, you gotta meet somewhere though. Jow Forums is as good as any when it comes to online platforms


If Jow Forums is all you can be related to through I weep.
My girlfriend and I connected because we're both introverts who prefer isolation, reading, the quiet and generally want small company, not huge parties. We clicked because we were very alike as people.

This whole "Jow Forums is common ground" is basically the same as saying "girls from X state all do Y" and if that doesn't sound patently retarded to you then I'd just give up now because you are gonna keep getting told by chicks in this thread.

You realize that most introverts aren't going to be out in public, and anyone is significantly less likely to find a partner who spends their time being quiet, isolated, reading, and in small company, right?

Your whole shtick is literally "this worked for me, ergo it must work for you.

“I’m a chad ok!”
>asks girls if they would date a random user just because

What’s ur discord? I’m 19 y o girl

Calling bait!

>If Jow Forums is all you can be related to through I weep.
is that what you got out of it? I really didn't mean that
>My girlfriend and I connected because we're both introverts who prefer isolation, reading, the quiet and generally want small company, not huge parties.
that's exactly the type of thing I am talking about.

I posted it here
The other poster didn't message me

just hoping you see the (you)

So, ask yourself this. WHY should someone date you? And not just generic wishy-washy bullshit like "im a really nice guy who would treat you well"
Do you have any hobbies, what are your likes and interests, do you like to travel?
Ask yourself "are you an interesting person" and if you cant answer that with confidence, then you should focus on becomming an interesting person instead of half-heartedly asking people to date you.

>Do you have any hobbies, what are your likes and interests, do you like to travel?
I have some, most interesting of them would be
I'm not sure what the healthy medium is between displaying how pitiable you are and begging or acting like Elliot Rogers believing others should beg for you, but I'm sure I would have no problem getting a girl to stay with me if she liked me.

also as a follow up, do women actually look for "a really nice guy who would treat you well" in addition to other traits?

Honestly, its kinda expected as a default. If you have to clarify, it sets off a red flag. Unless the girl is specifically looking for bad boys

You remind me of my South African friend, for that I award you 5 points

Oh shit boyo I'm a male but I'm also in Wisconsin, I'm a Minnesotan though so I'm just a bit better off eh

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I need an update on the sitch OP, did you make contact with anyone yet? I really want to see a wholesome ending to this, so im hoping it goes well.

I predict disappointment in your future

It would seem nice if this was the case, if it was I would probably not have trouble finding a girlfriend at all. But in practice getting the guy you want to treat you well is a secondary concern.
I would really love "a really nice girl who would treat you well" and I feel like many guys would too, and that projection is why they end up making statements like that.
I think I could enjoy doing just about any hobby with her, as long as she likes and I get to do it with her.

well and haven't messaged me yet. I guess it's better than if someone messaged me just to mess with me.

Thats a shame but dont lose hope yet, although I do think this is a less than ideal place to be asking. But good luck, i will be checking back later to check for progress.

OP, listen this from a person who added several dozen girls from discord or other platforms. Your time is much better spent if you try something in real life.

Yes there is a good chance you will meet somebody perfect from here, and maybe they are literally at the next thread calling somebody a faggot. But as an older dude who got into this way too late, do take what i am telling you as a warning(not a prophecy),

>find somebody in real life, keep searching here too if you want, but do say hi to that girl in the cafe or that cutie in the class. Relax and smile..

Y'know, if this OP is willing to give it a shot, then so will I. Despite 's warning, and some anons, I feel like Jow Forums is a good basis that is inherently introvert. I've been trying to make my rounds on Tinder and etc, but nobody is really as relatable as I'd like them to be. So why not?

My Discord is Watashi#3863. If there's anything to say as to why someone would date me, I suppose I'm a good listener, I try to act upon empathy as much as possible. As far as what I want, I just want a companion. Someone who would be alright with just playing vidya or watching anime and we'd be comfortable doing that. Hobbies are obviously typical vidya and anime, but I also draw and play piano. I'm going to college atm and I've started a new job recently so I've been trying to get my life back on track.

Don't wanna get too exhaustive, maybe I'm getting desperate but I'd rather give it a shot if this OP is willing to, even if it might be bait.

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>find somebody in real life
where do I that?

I only said irl is better because odds. In real life every hour you spend outside you have an x amount of chznce to meet somebody you might like. You can increase that by being in places and doing stuff you enjoy, with a girl who also might be doing said stuff.

In Jow Forums, you can spend hours and hours with shitposting but you might not need anybody. It happens.
You are in uni right? Thats a start, join some clubs. Dont try to be assertive atfirst, just get a feel of what is going on. Try new activities, pick up hiking or some other nature sport. Why not take a dancing class? There are girls there and they might be interested in you.

How does your regular average day go?

>You are in uni right? Thats a start, join some clubs
So the only clubs that I wasn't excluded from for being the wrong major/race/religion are a Japanese club and a general """geek""" club, both of which are exclusively filled with men, all below the social status threshold of getting girlfriends. I spend a lot of time in the park, hiking. I could join something I am not interested in just to meet women, but that would be transparent and make me kind of sleezy.

You dont go out there with the primary aim of getting a gf. First you become comfortable with light flirting, then physical contact, eventually making acquaintances out of the girls there, guys too. Most relationships come from established social circle, so youexpand your circle.

Like I said, I am happy with my life, including my social circle. I just have no real way to get a gf in real life with my lifestyle.

Well, than you are not happy with your lifestyle. It is either this or places specifically for dating, tinder/okcupid or soc.

>i am happy with my life
>i am not happy with my life i want gf

bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump

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Op's optimistic and i like that. I'm pretty sure he's not gonna stay a virgin for long.

I really am, that's kind of the thing, I would pretty much be changing these things about my life to find a girl who likes me, and then stop doing these things because I never actually wanted to do them. Sure I think pottery is cool and all, but the only reason I would ever take a pottery class is to meet a girlfriend, or if my girlfriend wanted to go with me.

im gonna bump cuz why not? give user a chance hopefully some femanon wants to go where not gal has gone>?

You dont drop the shit you like my dude. You add the new stuff on top of the stuff you already do. Cooking classes for example,
>you might meet somebody
>cooking is hot for dudes
>also a good skill to have in general

You have to increase your points of contact with new people in general. So you combine that with something useful, even dancing classes,
>dancing is neat
>sth more girls do than boys
>in your life there are only a few times you MUST dance, and you will be fucking glad you got that skill in your pocket
>you might meet somebody cute

Your aim should be to improve yourself so you can leave a better image on everybodies eyes, people will think you are a good person, trustable and social cred is #1 for getting gf in friend circles.

Oh shut up the thread doesnt need bump, i already posted 10 times trying to help him. Hope he actually finds somebody.

Hell hope i find somebody someday and we all make it..

>I'm actually decently good looking and my life is decent.
You being here begging for girls speaks against it.

> believing others should beg for you
Actually nothing wrong with that. Assuming you're amazing enough.

>You dont drop the shit you like my dude. You add the new stuff on top of the stuff you already do. Cooking classes for example,
>>you might meet somebody
>>cooking is hot for dudes
>>also a good skill to have in general
that's exactly what I'm talking about, I like cooking and I am pretty good at it, but the only reason I would ever go to a class like that would be to meet a girlfriend.
It also seems sociopathic to make friends for the sole purpose of getting a girlfriend through them. I have a good social circle with people I care about already, I guess this is an example of how it might be easier for me to find a girlfriend if my life was lacking in some way.
For example, some people have met their partner in fucking rehab, but I'm not addicted to anything.

got this reply several times already, but it just really isn't accurate.

What part of it isn't?

How can someone who stands at least on one foot in life make this thread instead of at least posting on /soc/ where interested females would be much, much more likely? Why begging for specifically females when it comes to talking?

So you think it is sociopathic to meet people in order to get gf through them?


It iz for people to exchange stuff, mostly company so you arent lonely. You help out each other during hard days. You have a problem? They help you and you help them. You enjoy their company because they actually fix a problem, loneliness. People just dont think about social relationships and add some altruistic motives to them when it doesnt exist.

Why do you want a gf anyway? If you want sex, just get an escort. I tried helping you out for like a full day at this point dude. You just seem to make excuses and hope a girl comes to you.

t. femanon who wants to stop seeing this thread

At least he ain't an incel.

OP post your kik

Not OP but why?

I use it to screen people before moving to discord

Oh thats smart. Thanks for clarifying it.

OP, this is what /soc/ is for. Or if you don't want those retards, try Interpals.

I feel the same way about socialization as OP. Kant laid it out quite clearly when he stated that people ought to be treated as ends unto themselves rather than means to ends. I believe in treating people the way they deserve to be treated. It makes me deeply uncomfortable to "network" for cynical purposes rather than simply incidentally interact with people while I undertake some activity. To be honest, I know that I don't experience emotions the same way others do and I've never felt loneliness. My desire for a gf is born primarily from a sense of social obligation. In the absence of normal emotions, I need to rely on a principle-based roadmap to guide my life. I've accomplished just about everything that makes someone my age "successful", but romance still eludes me.

There is a surprising amount of cool people on /soc/ between all the contact fagging and dick rate threads.

>My desire for a gf is born primarily from a sense of social obligation.
Surely you see how this is a huge problem?

This, /thread

Sorry dude but trying to date here is already a red flag

Where exactly? Isnt that board entirely contactfag, body part or rate threads?

In the threads that allow more info to be shared. Infographics and ideal bf/gf shit. Never bothered with the contact fag threads.

Tbh i ask but doubt will find someone. Jow Forums is banned in my country so number of users is quite low. Anwyay thx

because I talk with men a lot already? like I said, my social life is fine aside from none of them really knowing anyone who might date me.

I actually use discord accounts for this purpose, but I can make a Kik. It will be a bit though, I'm not quite desperate enough to miss a test over it

Well I think it is sociopathic to make friends with somebody (acting like you just enjoy their company) when you actually just have something to gain from the interaction. I mean I would gladly pay them back for any work they put into helping me, but I probably wouldn't just start hanging out with them for the sake of it?
For the other part I really don't want to have sex outside of a relationship, and I guess the idea of prostitution kind of bothers me.

Look, in a way, everybody "uses" others, just in varying degrees.
For example, one may "use" friends for emotional fulfillment or entertainment

Enjoying the time spent together is the thing you get out of the relationship you dummy. And you do nice things for people you like.

Also prostitution bothers you? Fuck off at least the work is honest. Your selling points were
>I'm good looking
>my life is decent

All materialistic. Nothing about your character. You are either a liar, or have no self realisation to save your life. I will simply mock you from now on in this thread. I think you are afraid of acting sociopathic is because you actually are one. Fucking tool

Oh and stop going after that neet girl in the other thread, find somebody decent.

That's very true, although a cynical way of looking at it I would be perfectly fine with somebody who wants to be friends with me because I'm a regular comedian, but not if they only wanted to be friends with me for money.

>Also prostitution bothers you? Fuck off at least the work is honest.
I don't know, having sex with somebody who doesn't enjoy it seems wrong. At least unpleasant.
Also those "selling points" were just to get a girl to bother talking with me in the first place, by all means I wasn't expecting an marriage offer just by that. Basically saying that if you are looking for a boyfriend, as long as you don't find a glaring personality flaw from my posts it would be worth a date.

I'm a bit late, but I made the account
For some reason any username with kik in it is "already taken"

Get involved in some way of serving others and find girls involved who have decent hearts and motives with how they use their time. You can find some sort of community service group to feed the homeless or clean up litter or anything that serves a cause higher than yourself. Churches usually have ministries that you can get involved with too. You might meet some decent girls this way and also spend your time doing something worthwhile to help others which will make you feel good in general. If you meet girls and they ask what you like to do in your free time, serving the community and helping others is also much better than something that is just self focused or meaningless. If nothing else, you might meet new friends who can introduce you to girls and getting to know more people in general helps boost your odds of finding someone to date and have a relationship with. Good luck OP!

Well, im a cynical guy so.... ya got me there.
Anyway, yeah, everybody uses everbody else for something. Just be clear what you are comfortable using people for, and being used for

Like I said before, I can't imagine any decent girl liking a guy who does charity work for the SOLE purpose of meeting women. God knows it's not like she joined because she couldn't find any men.

Sure, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't have one. Between my four grandparents, they've produced only three grandchildren. Myself, my sister, and my cousin who is thirteen years my junior. I'm the only male. My sister is developmentally disabled and infertile. My parents' generation was hit hard by mental illness and Gen-X human dysfunction and at 22, I've already surpassed many of them in life. I'm extremely good looking, an actual tested genius, and stand to inherit tens of millions of dollars. I'm the only one with the ability to pull the brakes on this train wreck. And although I'm not all there emotionally, I don't really have a choice in this matter. If I weren't tethered by these obligations, I would have committed suicide long ago because I know I'll never feel the things that make life worth living. However, I can't allow my family to become another casualty of the broken spirit of the West's upper class.