Hi fellow Gentiles. Welcome to /WHITEGENOCIDEGENERAL/.
so who do we vote *COUGH* for to stop *pssst* White Genocide XD???
/WGG/ DOTR Edition
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If I told you Witches, Biblical Giants and Vampires were attempting a ritual to genocide their only competitors on Earth would you listen to me?
I have the proofs. Stick around. Lurk more.
Every single day you retards allow the Shills on Jow Forums to control the narrative.
>Vampires, Witches, Giants[Cannibals] (Satanic Demons)
Quick Rundown...
These words inspire a deep feeling of disgust, they are ancient nouns. Often considered to be a purely fictional set of nomenclature for antagonists from childrens fairy tales you were red by your elders as a child or something to be seen in a Hollywood motion picture.
What if I told you they were based on the truth and nothing of the imaginary world?
Did you ever think so?
What is it about the depiction, the theme, the portrayal of Vampires, Witches, Demons, Giants that makes us have such a guttural reaction of Ancient Instincts?
For many of us who have studied.. this Ancient Instinct is a true shield of hope.
What is the cause of the everlooping cycle of these trending subjects in popular culture? What is the source of obsession appertaining to these topics?
How could such a allegedly unreal phenomenon like Satanic demons in the form of Vampires... Giants... Witches maintain a front row seat in the psyche of story tellers since time immemorium. Perhaps our ancestors had knowledge of the arcane that we have since lost grasp of.
What do you know about Witches and Demons and Giants and Vampires?
It is time for Jow Forums and the world to connect the dots. Everything from Pizzagate to Flat Earth to Elsagate to Antarctica to White Genocide to Chemtrails, UFOs, HAARP, and every other conspiracy theory known to Man has been connected and finally the time has come where we must pick up the pieces and assemble them.
I can post a lot but you must bump.
I will do the work but the connection closes if I am forced to be archived by slide threads.
>Jow Forums is sleeping - does not checkem
>be White
>make money
>share a house with friends who are similar to you politically
>save up money
>put said money to political acts that actually work
>bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same
>get even more money
>Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy
>bypasses leftist globalist government and is completely legal
>higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites
>more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food
>literally Nation building but on a housing scale
This is how you keep your people safe, leafbro.
Says a faggot who will not continue the race. Keep sticking your dick in asses fucking queer
My situation isn't as pretty as that.
You could say I've been dealt a shitty hand, so to speak.
Nope - they dead and non-White (never had 1 Anglo friend they dont exist here I think I'm the only Anglo in Canada)
Hahaha NOPE not in Canada unless you're a drug dealer
Trudeau is a huge pedo and Soros agent
>buy a house in Canada
If you want to afford one before you're 30 you need to suck dick or move to the Arctic circle into an igloo.
Why is sodomy on your mind?
Whites world wide are estimated to be approximately 10% of the Earth's total Human population. I'm pretty sure if you do the math that would equal 1/3rd of a billion or like 333,000,000 White people of European descent in Europe and their diaspora colonies world-wide (very very separated even within their colonies by distance)
The population pyramids for the age demographic is just like Japan's - I'm sure you've seen how Japan has their entire population being at the elderly age bracket and their younger population is not the majority, its the same for us.
If you count 333,000,000 Whites, cut it in half for Men, cut that in half again and take away children under 18, cut it again and take away the elderly above 55 years old, the remaining total of military aged males is probably not even 100,000,000 White people on Earth.
Now lets assume for the sake of this theory there are 100,000,000 White males of military age.
Cut out like 10% of them for people who are in jail or out of jail with a felony and can't get work, are homeless, can't buy guns, can't integrate.
Cut out like 6% of them for people who are chronically sick, diseased, disabled, mentally retarded or born disfigured.
Cut out like 1% of Whites as traitors who are working for the jews or the invading non-White groups for money.
Cut out like 1-3% of Whites who are not going to have any kids or are gay and/or sterile and cannot reproduce.
You are left over with like ZERO White people, virtually a cluster of White men are left standing.
When White people are fed drugs like Meth and Fentanyl and keep overdosing out of desperation yearly, or keep committing suicide, or keep dying in Wars in Afghanistan and Syria, or keep being murdered by non-Whites or thrown in jail for fake crimes or for defending themselves and getting charged for just trying to survive...THEY DIE.
You GOYS want to hear some of the REALLY deep redpills I know about???
>Walmart FEMA concentration camps underground
>CDC has like tons of sketchy assassinations by people who worked there saying theyre basically evil and experimenting with people to make diseases and shit
>Apparently the government has been recorded by someone purchasing tons of train cars that were filled with guillotines
>Fentanyl and Heroin epidemic is actually way worse than anyone knows and its never going to stop and theyre going to keep experimenting with drugs like Fentanyl to make them more potent and concentrated until whatever type of heroin you take kills you on 1 dose.
>Chemtrails are basically making everyone's immune system absolutely broken which is why every year people get more sick and instead the flu for 1-2 months everyone has people around them with some flu symptoms
>STDs like AIDS/HIV and siphyllus etc are out of control and nobody knows about it.
>Tons of rich people are leaving America but nobody noticed all these wealthy people left a long time ago
There was tons of memory holed events like the tranny breaking out of an NSA server facility parking plaza and crashing his truck into the guard gate and then there is the V-22 ospreys full of Marines seen flying in Virginia one time and landing at the CIA facility. Also the island where Jeffery Epstein was at caught fire I think or exploded, and another island near California I think also caught fire. Also Guccifer and Assange got memory holed pretty hard.
I don't remember if this ever happened but there was supposed to be thousands of sealed indictments of federal employees and I dont think anyone unsealed it and named names.
There was that missile in Hawaii and nobody ever gave an explanation about it. Tons of military plane crashes and everyone forgot about it. Assad either gassed his own people or didnt but nobody cares either way. Israel stealing Golan heights right now and everyone thinks this is alright.
India and Pakistan basically about to pop off and nobody understands this basically means millions of curry niggers are going to flood our countries.
China basically ready anytime to Annex any country that farms rice except maybe Japan or South Korea, which also means tons of Jungle Chinks will come to our countries.
French and Americans dying in Africa a lot which basically means Nigs gunna Nig. Ebola in Africa not really slowing. Afghanistan is basically a scar muslims will use to hate white people forever and we're about to leave and let them start having their freetime back. Chechnyans and Syrians basically became best friends and are gunna form a brotherhood of skilled jihadis who actually do something beyond suicide vests or acid attacks.
Saudi Arabia can basically buy American arms and sell them to anyone without any problems as long as they do it slowly. Entire world hates Somalia which basically means its only a matter of time before someone puts Somalia in the hot seat and all the muslim niggers of North Africa use the Somalian homeland's victimhood forever as an excuse to terrorize Whites in the future. Turkey is basically just blood thirsty and wants to start killing anyone who looks at them. France can no longer maintain the illusion that its having a civil war and soon someone is going to land an invasion, probably White on 'White'.
Nobody knows what is going on at CERN or if theyre even doing what they claim they do. Nobody knows what this so-called AI system does that is like a quantum prediction super computer or a reality simulator or whatever. Nobody knows what the Chinks and the Jews are doing with the genetic labs or designer babies or what is it they do. Weed is legal everywhere now which probably means they found out a way to make weed poison you.
Everyone in NATO is basically trying to make Iran lash out so they can nuke it. Mexico and America are basically going to war within the next 20 years no matter what happens and nobody seems to realize what kind of shit will happen when it does. Big wars in Africa are going to start happen probably with White oversight and some involvement with China. Nobody knows what will happen to Tibet or Nepal. Muslims are for sure going to start attacking China from the West. Ukraine probably never going to forget Russian aggression so war there will kindle to a hot war soon. For whatever reason ISIS and Muslims seem to have a boner for the Philippines and Duerte probably going to get revenge. Dubai is basically a giant dungeon for white women to eat saudi feces on camera which is going to haunt the arabs forever.
Bosnia, Serbia and Albania basically kept all the Muslim refugees that were violent and nobody seemed to notice it was happening and assumed they all went to Germany. Greece is basically getting pissed and so is Italy and Spain at the Muslims to a point where tensions can't be solved with them and now they're more or less neighbors who share a backyard. Despite what people think places like Germany and England hate muslims and won't forget what happened and it's going to be a blood bath. Places in Scandinavia likely to have a lot of sympathy with the Anglos and Germanics for their losses too and help them. All of this basically means tons of non-whites are going to move to America basically the entire time since Muslims are not going to fight back they're just going to go the next country and flee wherever White people hate them less which is America and Canada.
For some reason tons of black people who are 'upper-class' are taking vacations and moving to oriental nations and so are jews and nobody understands what this means. Muslim 'upper-class' is also trying to bite a slice of the oriental pie. Military from everywhere is at Antartica almost full-time fully armed and we don't even see it in the news.
Nobody seems to realize that eventually Egyptians are going to chimp out over Palestine and close the canal and the entire world is going to get loud. Israel has the technology to turn any plane made by Western nations into a remote control toy. First generation of transgender kids who chopped their tits off or chopped off their penises are about to ext that 'teenage dream' phase and actually realize what this means and start going postal. Virtually every single black person, white person, or muslim person and even some chinks on TV are actually a jew, and everyone else is a jew who doesnt need to hide beyond a persona. (nobody notices)
Everyone who has more than a couple million dollars networth is evil and blackmailed by jews with some type of videotape. All of the cops in any place of importance like a capital city are either complicit to their stations crimes or part of the police crime ring. Fat people are basically ticking time bombs and this is the first time were going to see large groups of people who don't fit on ambulances start dying. Basically every police force is 50% women on the streets and criminals are about to make them regret it. Food is about to run out for Africa since South Africa has quite literally killed their farmers AGAIN - which means war.
Airport terminals are basically plague spreaders and highway streets and busy intersections have been turned from fender benders into demolition derbies. An entire generation of school kids who grew up with LGBTQ lessons since kindergarden is almost in highschool together with Muslims and Blacks who are actually way more 'homophobic' than Whites which means highschools and colleges are going to turn into a battleground for teenagers and their parents are about to start going to jail and funerals for small skirmishes between trannies and shitskins who hate fags, basically everywhere. First generation of Muslims who had like 7 babies each is starting to send their kids to school which means anyone who has kids now is basically sending their kid to a mosque not a school. Jews dont seem to realize that this is basically going to turn public schools into 'poor jewish kids who like buttsex versus muslim kids who hate whiter jews more than whites or jews combined. Muslims basically spent the last decade building as many mosques as possible in places you wouldnt expect like Mexico which means theyre gunna bring their problems wherever they go. Entire central Latin America from Brasil to Venezuela to Panama and Guatemala and Honduras going to have too many men to feed and theyre gunna fight each other. Everyone knows China makes the fentanyl and Mexicans buy it in bulk and sell it which means eventually China is going to see some retaliation and so is Mexico. Everyone knows China is supplying the Australians with Meth and Heroin and moving it with the Muslims and Africans so they basically can't hide from reality. All of this is basically being held together by the ability for enough people to eat dinner and have sex at night which is getting more and more hard to hide behind.
If you see a non-white person, run away, because you're next to a target. Non-whites know non-whites have a karma countdown which is why non-whites are running from other non-whites to our homes, since theres is no other reason to avoid each pther except their genuine sense of fear of being next to the shitskin who had it coming when karma strikes. Whites seem to be the only people who think being inside a bus or a plane or a building with non-whites is a good idea. Even the muslims probably don't like being on a subway train with a guy wearing a turban and a backpack.
99 approaching 100% positive I got shadowbanned by the Mods.
So should I keep going or does Jow Forums just wanna talk about corrupt politicians as if they are real representatives of Whites?
I seem dumb saying this but I do wonder if you guys are smart.
>Jow Forums = make the world good THEN make the world safe
God = make the world safe THEN make the world good.
This is why Jow Forums is dumb.
Ask a question I don't know how to reply to
Sacre bleu!
Anyone notice how when you post on Jow Forums it takes like 10-20 seconds for your post to show up?
Jow Forums will you answer the call?
Theresa May and Tony Blair are pedos. I have a file on them.
>Airport terminals are basically plague spreaders
By the way, user, just in case you aren't a (((mod))) and for the record to all lurkers reading this right now or in the future.
I think Jow Forums is officially comped.
I think they are delivering us different versions of the catalog and the threads.
Obviously its impossible to prove, but I think on April Fools yesterday Jow Forums got altered in a way I can't explain.
I think I'm going to make this thread my last post on Jow Forums. I've been here on this website since 2007, on and off.
Not sure what I'm gunna do but I think the time is right to stop fucking around with Jow Forums.
I thought I would enjoy the end but it turns out the end of Jow Forums is really terrible.
I was hoping I'd meet someone smart.
Did you know about the CDC assassinations in Atlanta?
A worker there was trying to Whistleblow about the CDC and he got 'suicided'.
>Everyone knows China is supplying the Australians with Meth and Heroin
Yes I know - I basically have participated in /htg/ since day 1.
>I think they are delivering us different versions of the catalog and the threads.
I know they are
Feels bad man. I dedicated like 24/7 x 12+ days to help alarm White Genocide but I think the past 2-3 days the mods shadowbanned me.
Can't prove the tinfoil but the first 10 days I had zero issues talking to people up to a 300 bump limit.
Past three daily generals I can barely get 100 replies.
>trying to Whistleblow about the CDC and he got 'suicided'.
Yeah bro I saw in one of the Jow Forums WEBMs yesterday some guy post a guy from I think Brasil with Microphaly, and everyone was saying its cuz he had Zika virus.
So basically Zika Virus is just another jewish blood contagion plaguing people with Neanderthal genetic defects.
I think I saved the WEBM in my folder one second.
What te fuck, no. Not even the most violent ones want t, or can stay here. There's at least a couple of immigrant corpses every morning in my city of 200.000
Prevents spam
White genocide isn't a real thing in easter Europe, the immigrants either kneeland assimilate, or flee or just pass through
>MFW this is the last thread I'm probably ever gunna post in
>TFW my last thread is triple doubles get
>TFW my last thread is about jewish biocontagion formulas that give people microphaly
Its definitely real dude England and Germany and France are bleeding. Maybe not in Croatia or Serbia or Bosnia.
Can you stop schizoing out on me lad
They're still overwhelmingly white though, maybe aside from france
Things are worse than you could possibly ever imagine.
and Britain has been dead for half a century
>England and Germany and France are bleeding.
Question muttlad, why don't WNs just abandon ship and move to eastern EU/eastasia where they could life the rest of their life on like $100k
Well fuck man its my home. I am Anglo. I feel bad.
They turn my blood brothers and sisters into corpses. It feels bad man.
Can't view wembs on my shitty lumia 550
I really want to move to Serbia and fuck Hot Serb girls please help me user.
I really like Serbian Turbo Folk.
We are not to be bound by the fictional history written to deceive us. Even a midlow income brit can bail and start a new community elsewhere and bring his mates with him.
You are welcome to stay as long as you please
Ew turbofolk
FUCK Okay well if you go on youtube and search 'Macro CRIF hand' you will find a video of a Jew who is holding Macrons wrist like a bitch.
I'll describe it for you if you dont wanna see the video yourself.
>Macron is on a stage infront of a bunch of boomer retards at a conference with a old Jew looking guy
>The Jew guy and Macron walk to the front of the stage
>The Jew guy grabs Macrons Wrists like he won a boxing match if you know what I mean
>Macron lets him hold his wrists up in the sky like a champ/winner
>It looks very gay and Macron starting to look unhappy and angry
>The Jew just keeps on squeezing his wrists for like 30 seconds and Macrons face looks like a dead cat
I'm not Schizo posting I really think the Zika Virus isn't what we think it is. I'm 99% sure the jews are making these Zika retards
I wouldn't call Serbs or balkanoids particularly pretty, but most the girls are normal and have the sort of "look" of kindness and care
Well there's always that one cure for any disease
So allegedly WEBM related is a guy from South America with Zika.
Can't confirm but thats what Anons said yesterday.
If you know anything about Microphaly you will see this is literally just a case of Jewish inbreeding.
Connect the dots and you'll soon find a conspiracy where Zika Virus is a jewish contagion somehow infecting Latin America.
The guy looks just like the Jews from Nazi Germany Propaganda against Bolsheviks in Russia.
Well uk, we could just..shoot them?
What even lad
I wish dude. The Jews will have so many children before the time comes when everyone is ready to kill them.
I dont think you understand what White people are like.
Most White people think we have years to keep going happily with jewish lords controlling us.
The Jews are not fucking around and if we wait years its not gunna be safe anymore to trust almost anyone.
Thats what the guy looks like in the WEBM. He has the sloped forehead and small cranium/brain.
Britain has nukes, and we have information where some of the silos are.. Something something cod4 ending?
Yeah I know but I don't actually wanna Nuke anyone dude I don't even wanna Nuke Israel.
Do you realize how many important people and artifacts are in Israel?
The Jews basically are hiding our entire history in their backyard.
Trust me I am the kind of guy who loves Nukes and I don't even know if I would have the balls to Nuke San Francisco and I really should nuke that shithole.
Oh you couldn't possibly get those missiles to hit the ground, but you could detonate them in the upper atmosphere and let the muzzies overrun thrm
It hardly matters. Nobody wants to bomb Israel. My point is that I'm almost certain Zika Virus isn't some type of 'virus' but a Jewish weaponized disease they are experimenting with in South America.
I don't think people understand whats going to happen soon if that is real.
Bump me I'll prove it.
I literally just figured this out yesterday and now.
Zika is allegedly spread by Mosquitos infected with the virus and if a pregnant women is infected by the virus her baby will get Microphaly.
Microphaly basically means your head is like half as big.
Microphaly is often the result of inbreeding and its commonly found among the jewish population because they are the most inbred race.
THIS COULD MEAN that the Zika virus is literally a Jewish Virus hijacking Pregnant Mother's Fetus with the blood from a mosquito and giving it microphaly.
It might be mosquitos are literally drinking jewish blood, spreading the infected jewish blood to normal women and turning their babies literally into from 'Zika'.
I'm not a scientist but man explain pic related for me..
America is literally importing like tens of millions of people from the only place in the world with Zika infections RIGHT NOW.
Look I didn't expect anyone to care but if youre reading this right now DO NOT LET YOUR WIFE GO OUTSIDE EVER WHILE SHE IS PREGNANT.
Previous /WGG/ Daily Threads. This will be my last thread. You have been warned. I tried my best. Good luck with the Jews and your willing slavery under Evil masters. I'm sorry most of you are so stupid. I really wish you guys listened. Now you have to literally shelter your pregnant wives from the outdoors. I'm sorry. I wish it was my fault. I would have never let this happen but I'm not you. You can stop this but you can't keep being a slave.
this is correct user but you're forgetting how illegal that is and how it's basically another holocaust.
>A certain 'dwarf' of Punt (ancient Somalia) was given by the Chief clans as partial tribute to the last ruler of Ancient Egypt’s Old Kingdom, Pepi II Neferkare (6th Dynasty (circa 2125-2080 B.C.E.); it could be inferred that this person was indeed, also microcephalic. In a letter preserved at the British Museum, the young king gives instructions by letter, ”Harkhuf! The men in your service {escorts; soldiers; sailors; guards, etc.} ought pay sincere care with the dwarf’s head while sleeping during the voyage to the palace“ (so that it doesn't fall off...). At the same time, it could be for other reasons unrelated to microcephaly, etc.[
Starting to connect the dots as to why they want Somalians raping everyone.
Every seen a Somalians head? Its like a lightbulb. All of them have facial genetic mutations like weird teeth and brow ridges and deformations on their skulls at their temples
>Microcephaly is a brain malformation linked to a reduced number of neurons in the brain. ... The condition mainly affects the Ashkenazi Jewish population.
I really think you guys need to wake up now.
By the way, when I tried to copy and paste this my computer screen went black for 10-15 seconds or more until I gained control of it again.
>Primary microcephaly of postnatal onset is a feature of many neurological disorders, mostly associated with mental retardation, seizures, and spasticity, and it typically carries a grave prognosis. Five infants from four unrelated families of Caucasus Jewish origin presented soon after birth with spasticity, epilepsy, and profound psychomotor retardation. Head circumference percentiles declined, and brain MRI disclosed marked cereberal and cerebellar atrophy with severe myelination defect. A search for a common homozygous region revealed a 2.28 Mb genomic segment on chromosome 11 that encompassed 16 protein-coding genes. A missense mutation in one of them, MED17, segregated with the disease state in the families and was carried by four of 79 anonymous Caucasus Jews. A corresponding mutation in the homologous S.cerevisiae gene SRB4 inactivated the protein, according to complementation assays. Screening of MED17 in additional patients with similar clinical and radiologic findings revealed four more patients, all homozygous for the p.L371P mutation and all originating from Caucasus Jewish families. We conclude that the p. L371P mutation in MED17 is a founder mutation in the Caucasus Jewish community and that homozygosity for this mutation is associated with infantile cerebral and cerebellar atrophy with poor myelination.
Seriously guys if Jews can make us all retarded just by letting mosquitos bite pregnant women we are in for a terrible future.