Ask the opposite sex

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

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Is God a woman?

Is working out necessary to be successful in the dating world as a guy? Why? Personally for me I don’t care if a woman works out or not, as long as she’s a healthy weight.

Yes, you should be ashamed of your body unless it looks like the Statue of David. Adonis or gtfo

What’s it like living with cooties?

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A bit like herpes, but not as itchy.

What would a guy think about this situation? Would it be weird, and does it send any signals?
>live on my own due to no real family, especially none that can house me
>apartment building burned down 3 days ago due to some idiot teenagers who were trying to make a molotov cocktail
>been rehoused for 7 days, but after that we are on our own
>no chance to get a new place in such a short time. Right now I have a backup if I don't find anything before the end of the month, but that still means almost 20 days homeless if i can't find another solution.
>I have a Male friend, a bit older than I am, who I know helped another friend by letting him sleep on his couch for a few weeks
>considering asking him
The obvious problem I am concerned about, is that we are friends, but we dont really hang out alone, and I need to have an idea of what he may think when I ask him this. I realize there is a rather big difference between a guy and a girl asking a guy if they can sleep at his place for an extended period of time...

I can pay, mind you. Insurance payout is coming at some point, and I have savings, so I'm not planning on leeching here.

Most girls work out to maintain the look you want her to have. I would say it is reasonable to at least out effort in yourself.

Alternatively, drop your standards by a few notches. If you refuse to work out, dont expect to get the 18BMI cuties.

Guys: should i just leave this friendship alone forever? I think he’s into me and now it’s out of the bag, idk what to do.

>have guy friend
>4 years being friends and its platonic
>we’ve stayed at each others houses and we were close
>i have bipolar but i have been alright
>until last week
>i went off the rails and started sexting my friend and hitting on him
>this is not remotely normal behaviour for me
>he doesnt know i am crazy
>he is confused but is totally into it
>i wake up horrified after a week of this
>i apologize to my friend and tell him i have bipolar and i’m sorry for leading him on
>he says life is life shit happens and he’s glad i’m ok
>i think he is disappointed though
>i havent talked to him since
>i am trying to recover and get better

I still want to be his friend after i get better but i don’t know if i should or not

It doesn't exist, so it doesn't matter.

Continue the friendship, it'd be rude not to after the guy handled things so admirably. Purchase him a concubine to make it up to him.

Has a woman ever invented anything of importance?

A few years old poll in some dead news site said the average sexual partners for a person in my country stands on 17. Does this make any fucking sense? The poll was actually a long image of statistics and shit so it wasn't just a random line of text. Seven fucking teen. Holy shit.

Do you not have any other options? Consider looking at your other friends and see if they have the options, because if there is any chance they do, it will look like you want to sleep with him.

My first thought to a girl asking me if she could crash at my place would be
>Me, and not Anonette? Must be because she wants my D.
But I dont have female friends i wouldn't fuck if given the chance, so maybe my perception is skewed here.

Thanks i will, you are right he did handle it really well. i feel so bad. but at least he got to see naked pictures of me, so there’s that. He knows i won’t contact him until i get better, so i will focus on that first.

Ask him, if the guy's decent he'll let you stay without expecting or demanding anything aside from money and/or courtesy. What do you have to lose? Pride? Money? Your virginity? Your life? Don't worry about these things, they are unimportant, focus instead on your goals. Believe. Overcome. Collapse into tears. End it all. High as a kite and free as a bird. Dream on, Spirit Warrior.

Man, brainlets really plague the boards these days. Imagine being this uneducated.

Is this the infamous US education system at work here?

You fair point, user; God must be a woman.

No sure what you meant by this. My advice: granola.

Seems way too high, but take into consideration the basis for it. Lifelong partnership count, 17 might be fairly reasonable, honestly. My mom works at at public institution that helps gather old people and give them something to do, and most of the old people there are either widowed or divorced, but they sure aren't dead. It's apparently pretty common for them to hook up, and that cam easily push the number up.

Moreover, you just know that some people are rampant sluts, and will fuck anything that moves. I have known a girl who had long since lost count, and had "won" a challenge to get 100 different sex partners during a year. I also have to male friends who literally fuck at least 1 new girl every week, and has done so for at least 2 years now.

If there is just a handful of people with obscene stats, then that will drastically affect the overall statistics. Even 0 partners doesnt affect the average all that much, compared to someone way above the average.

I'm sure this has been asked more than a few times, but. Women of Jow Forums, I honestly just find myself attracted to females from other races more than I do females of my own. I have since I was a kid, I do now that I'm older (28), and I don't really see a reason why I do. I never really met a girl from another race that had a personality that was super different from anyone else I knew, I don't really have any interest in exploring a new culture through a partner, I don't have any weird expectations other than "leave my workshop alone and tell me if the car is making a weird noise." I just like girls that aren't my own race.
So what does that make me, in your eyes? Am I just creepy? I feel really bad when I think about it but if you took 10 random headshots of average looking women, of different races, and I was 100% honest, I'd probably pick someone who wasn't my race because I just like the way they look. I don't know. I don't like that I automatically like them better but it is what it is.
Also, guys who turn the garage into a workshop, yes or no?

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What's wrong with you people? I'm just stating facts. Nobody thinks of a woman anyway when they picture God since man was made in the image of God.

user, I was just following your logic. Since the world is valueless, and women have never made anything of value, we can therefore conclude that God is a woman.

Technically one of my friends might be an option, but... she is kind of a massive slut, and I would rather sleep on the street, than be in her apartment when she brings home some random to have sex with.
>Me, and not Anonette? Must be because she wants my D.
Hmm... not sure how to deal with that.

Kek. Have an imaginary upvote.

I honestly don't have much to lose as long as he doesn't outright rape/kill/hurt me, but he is just the type of guy who is kind of just there, and I don't want to make him feel bad while staying over, if he was hoping for more.

I haven't talked enough to him to be legitimately interested, so I wouldn't be able to promise anything.

Varies from person to person, but I think it's ultimately harmless.

Who cares? I wouldn't care if you were gay or into shambles either. And if I am your target group, so what? Everyone has preferences, that's just normal.
>Also, guys who turn the garage into a workshop, yes or no?

>forgot to respond to the quote
>Also, guys who turn the garage into a workshop, yes or no?
Literally doesn't matter. You can arrange it however you want, but I'd consider you a dumbass if you then complained about your car being dirty from being out in the rain.

I always date skinny guys who hardly or never work out so not an issue for me

Again, there shouldn't be any expectations aside from monetary compensation. So long as you make that clear when discussing the terms of the arrangement with him, you'll be alright. The thin film of propriety is torn apart just as easily as it was made, a facade our fathers forced us to play. Opulence is theft. Kill those who would kill. Believing belief is a lie in a lie. Sticks and stoned out of your mind nig. You'll be alright.

This is why you people should come with a warning sign so nobody invest any time with you. Bipolar is not just a quirk, you are cruel and manipulative and you are willing to blame it in some disease just to get pity afterwards. Sick.

>you are cruel and manipulative
>‘you people shpuld come with a warning sign’

you are just as bad as you claim i am, who hurt you?

I've dated girls before but it's always been from mutual friendships beforehand.
Any tips on what to do on a first date? Meeting this girl i met on tinder. Going out for wine and chatting. I'm driving. So like, isn't cheezy to open the door for her in the current year? Do I bring anything? What should i do when I first meet her irl? Hug, hand shake, nothing? Low key oblivious idiot when it comes to first dates

do women even post here?
I really need some advice, hopefully sympathetic.
My life is going very well in every way except for being void in romantic interaction. I am 20, and it seems like increasingly more of my focus, as all other problems are minor.
The general advice given is to not focus so much on love, and try to better yourself in other ways. But this seems to contradict, in that I shouldn't make my life choices on the basis of getting a girlfriend

>tfw a girl I've been meeting has just confessed to me that she has issues with touching due to being emotionally tortured in the past by some guy and because of a rape attempt
>this is the third fucking time I finally connect with a girl and she actually cares about me but has mental issues and has been through a rape attempt or actual rape
Jesus christ what the hell do I do at this point? The last two times the girls have messed me up quite heavily, especially one because of whom I literally had to start taking SSRIs because I just couldn't handle her shit. I promised myself I would never get involved with a girl like this, yet I fucking did.

I took it very coldly this time. It must've cost her a lot to just pour her heart out to me like this, especially since she openly admits to liking me quite a bit.

I literally don't know what to do. I don't want to deal with this shit and act like a fucking doctor only for her to eventually dump me or fuck me over in another way. I really need advice.

And yeah, I posted it yesterday but got no responses.

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I have hosted younger female friends for 6 wks due to her break-up, we drew the line the line for everything.
all worked out, now I'm one of her best friends.

jesus christ nigga just say yo when u see her and smash some pints back in good company
see where the convos take you

if it goes anywhere it goes anywhere, dont expect anything else its a tinder hookup not a baby boomer wine and dine u kook

>I am 20
As someone who didn't start to focus on it until 24, don't worry. Contrary to what people here claim, most people dont rush to "get it over with", they wait for the right time in their life.

>The general advice given is to not focus so much on love, and try to better yourself in other ways. But this seems to contradict, in that I shouldn't make my life choices on the basis of getting a girlfriend
Because it's technically not true. You should make life choices based on what you want in your life. Everything shouldn't revolve around getting yourself a girl, and you shouldn't do stupid things that sacrifices other parts of your life obviously. But if you want someone to love you, you need to be comfortable about who you are and where you are going in your life, and that comes from bettering yourself. Basically, you are not working towards love, love is just a byproduct of working on yourself.

That said, the most common way to find a proper girlfriend is through your network. Socialize, get introduced to new friends, and see who you can talk to. Keep going, get to know people above trying to impress them, and stick to your guns. "Be yourself" is a meme, but don't be fake either. Don't pretend to hold interests you don't have, or pretend you are someone that you are not. Be honest and approachable, and you will have success sooner or later. That's the best way to go about it by far.

Cool. How did you draw these lines? Like, did you just sit and talk freely, or did you do this more structured somehow?

We are getting closer already, hence why I feel comfortable even asking him. I am just not sure what he thinks, and most people seem to think guys only really think about sex, and talk to us hoping to get sex at some point. I don't want to give him false hopes when I still dont quite know where I want this to end.

Mention you're willing to pay, even if he doesn't want the money it keeps your intentions clear. Hopefully he's a decent guy.

No, it isn't too cheezy, you already take her out.
>bring something
A small box of chocolates if you like her.
>what should I do when I meet her
Greet her according to the time of day. Hugs if she gies for it too, otherwise a handshake if it"s the first time you see each other irl

How do women feel about the >25% of men in Gens Y & Z that are incels?

I'm a millennial incel and there's nothing I want more than for a woman to love me but the most I've ever done is hook up or have short relationships

i joked about having cooties because i was sick and now she thinks i'm gross haha
women are retarded

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>hook ups
>short relationships
you are literaly not an incel

women aren't capable of love
you're looking for something that doesn't exist

i just ate some stank coochie and literally got cooties bro
antibiotics for that shit
fuck middle school cooties aint no joke on the streets nigga

i'm a virgin though and she knows it lmao

>But if you want someone to love you, you need to be comfortable about who you are and where you are going in your life, and that comes from bettering yourself. Basically, you are not working towards love, love is just a byproduct of working on yourself.
it's almost like i've heard this before.
no, really, I'm certain I've talked to you before.
The problem is that I am comfortable with my life, and have little room to work on myself. the only thing I have left to work towards is love, but it hasn't found me yet.

Someone talk to me please.

Girls, would you give up your (low paying) career to go away with a (high paying) man you are in love with?

>there's nothing I want more than for a woman to love me but the most I've ever done is hook up
>I dont understand why I dont get pure princess girls through my hookups man
Consider that you are a disgusting manwhore that simply aren't interesting to the girls you are looking for.

I'm looking for that too, but I am saving myself for that person, not sleeping around with random people. I also instantly write off someone who has done hookups.

let her come to you
do things non-sexual such as going to cinema instead of netflix, go for a hike or sport events, visiting a city you've never been to,
take time to build a relationship

if you can't wait, find another girl

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It depends a lot on how much I trusted him, as i wouldn't give up a career if i was afraid of him trapping me in a terrible relationship, or dumping me and leaving me with very few options.

That said, I had the foresight to get into programming so I always have options to work from home.

We do that. She really wants to take things slow but that's irrelevant, I could wait. It's just that I'm scared as hell because I don't really know if I want to drag myself through the nightmare of being with someone who has mental issues. I've already done it more than once and every single time it messed me up.

I don't even find her that great. She's just really fun to talk to but beside that - I don't really see her as wife material.

Thank you. Suppose I have really good intentions and that you can trust me.
My problem is this:
1. girlfriend is living in a relatively poor country (in latin america).
2. I earn a lot more money than her.
3. If she moves with me there will be almost 0% chance to find a work in her field.

What should I do?

then just stay friends
girls with mental issue aren't worth being FWB, they'd fuck you up, I did it, I thought people would change but NO, they don't

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>girls with mental issue aren't worth being FWB, they'd fuck you up, I did it, I thought people would change but NO, they don't
I know this better than anyone, user. I wanted legit relationship though. And honestly I'd rather not be friends with her if we were not to be in a relationship.

Then again, I don't know what to tell her to not hurt her. I don't want to hurt her because it must have been hard for her to tell me all this and open up. It's just that I value my own mental health... I know she cares and got invested in me at least a bit now.

are you from said country and you were together with her before moving?
is she willing to change her life? moving away from family and friends?
I did this with a woman and we broke up shortly because she couldn't and wouldn't integrat to a new life
remember, it's your life
don't put someone else in it

the truth hurts but being straight is the best way for both of you
she's opened up to you, it's your turn now
and you know what you want/do not want
god speed, user

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>What would a guy think about this situation?
As what? As the friend with the couch?

“Wow that sucks. Sure, feel free to crash for a bit.”

Might kinda cramp my situation, but if you’re a friend and it’s only for a little I don’t see why I wouldn’t want to help (assuming I was close enough to you to trust you as a person anyway. If you’re a passing acquaintance I barely like or see, probably not the same thing).

>Guys: should i just leave this friendship alone forever? I think he’s into me and now it’s out of the bag, idk what to do.

So guy brains can gloss over some pretty fucking major things if we want them to.

Odds are you did kind of put the thought of something sexual in his head, and he’s probably never going to be able to unsee it, but there’s also a decent chance he can kinda just ignore it if you just treat it as water under the bridge and move on.

Not in my opinion, I like skinny dudes more than most body types.

Makes you a man with specific tastes. Since it's not Pro-one race, it doesn't even comes across as fetishistic to me.

It really just depends on the chick man, youre gonna have to go with the flow. Hug her when you meet her, if you want to hold open doors do so but make it into a joke if she seems annoyed, make sure to be attentive to her body language. I wouldn't say bring anything. Make sure to relax too user, easier not to spill spaghetti.

I know this isn't what you want to hear but you're twenty, you've got loads of time. Women can sense desperation and don't want men to be in a relationship with them just because the dude wants a relationship, they want the dude to want them specifically. Focus on making friends and furthering your success and when you've chilled out a little you'll probably fall into one.

There's nothing you can do user. This woman clearly wants you in a way that you're unwilling to give. The only thing you can do is drop her and move on.

Source please.

Only after a couple years in a relationship and only after a lot of discussion and convincing. I'd probably get a job wherever we ended up anyway.

How do I suggest sex to a virgin guy who is killing himself trying to impress dumb tinder sluts? He is 27.

It's a sort of friend of mine (part of a tabletop group), and he has literally fallen asleep at the table due to getting too little sleep texting with someone, who he will never get together with anyway. It's the same thing every time. After the last one crashed and burned, I overheard him tell one of the guys that he didn't want to give up until he had at least lost his virginity.

How do I best offer to help him lose it? Invite him over for [insert generic excuse here], or outright ask him if he wants to?

>inb4 SLUT
I made mistakes during my teens. I dont really care much for sex anymore, but I want him to not suffer for this bullshit.

I guess I'll do that. Sucks because I already got invested too. I wanted it to work out but now I'll have to be the one to end it. I just hope I'll find the strength to not talk to her once I end things, because I usually have trouble letting go.

>There's nothing you can do user. This woman clearly wants you in a way that you're unwilling to give. The only thing you can do is drop her and move on.
I'm not really sure what way are you talking about. She wants a relationship and so do I. It's just that I don't really want to fix her because I know for a fact that girls like this tend to get fucked up. I suppose she wouldn't really give me the amount of physicality I require, judging by how the other guy had to force it out of her...

where the fuck do I find women like you? Just tell him you'll fuck him, it's unlikely he'll say no.

>what way are you talking about
She wants you to help her and care for her in a mental way, which from your post you're clearly unwilling. Your entire response to me is you making points about why you don't want her.

I'd probably kill myself if a girl did that to me but if he's not an incel he'll be fine.

I guess you're right. I mean I'm the type of guy who normally actually DOES care for the girl and wants to fix her and just prove to her that world ain't so bad but I got burned on this so hard in the past that I'm just straight up scared of these women. Every fucking time I was being simply used for this exact purpose and once I've filled it - I was discarded. I cannot and do not want to live like this.

I know what to do now. Thanks. I hate what I'll do but I'll do it.

Help I'm too awkward. Whenever I'm with my boyfriend and people start talking about their long term relationship events (moving in with partner, proposing, marriage, babies) I freeze and shut down. If someone tries to prompt me I give a noncommittal answer and spill my spaghetti. But the pathetic thing is I have nothing to hide, he should already know all the answers and in a group I shouldn't have such reason to be nervous but nope. I've been pulled aside by a friend over it because it's starting to look like I have an issue with commitment and that is definitely not the case.

There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be someone's carer, even if you want to want to, you know? You'll get a lot of flack for this potentially but if you don't want to be with her because of this, lying and doing so anyway would be worse. No problem user, it's a bad situation, God speed

>you're twenty, you've got loads of time.
I know it's easier for men to go for women who are younger than them, but I would prefer a girl being around my age. And I would detest spending my 20's alone especially when my "future girlfriend" is doing anything but that.

I feel like she'll think I only wanted her for sex or for easy gf shit. Thank god we've never actually had sex because it'll make it easier for her and me to just end it.

Sucks because I kinda opened up to her too. Though not to the point where I'd talk to her about issues of my own. I specifically wanted to spare her that as well as wanted her to not tell me about her issues.

>I made mistakes during my teens. I don't really care much for sex anymore
it's struggle to imagine a more disgusting sentiment.

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I don't understand this concept, sorry. Even when you're single you're not alone, you have friends. Because of this I'm presuming you mean you don't want your future girlfriend to have slept with someone if you haven't, and that's pretty simple user. When you've chilled out and actually relaxed into yourself, you just don't have av girlfriend who's slept with someone else. They're honestly just not as rare as Jow Forums likes to make out.

Well that would suck if she thought that but at the end of the day you can't stay in a situation that makes you unhappy because you're scared of looking like an arse. All you can do is be as open and honest as possible and you've done everything you can bro.

I'll do it. Thanks for the advice.

>How do I best offer to help him lose it? Invite him over for [insert generic excuse here], or outright ask him if he wants to?

I mean.. if he’s bad enough that he’s putting that much effort in and is still that unsuccessful and desperate, the odds are that he’s dense enough that anything but the direct and blunt approach might completely pass by his radar.

>If someone tries to prompt me I give a noncommittal answer and spill my spaghetti. But the pathetic thing is I have nothing to hide, he should already know all the answers and in a group I shouldn't have such reason to be nervous but nope.

The ONLY person whose perception matters in all this is your boyfriends. If you haven’t directly talked to him about your behavior of freezing up and let him know what’s going on and that it has nothing to do with him, do so (don’t take it for granted that he knows if you haven’t).

Beyond that, no one else’s opinions matter and your friends are sticking their noses in places that they don’t belong, that’s their bad not yours.

I realize some of my hobbies is kinda nerdy and maybe I shouldn't lead with those when getting to know a new person I want to enter a romantic relationship with.
How should I tackle this? Keeping it from people I care about is bad, but I also never get that chance if they think I am a bad person for enjoying things that doesn't involve women or whatever they think.

Which countries do you guys live in, that girls get raped all the time?
That said treat her like a normal human being and don't treat her like a fragile snowflake, if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out. Don't stress over it.

I'd prefer a less overt approach, or ar least get us in a situation where it makes sense to say.
>where do I find
Look for the girls who seemingly dont give a fuck about guys, and might seem like a lesbian, especially since they seem to orbit around more Male-dominated interests despite having no visible desire to get intimate with any of the guys.

Yeah, it kinda destroyed my will and drive to find anybody. It's pretty terrible, but if I can help him at least, that would be nice. He's a nice guy, he is just targeting the wrong type of girls with his approach, and he is not patient enough go get someone the normal way.

He is definitely not dense. On the contrary, he tends to blow signals way out of proportion from what i have seen.

Moving her out of her country is bad, because it leaves her completely trapped. Even trusting you is difficult, due to just how fucked she is if you drop her for any reason.
>no friends
>no family
>no idea how the country bureaucracy works
>no income and no chance to get a sustainable one
>no way to get back home
It's just shit all around. It is such a disastrous situation that I can't imagine doing something like that, unless I was literally at the end of the line already.

>As what? As the friend with the couch?
As the guy owning the apartment. I just know he had a friend stay over half a year back, for a couple of weeks, so I assume he might be willing to help.

It might not make sense to you, but if he is 27, virgin and spending time chasing Tinder sluts, he is probably not only looking for sex. If a friend says she wants to sleep with him, he will probably try to start a relationship with you.
Don't say you are doing him a favor by sleeping with him if you don't care about what happens to him.
If you think it is worth a shot, by all means do it. This is a bigger commitment than some drunk guy at a bar.

If they think you are a bad person for enjoying different things than her, she isn't worth it. It's a bullet dodged, you wont be missing out on anything important.

Poland. Actually I made a mistake, it wasn't the third time, it was the fifth. Not even kidding. I have no idea how the hell is this happening but it seems like every single girl has been through at least a rape attempt. I don't know if they're just making it up at this point or are those legit.

>That said treat her like a normal human being and don't treat her like a fragile snowflake, if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out. Don't stress over it.
I kinda can't. I mean when I get invested, I get invested and if it doesn't work out it does really drain me emotionally.

Maybe. I don't have the luxury of turning down women though.
Time is running out for me and I see the dating field getting narrower every day. I don't live in a city where there are thousands of young single girls walking around. I want to appear attractive to one of them, and starting the conversation by saying I am a nerd is not working.

is it true that women immediately start imaging what their baby would look like when they start to like a guy

>if he is 27, virgin and spending time chasing Tinder sluts, he is probably not only looking for sex.
...But he is using Tinder. He doesnt seem like an idiot to me, so I can't imagine him looking for anything long term on Tinder of all places.
>If a friend says she wants to sleep with him, he will probably try to start a relationship with you.
He is a nice guy, so it's not even that I wouldn't want to, I'm just too numbed to it all right now. He actually knows already, so I'm pretty sure he wouldn't even agree to this if he knew that would be a problem.
>Don't say you are doing him a favor by sleeping with him if you don't care about what happens to him.
What do you mean by that? At the end of the day, we are still sorta friends, and personally I would not care all that much about being a backup until he gets more comfortable with himself.


>Because of this I'm presuming you mean you don't want your future girlfriend to have slept with someone if you haven't, and that's pretty simple user. When you've chilled out and actually relaxed into yourself, you just don't have av girlfriend who's slept with someone else.
I can't afford to have that as a standard. I just really don't want to spend my 20's alone, it eats me up knowing we could be making memories together, instead all my experiences are a bit hollow.
I understand that doing things to work towards self improvement will improve your chances of getting a girlfriend, but I just really don't have a way to self improve right now aside from my lack of love. essentially what you are telling me to do is to keep doing exactly what I have done my entire life, and eventually I will get a different result.

don't lie

>Yeah, it kinda destroyed my will and drive to find anybody. It's pretty terrible
What on earth did you DO?

I'm male, 30 years old, 6 ft tall, 160 lbs, and make 40k a year at a boring but stable job in a midsize city. Where do I meet women that would be interested in me?

Attached: philosoraptor.jpg (400x400, 18K)

Some single mother slag might be clinging on to the bar at your local seedy club, she'll be looking for a provider to leech off of.

Wtf. I also love in an eastern euro country but literally never met an abused gal. Must just be shitty luck then.
Yeah in case you get too invested maybe just break it off early. It's not worth it if it fucks you up hard.

Let us just say I hung out with the wrong type of people, and thought it was fine to trust people I considered friends to not drug and abuse me.

Never really recovered from that.

>...But he is using Tinder. He doesnt seem like an idiot to me, so I can't imagine him looking for anything long term on Tinder of all places.
A lot of people are dumb and have tricked themselves into thinking you can get something long term on there. I know one girl who pines for a long term relationship that can lead to kids but still spends time on tinder.

A friend of mine got married to a Tinder match (his first, but still).

She honestly looks like if Shrek were 4 feet tall.

Own your passions.
Never be ashamed or try to hide something you are passionate about.
People will respect you for it. Unless you are obsessed with legitimately creepy stuff.
Be cool about it, but don't hide who you are.

What, no. Where on earth have you heard that from?

But as I said, he doesn't seem like an idiot.

I'm not saying nobody tries anyway, but they just tend to be borderline retarded.

Intelligent people are capable of stupid sentiments. Example: Ben Carson is a brilliant neurosurgeon but thinks the pyramids were grain silos.