Ebola in Congo spreads faster than ever
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>Data shows 73 people were struck down with the killer virus last week - the highest weekly toll since the start of the outbreak last August.
>And more cases are being diagnosed outside of areas where health workers are, suggesting officials are losing control of the battle to contain it.
self bump
there is no such thing as Ebola. notice if you read word "ebola" in brexit traffic fashion you end up with "a lobe". It's another way of saying "zombie apocalypse". In EU they are using similar narratives - tuberculosis. You know very disease that is very contagious - you cough blood like a zombie. They are also rounding people by force here in lithuania, have all kinds of "prevention" programs that they use to produce these pogroms.
The only thing those fucking niggers are meant to do is maintain basic hygiene and not touch the dead. They can't do even that.
Holy shit. Those people can't count past 10, much less keep proper records. You know the real number has to be something insane if it were to include random shithole shanties that don't have Red Cross quarantine centers.
It's not actually all that infeasible to engineer a zombie-like virus, schizo posting aside. Rabies with Ebola type hemorrhagic fever, and you're there.
What if they are currently testing a virus made from a flower created by a pharmaceutical company?
Why do you think china is making moves in Africa? They needed a sizeable petri dish.
don't be silly. there is no such thing as virus even if you add into equation closely related "viruses" from cyberwarfare of digital divide and conquer. it's territory of don't ask don't tell. Why do you think Bill Gates jump into vaccine business. So HIV and AIDS was huge military deception operation on par with global warming.
Basic hygiene is probably impossible in a continent devoid of water.
Not touching the dead is probably the dumber part, but overly spiritual Africa probably can't bring themselves to stop that shit.
Ebola chan has been giving us false hope for years now. Until you start seeing weekly death counts in the 5 figure range this is a nothingburger.
It just needs to go endemic for a while and adapt airborne transmission. Every longer outbreak could be the one.
why contain it
My sister is a psychic, she said by 2021 ebola will spread to France from illegals and will kill 1 million there
How long will it take?
Hopefully it spreads to India one of these days.
it's not ebola
it's a lab developed version of plague
it is intended to stymie the Chinese regionally
(((guess who))) made it?
thye will probably be immune, remember they survive swimming in the Ghanges.
>a virus made from a flower
can you elaborate on this flower?
not really predictable. But its worth keeping an eye on it. Congo has the potential to actually collapse as a state over thongs like this. The only reason the disease could be contained in the last 50 years is literally western meddling.
>The only reason the disease could be contained in the last 50 years is literally western meddling.
did swallowing all that Syrian semen make you this retarded?
Id be alot cooler if it was Happening everywhere
if God wills it; then so be it
Roll for complete decimation. May God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit bless Ebola as an element of His holy wrath on the sinners deserving such a punishment.
Dr Congo is a bad Dr
this already occured LOL
Good luck Ebola-chan
Do you really think the niggers could keep a lid on this without help from actual humans?