For most of you, crypto is the only remotely possible opportunity for you to get rich

>not investing in fake internet money
the sooner you learn how to laugh along with the joke, the happier you'll be

Attached: 532523523523532.png (673x389, 560K)

Hiding your street shitter flag while sitting on bags that you bought while the prices where high as shit

Crypto had its rush 1-20k but that bear market scared all possible investors away for good

thats bullshit. crypto is retarded.
the only way for most of us (commoners) to get rich is by opening your own online business in service


reminder the only true way to make it is to go all in Chainlink.

Attached: chainlink.png (1000x1000, 53K)

>be White
>make money
>share a house with friends who are similar to you politically
>save up money
>put said money to political acts that actually work
>bring more Whites similar to you in the area and have them do the same
>get even more money
>Whites around Europe and America catch on and copy
>bypasses leftist globalist government and is completely legal
>higher chance of finding decent work through shared information between Whites
>more money from sharing and splitting the bills and food
>literally Nation building but on a housing scale

I dont have enough GPUs to into crypto. you need a god damned chinese server farm these days to into crypto
>just buy some
fiat currency isnt real (and I dont have any)

>crypto is retarded.
it isn't, you should educate yourself on the topic memeflag pajeet.

>to get rich is by opening your own online business in service
crypto is a better way to get rich, but only if you buy chainlink.
everything else is a gamble.

doesnt work because most people are retarded and will betray you as soon as
>get even more money

you don't need to be a miner to be in crypto.
>fiat currency isnt real
thats the point while you should invest your fiat money into crypto.

>opening up your own business which fails 9 times outta 10 forcing you to take out jew loans.

Cringe and jewpilled

This. Got my 10k stack ready

Attached: valuation.png (756x1012, 135K)

I bought a few thousand Litecoin at $1.75 and I can assure you, the dips don't scare me. I'm riding this thing to the moon.

Nice you shouldv sell at 250+ or so

No, that ship sailed years ago. The time to get into bitcoin was back when most of you were still in grade school and most people hadn't even heard of it yet, when it was still viable to "mine" them with a good home PC but even most people who HAD heard of it would have been like "why the fuck would I want to run my computer all day to generate fake money I can't spend?"

Investing in crypto right now is about the dumbest thing you can throw your money away on. If you wanted to do that shit you should have done it in 2017 and sold it right in the end of the year. Crypto has been in steady decline since with no "smart" moves to pick except not playing.

Still shilling that scam? lol

skarsgard is a jewish cuck and his father was a boomer who practiced freikorperkultur aka nudism.


but i still hope
have 20k burst

Attached: burst_ecocoin.png (757x1423, 314K)

We either make it or go in the red for years.
Fuck wagecucking, and fuck niggers.

Attached: 1305596840081.jpg (800x680, 330K)

I am going to make it.

Attached: RLC.png (225x225, 3K)

*If you were an early adopter before normalfags found it.