How the hell are you supposed to stay optimistic when all you get is rejection?

How the hell are you supposed to stay optimistic when all you get is rejection?

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By not giving a fuck

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You know how much the most successful people get rejected? Way more than you.

They get the occasional success, though. It's different.

Because they are not afraid of rejection but embrace it.

you don't get it m8

Take criticism seriously and don't view it as a personal attack.
If people reject you and give a reason, take note and try again. If several people give the same reason, then it is a big deal.
If it is something you could easily change, do so, but only if you think it might benefit you regardless of whether it works or not.

Okay, then explain what is correct, and why you think you are more knowledgeable about this subject.

You assume that there is eventual success for everyone. The already successful may constantly fail, but they have proven themselves to be able to succeed.

How do you know you will never have success?

rejection is part of life.

KFC, the creator for rejection after rejection for his business idea. until he reach 70 years old he succeeded on his fried chicken.

Harry potter, the author got rejection for years because all the publisher says her work is crap. she made it finally.

I got many job interview rejection, 50-60 interviews. In the end I got a high paying job that see my skills.

when u down, find anything positive, stay with positive people, keep your mind really open. if u just suck up n cry in corner, no one going to help u, but only you yourself can really do best to motivate.

imagine people who's disable or mentally ill. everyday they faced with rejection.

>being given a reason
How naive.

>all the publisher says her work is crap
Weren't wrong desu.

Well, this takes us back to the original question in the OP.

look m8 screw you. 99.9999999% of people who get rejected over and over and over again keep getting rejected until they're fucking DEAD. life does not have a happy ending just because you keep trying your best.

Completely false and baseless statement.


based 2nd language poster

How old are you kiddo

Continuous failure is not a precursor to success. Getting it wrong over and over again does not mean you'll get it right. It is possible to actually fail at things you want to get succeed at and put serious effort into

but people need hope to keep moving on
so they'll always deny this truth and rather stick to the fantasy of 'if I try hard enough I'll succeed'

They wont, but where they do 'succeed' is accepting their fate of being mediocre and by doing some mental gymnastics they turn out 'happy'. It's all in your head..

Success is based mostly on being a brown nosing, ass kisser. Talent, perseverance, and hard work are mostly memes.

Wow, nice answer. You offered no insight whatsoever to the table of discussion.

By presuming you will fail, and that things will not improve for you, you are creating a self fulfilling prophecy.

Many people DO have difficulties when dating, it's true. but that does not mean it is impossible. My advice is to let go of your anger and bitterness; it isn't any fun to be around someone who's angry at the world all the time, in fact, it often pushes people away. Letting go of anger and hate is difficult at first, but after the first step, your life will, without a doubt, be better.

So you say its better just to give up trying?

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According to you, 1 in 10 million will NOT get rejected until they're dead. I think your math is off.

lower your standards.

Once you get consistent success then raise your standards.

Rinse and repeat.
