So I made a thread about this yesterday but still not surr what to do. Went on a date with this girl. She's an artist and drew something for me in exchange for lunch. She laughed a lot but I feel like she was uncomfortable because she wouldn't make eye contact and wasn't super chatty. I'm not sure if the date went good or bad. We ate for about an hour and then afterwards she said she was tired and was gonna go home. The way I see it, if she enjoyed the date she would want to continue it and go do more stuff, right? I asked her what she was looking for on tinder and she hasn't replied in like 30 hours,
Should I ask for a second date?
You’re overthinking and overhyping yourself.
You can always ask, but you yourself know that that first one didn’t really go that well, so it makes no sense to emotionally over invest yourself and obsess about a situation you know is a long shot.
Ask if you want, or don’t, but stop driving yourself up a wall about it.
You should.
People are nervous on first dates, it's normal. If you're interested in dating her then try; Worst thing that can happen if you ask her out again is that she rejects you.
Maybe give it a day or two for her to respond and then just go for it if she hasn't responded by that time.
>but you yourself know that that first one didn’t really go that well
I really don't know for sure if it was good or bad though. Like, she was laughing a lot at things I said but it could have been fake laughter. She ended the date early but it could have been because she was nervous. It's all so ambiguous so it's hard to tell.
You are too desperate.
Gotta play it cool.
Ya, well before this I was playing it pretty cool. Even waited 3 days to reply to her text one day. I just felt kinda bad after she went home at the end of lunch and that's when the desperate vibes came out.
Just don't overthink shit. Take control in the relationship. Don't ask her: "hey-y-y *stutters* wanna go on a date with me?? Instead: Yo, shawty let's go on a date on (date). This shows confidence.
Also: watch you tubers like: Alpha M / Based Zeus / TeachingMensFashion. They will teach you a lot :)
Playing it cool doesn't mean waiting a certain time before messaging or feigning disinterest.
It's a mindset, you gotta convince yourself it doesn't matter if it doesn't work out with this chick cos you're a guy who can pull other girls if he wants to.
Be confident, user! You're leading it all, don't wait for her to confirm anything. Girls like to be led by a guy who's sure of what he's doing. No girl is gonna hate you leading the shit. You choose when, where, what... And if she has a comment to make then you can adapt, but don't wait for her opinion.
>accepted amateur art as compensation
bro, are you good?
yo just looking at those texts, just stop. you are spleging to much. "at least you got a meal out of it" you are already dead to her. move on
You can barely speak English, why should I listen to you?
>Alpha M
into the trash you go
You're coming across a bit desperate desu mate. The answer to your question is obviously yes though, give it a go.
Yo you fucked up. You just called yourself a meal ticket and she basically said thanks for the meal, see you.
man said what are you on tinder for lmao
its to get dick shoved down her throat
or free meals from betas
have an abundance mentality op
dont chase
make em chase u
Woahhhh you guys are such red pill ALPHAS XDDDDD
You know they aren't wrong
Pretty much going to concur with the other replies here. You're being too much of a nice guy. Instead of being needy and asking for her approval you should be simply telling her when the next date is.
>watch you tubers
No one is on Tinder for friends you desperate moron
youve provided zero argument, rebuttal, or any logic whatsoever. you probably provide no value irl too. lata bitch
>Op asks for advice
>Gets mad when everyone points out what a beta he his
Instead of throwing a hissy fit mabey try and figure out what your doing wrong and mabey... You know... Use Google to figure out what the fuck girls actually want since obviously you don't know
You type really ghetto, can't spell, and are just reciting incel rhetoric straight from r9k, that's why I don't take you guys seriously
OP, any new messages? Ask her how her day is right now.
theres some good info here u ungrateful fat idiot you asked what girls are on tinder for lmao you braindead fuck
>yo shawty
Opinion discarded
>I was playing it pretty cool. Even waited 3 days to reply to her text one day
dude u don't fake being cool, u gotta live the cool life and seriously not care too much about girls and they'll come to u
hurry and message her or she'll forget!
>double texting
>replying fast
>why are you on tinder???
jesus christ user its over
Ignore all the incels saying you sound like a beta OP.
From what you've written it seems like she's kind of into you, but not fully invested. You need to find out what the issue is by texting her and asking what she doesn't like about you and start changing that. Once you change tell her and she will be way more invested because she will see your dedication.
If she doesn't reply don't be afraid to text her again. Sometimes girls don't hear the phone go off so you may need to reply a few more times to get her attention. When she sees multiple messages by you she'll know you're a keeper because you're so attentive.
You got this OP, make sure to keep us updated.
You came off as a desperate beta. It's over.
You send a picture of your dick.
Ya so fucking what? She would quadruple text me and reply in under a minute earlier in the conversation. The thing is, everyone here is giving me shit for these couple of texts but if they tell me what they would have said they're gonna sound like middle schoolers trying to look cool with tryhard "witty" "alpha" texts. Honestly I felt like I came across as sort of an asshole during the date which is why I took the nice guy approach after
>Honestly I felt like I came across as sort of an asshole during the date which is why I took the nice guy approach after
Girls unironically like that shit, dude. You apologizing and saying shit that's like "well you got a meal!" Is devaluing yourself as only a meal ticket and someone who his unsure of his own worth.
leave her, you already made yourself too needy.
also why the fuck did you devalue yourself. stop playing the nice guy cause it sounded pathetic when i read that shit and a girl will read it like that too
you can but do it in real life cause she is going to leave you on seen again if you do it through text.
hahahhahah dont listen to this guy seriously
no girl with any kind of interest in you (even a small interest) will wait 30 hours to answer or give you one liners that don't help the conversation
she couldnt be any less interested and is making it very clear to you to avoid embarassing you with a clear rejection
get a grasp of yourself, you cant be so autist to not see this
I've waited longer to text this girl back earlier in the conversation while still being interested.
you waited because you read on the internet that taking a long time to answer on the phone is alpha
but hey, if you want to believe she is interested go ahead, keep sending cringe messages to her, she will eventually answer :^)
Ok but I actually waited because I was busy af and had multiple back to back work shifts as well as finals are coming up and I'm taking 5 classes
Omg the neediness
Omg the cringe
First thing you do after the date is text an apology?!
And when she doesn't respond for 10 minutes you sperg out with the "what are you looking for???" BS??
Good damnit you beta bitch... No girl wants a sensitive fuckboy like that
unless you're a international company ceo you have time to send a message, noone is so busy to be unable to spend 5 secs sending a msg
seriously, do you even believe your own lies? no wonder the girl ditched you
If you send a text, they reply and expect another text. Sometimes I just don't feel like having a conversation at the moment.
but you dont wait 30h to answer
if you wait more than two or threee hours, you're either trying to be fake internet alfa or you're just not interested in that person
so, has she answered yet?