Am I justified in scamming? I feel like an ass hole but holy fuck

am I justified in scamming? I feel like an ass hole but holy fuck

>born out in the middle of nowhere
>literally shit piss poor poverty
>entire county is nothing but broken down rusty shacks fields junkies and rednecks with broken down cars
>parents are the poorest here
>live in a broken down 300 year old house literally crumbling falling apart and disgusting
>never had a car
>parents never even helped me go half on a car
>graduate high school
>I didn't get one fucking thing
>everyone around me got handed thousands of dollars hundreds of dollars cars celebrations
>I didn't get a fucking THING.
>stuck in this broken down shit house
>barely get christmas every year
>poorer than everyone
>everyone else i talk to has inhertiences money from parents parents buy them cars
>i get nothing not a cent just a broken down shit house
>everyone i see lives in a normal middle class suburban home
>i get a fucking broken down crack den thats not even worth a dime
>cant have friends becuase i live in the middle of nowhere and im so poor
>no friends out here no girls no jobs no resources nothing
>closest source of shit is 20 miles away
>cant do this becuase parents never bought me a car
>only people out here are literally fucking scizophrenic disturbed psychopath rapists freaks
>all my neighbors are on welfare rednecks old as fuck shitty ass holes
>coldest winters in the world
>broken down shit poverty house with no insulation or heating
>house is literally 55 degrees shiver and go numb whenever i leave my room
>literally trapped in my room 24/7
>start scamming
>make thousands of dollars
>literally just taking from happier people and giving to myself

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also only taking like 10-20 dollars from people literally nothing

Might is right. The weak deserve to be conquered. Most people spend their money on stupid shit anyway.

It's relative. How much do you know about the people you're scamming? If you can you should go after rich people, people with stable home lives or bad people only. If you're hitting like middle class or lower middle families that aren't living the best then you're kind of a bitch.

What r u doing btw if I may ask? I've always thought about scamming a few people just with like catfishing. It's not technically illgal to get a hindu dude to send you money with fake pics right?

What's your scam and who are you scamming?

No you are an asshole. You should find a legitimate means of cash. You're just like the rest of the trash who live in the slum.

Scam only the rich

they all literally look happier and more privileged than me. they all literally are but literally no one is suffering as much as me

aside from lifelong virgins morbidly obese or something but they do that to themselves. I was BORN poor

t. got scammed by a dude pretending to be a girl

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lol literally everyone is rich compared to me. but I dont have a choice. I have to steal as much and as fast as I can every chance I get

look buddy, I'm rooting for you but you can't just scam random people without knowing them unless they're giving you money for something that is not actually worth it in their lives (i.e. foot pics or some shit)

plenty of people out there are just as poor as you including myself. if you hate where you live so bad move somewhere else, there are tons of programs out there that will pay you and give you a room to work for them and it's not all just military shit.

>lol literally everyone is rich compared to me. but I dont have a choice. I have to steal as much and as fast as I can every chance I get
OP is an attention seeking troll, nothing to see here. Sage or move on

im the black user that got struck down by god and trapped in his shitty small town

god has taken everything away from me



I have decided to scam as hard as I possibly can

I was born in a small town. had everything ripped away. never been on vacation or anywhere happy. never had a normal life. sub African levels of poverty. hellish torture. surrounded by evil and darkness

I am taking what god and life owes me. I will set fire to this fucking planet to get what I deserve.

No, other people worked hard for their money, whether they’re wealthy or not, they earned it.
It’s not their fault you are in the situation you are in, try making something of yourself in some way, I’m guessing you’re from the US so yes you do have opportunities, you’re probably just not looking hard enough.
No amount of money in the world can buy good morals, values and integrity.

what are you doing to scam people? Surely you're able to afford a car now, right?

Poor people who won't earn their way out of the ghetto make me sick. I was born into poverty and crawled my way out. Either have the ambition to do the same or save us from having to spend taxpayer money on your welfare and do the fucking needful.

>just pull yourself up by the bootstraps!!!

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Listen dude it’s not wrong. EVERYONE cheats to get ahead in some way. People will step on and use you if they think they can just to advance slightly. What you’re doing is no different. It’s frowned upon, but that’s because no one wants to be stolen from. I personally think if you can do CC fraud scamming instead you’d be better offf as it affects the actual people less, but in the end so long as you’re not for example making some dumb old bitch go bankrupt that you’re not hurting anything.

Also OP I’m and I wanna mention a more harmless scam:

Tinder thots/cashapp. You pay some dumb college aged bitch like $30-$60 to model for you, have her sign an agreement and terms that somewhere in it vaguely state the pics can and will be used for commercial purposes (if she actually reads it and questions this just tell her you may put it on your website/social media and it could end up in a book you’re making). Take a fuck load of pics, get shit in different poses and outfits both indoors and outdoors. Some semi nude if you can. Then, you set up a fake tinder with her pics and a different name. The bio should be flashy and say typical thot shit. You can either put “cashapp me for nudes” in the bio or wait until thousands of betas are hitting you up, flirt with them a bit and convince them to cashapp you money for nudes. Whether you send any of the pics you took to them is up to you but you’d be able to get an easy $5-$20 from several dudes a day.

If it turns out to work for you you can get like 5-10 devices and get 5-10 models, have a tinder account on each device. If you’re doubting this will work, I’ve looked through so many female friends tinders and they have literally thousands of matches. All hitting them up and 90% are thirsty betas. You gotta figure you’ll get some suckers out of those betas who actually pay for nudes

With this method you’re not hurting anyone. Just scamming a quick $20 out of some pervert

You're almost just like me! I don't have my driver's license though, and my parents dont have a bank account because of reasons...
I'm looking into military but I'm afraid I'll be homeless. There are plenty of good people around and southern hospitality is great, but I need to support myself and my family.

i dont even have air conditioning, so my home (49 year old trailer) gets over 100 in the summer and 10 in the winter

Karma is real user.

Join the military. Learn a trade. Become a teacher, Accept a program to work abroad. Do construction.

There's a dozen ways to leave home and have a good career. All you have to do is make that first step.

Or you can be a bad person and scam people.

Make the right choice and your future self will thank you.

get a camo/brown tarp, a bike, first aid kit, a sleeping bag, jug of water, and head out

im the user that suggested the survival gear, and if u r that bad off u could do that and get a PO Box since u have no friends or outreach it seems
also, u can try something low tier like construction if u can get out, or better yet military
but it dont hurt to carry those survival things either