Guys, I'm attempting college for a second time and I don't think I can do this...

Guys, I'm attempting college for a second time and I don't think I can do this. I am struggling with a goddamn intro course (Computer Science), and I don't think I can manage taking upper level courses either.

I have a strong feeling that college isn't for me, but my folks insist because they don't see me doing anything else (manual labor, etc). I don't know what to do.

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join the millitary

Diagnosis : Depression

Fuck college. Honestly if it doesnt work for you. Just dont do it or just go for a general studies assoicates degree or someshit. College is such a scam.

Computer sci is hard. Switch your major asap. Go for general studies just to have a degree and try to have a side job to get experience w irl people

I have a general studies degree from a community college, but I have no idea what I can do with that

Would the police work just as well?

A book on origami might give you a few ideas.

Okay funny but come on dude, I really need help here

The military and law enforcement are essentially one and the same. That is to say, they're both horribly oppressive institutions that ought to be torn down. So yeah, I'd say so.

Apply places you would wanna work and see where that takes you. Its often a lot of jobs just want a degree.

sit down and study

You gotta go to a police academy for that bruddah
You gotta help yourself. People on Jow Forums will not make career choices for you. I think you know that. Do your research and find something in your area that doesnt make you want to blow your brains out or try volunteering so you can get more experience.

If the curriculum is really too difficult for you, I suggest either learning a trade or joining the military, as some other canons have said. Really though, I'd give uni a fair shake, even if it is hard. Best of luck.

Alright, fair enough.

Why are you struggling? Do you procrastinate or don't study until the last minute? Do you go to office hours to ask for any confusion? Do you work on your own projects? I used to be the same as you but I treat it as a 9-5 job and I'm at least getting a B-B+ on compsci courses.

What kills me though is the fact that I know it's possible for me to do well, but I just can't get behind studying enough to retain information for exams. I've tried to improve my self discipline and it always fails. Thank you for the wishes though.

Good luck boo boo. I know its tough. But the more you get yourself out there the more people you meet that might help you. Thats if you meet decent people tho.

>Do you procrastinate or don't study until the last minute?
No, but I did use to
>Use office hours
Yes, very much so
>Work on own projects
Yes, projects are actually the easy part

It's just exams that kill me. Having to regurgitate the information and write it all by hand just makes me draw a blank. It's like I still don't realize that the amount I am practicing is enough

Do you have brainfog? Is your lifestyle healthy/unhealthy?
>Having to regurgitate the information and write it all by hand just makes me draw a blank
There's your problem, you don't actually know what you're learning. If you regurgitate info just for specific parts then it's' not gonna do you any good. Try understanding the info, maybe apply these concepts in a simple program or try and read the textbook and go through the concepts for more detailed info, then maybe answer the book's questions. Just mindlessly writing stuff and memorizing it will not do anything for you.

Just don't take loans

Look on the syllabus and prepare for course material before you actually learn it. Watch videos and find examples, try exercises yourself. That way, when you listen to the lectures, it’ll make more sense and you’ll follow along. If you don’t do this, you’ll risk the agony of being lost, having to sit there the whole class doing nothing (I’ve experienced this many times, especially in CS). If procrastination is a problem, then yeah, it’s hard to “sit down” and study. But just go on YouTube. Chill out on the bed and watch khan academy, etc.

>Is your lifestyle healthy/unhealthy?
Well yes, for starters all my life I've been a terrible sleeper. And you're right, I have tried to actually understand the material, but I don't think I have allowed myself enough time to get it all.

I have a learning disability, I need special accomodations in order to have longer amounts of time to take tests