User, you're a leader of a newborn completely anarcho-fascist country...

user, you're a leader of a newborn completely anarcho-fascist country. What laws will you impose and how will you run your country?

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no kikes

All males above the age of 18 and below the age of 30 MUST schloop post at LEAST once a day.
*schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop* *schloop*🐶

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The first thing I do is pick one, since these two literally cannot coexist in the same body of government.

the NAP for whites

what about freedom that is forced into people by the government? They in their own free will can't not be free.

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>What types of laws would you create in an anarchist society

Really makes you think

1. NAP doesn't apply to taxation
2. The government can break the NAP whenever it deems it necessary

I immediately transform it into a minimalist republic with laissez-faire capitalism and laws insuring the rights and liberties of all men.

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1) All jews must be gassed
2) All faggots, niggers, feminists and muslims get the rope
3) The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
That's all you need

Easy. Firing squad anyone who tells someone they can't own something

put only based schlopposters in high ranking positions

>anarchic tyranny

Nazi equals absolute hierarchy, dipshit

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ancap is pure form of fascism

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State-founded girlfriends

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no taxes
no weapons banned
all statists deported
segregation begins
thats it

oh and draft voluntary citizenship agreements and voluntary neighborhood agreements


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Shoah then Anarcho-Capitalism with big monopolies owned by my friends.

Fascist capital cannot be anarchic because everyone can only buy and sell what they're told. It would be like trying to set water on fire. Christ. Our schools are bad, but there's at least a little politics and economics in there.

Fascism is statism on steroids. It's literally "what if we applied the state as a solution to every problem". Hitler robbed parents of their children to raise them into loyal party soldiers that would sell out their own families if need be, 1984 style. Hitler inspired Orwell more than anyone. You people are fucking stupid.

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>What laws will you impose and how will you run your country?
White Sharia.

No laws, obviously.

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This statement is a contradiction.
In my opinion people with no sense of individuality or internal monologue just have either A never had a need to develop 1 or B their parents where not evolved for it.

Putting people into an environment where they have to be individuals and think for them selves is an adaptation that happened to the American settlers when they came here.

Also, you can not “force freedom and liberty” onto people.

> anarcho-fascist
Every straight man must date another dude.

not him obviously

Every time I visit Jow Forums my brain cell count is cut in half. You people are absolute dipshits that just remember shit from the internet and don't even think for themselves. If you had the idea to even fucking look up what you were talking about, you'd realize all of this shit is a fucking joke you morons. You tell me I'm an idiot whilst all of you just act like absolute fucking idiots not being able to think for themselves. Use your own mind for once and think of something creative you broken fucking coat hangers.

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>that spacing
>that poor pasta attempt

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Czecked and redpilled you faggot.

Phase out fossil fuels and regulate sex toys to ensure that they are safe for human use.

no womens rights. everything else will fall into place.
