Is porn as bad you you as the nofap movement makes out?

Online subcultures like nofap in addition to websites like yourbrainonporn tell us that porn causes limp dick and social anxiety. Is it true? Anecdotally, I'm a heavy consumer of homemade/amateur porn and I suffer from social anxiety, I'm weak, and I used to have ED.

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if you like it: do it
If it makes you feel bad: stop doing it
Dont listen to what anybody else say

Limp dick? Why? Because girls irl are ugly compared to pornstars?

>implying pornstars arent the ugliest of persons
This is the real issue right here

How did you get over ED?
>asking for a friend >.>

true words
>T. daily heroin user

I have no science behind any of this, but here goes: As an avid consumer of pornography since I found the naughty channels on cable when I was a kid, it definitely messes with your expectations of sex and romance. Like says. I suspect that your brain gets accustomed to being stimulated with the very specific porn and actors you view time and time again. So when it happens that a girl in your bedroom happens to be a little more meaty, her skin isn't as nice, she's not humming over your dick, or you're not instantly erect at the sight of her, it confuses your brain and as a result ED wrought by anxiety and crossed wires of reality vs fantasy ensues.

On a more practical level, I think if you have time to watch porn, you could be doing something more interesting with your time.

Alot of them are, but why should you limit yourself to looking at the ugly ones?

>implying daily heroin use makes you feel good

>implying real beauty doesnt come from within

This woke homie! let’s get real what is Beauty and where can we find more of it

>implying that it doesnt.

I think porn ruined my dick because it made me so good at masturbating my dick is super sensitive all the time

Any addiction is bad for you. If you watch it in moderation you'll be fine, but if you watch it every day for a long period of time and your tastes become more and more degenerate, of course it will affect you.

Personally, I watched porn since I was 12, but I always consumed it in moderation (like 2 times a week at most, rest of the time I masturbated using my imagination). Also once I got into a relationship, I lost pretty much all interest in watching porn. The real thing is just so much better and more satisfying than wanking one off.

It's bad in that it conditions your dick to react to a certain kind of stimule.
I occasionally watched some bbc porn if i happened to find an actress i liked on it, then i got into interracial cuckhold shit, bbc breeding, hotwifes, etc. It got to the point where i would almost exclusively fap to that stuff, many times a day, as normal porn couldn't turn me on hard enough. When i started to get intrusive thoughts of my gf being fucked in the ass by mandingo i realized i had to fucking stop.
It sort of detaches you from reality, you get accostumed to be the one watching and jerking off from a distance, you may get turned on at the thought of you being the one doing the fucking, but when you are actually doing the fucking you feel quite detached, don't really get much enjoyment out of pushing your dick in and out, and you think you'd rather watch some porn and at most have the girl jerk you off as she whispers how much she'd like a black cock to impregnate her.
I've tried nofap/noporn for 2 weeks as a detox of sorts, but when i started fapping again i gravitated back to the fucked up stuff. So now i plan on stopping completely for a longer time and relying on actual sex only for release.

My anecdotal experience.

I stopped watching porn about 3 months ago.

I still fap without porn occasionally if I'm really horny.

Since then my boner problems and fucked up fetishes have dissapeared and I am way more aroused by real women.

Ay shit same here bro. Stopped jacking off to degenerate shit.

Good shit. Keep off that cuckold.

If you have problems with masturbating and you feel that your desires are fucked up or that you are some kind of sexual degenerate. I strongly suggest you to look up your local sexoholics anonymous meeting and go to it.

I know you think that you may be able to handle it by yourselves and you can white knuckle your way through it, but let's be honest, most of us cannot.
I found a lot of healing going to these meetings and maybe they can help you too. You're not alone out there.

For watching that shit you kinda deserve what happens to you

>going to local sexoholics because of MASTURBATION (not even fucking sex) addiction
Just imagine that shit, sitting on a meeting where a bunch of roastie psycho nymphos and junky chads who plow a different vapid clubwhore every night are taking turns confess the kinkiest shit they have put inside their/someone else's holes and then your turn comes and you are stuck in there explaining that you're just a virgin who after years of not getting laid has developed a taste for fucked up porn.
Just imagining the huge rift and culture shock between us and the rest of them it's enough to break my soul. Even if they won't "judge" it still feels like they live in a completely different reality, you may be in the same place for seemingly similar reasons (sex issues) but the alienation would be pretty much unbearable.