do people unironically engage coitus in real life aka the real physical world? like wtf, do people actually have sex aside from making kids or is it just a thing that happens in porn?
Do people unironically engage coitus in real life aka the real physical world? like wtf...
Not in my experience, no.
Yes, but only attractive people. I find it hard to believe, too.
people actually enjoy sex
Yes. I coitus the daylights out of the wife on the regular.
We tried to run the numbers one time on how many times we have done it. (we have been together 10 years) it's in the upper 4-5k range.
And I was like this with my previous GFs too. Either I attract sluts or I'm doing something right. *shrug*
wtf user, that's pretty weird, are you addicted to sex?
Depends on what you consider an addiction i guess.
If your definition of an addiction is something that gets in the way of life goals and relationships, then no.
If you just mean something we do all the time then you have a bad definition for addiction, but yes.
Boy you know how much fucking is going on this very second???
Eh sounds normal to me for being in a relationship with a healthy sex life. My wife can barely keep her hands off me so my number is somewhere around there.
that's really weird, but i guess people do have sex then.
>more than twice a day on average
Bit excessive desu.
not really. I have many people in my circle of friends who have sex with their wives regularly. If you have a healthy sex life, this is inevitable.
You can safely assume most people around you are having sex.
It happens but it's very uncommon. Lots of sexless incels out there.
It's not uncommon, it's just that Chad has to work over time to service every Stacy in heat
If you are sampling people who post on here? yes, it's an epidemic. If you ask real people, lol no incels are few and far between.
you people and your obsession with sucking "Chad's" dick is endlessly hilarious.
Regular people have sex with other regular people ALL. THE. TIME. if you are not getting it, you either don't want it or you have a serious character flaw and need to fix yourself so other people will like you.
Yea, regular girls are having sex all the time. Most regular guys I know are single for months or years at a time, or married to obese women.
I said regular people.
If you get to know people outside of your basement D&D group, you would have a larger sample size.
Yea if we just keep shaming everyone who brings up issues we'll never have to talk about them
Keep up the good work user
The person I was responding to wasn't bringing up an issue. He was being self loathing and projecting his internal insecurities on to an entire class of people. He needs to know that he is wrong and the Op needs to know it is wrong.
It's kinda true. My housemates at uni slept with on average on or two women a year.
They thought I was some kind of Chad for sleeping with only two or three a month.
It's just a trend that is getting worse every year
A lot of girls don't even bother going out anymore. They can just "focus on their career" and find some hot guy on tinder to come over and fuck them. This is your society on late stage liberalism and consumerism.
You realize only a small subsection of women actually use tinder, right? and most of the time if they do use it, they get so bogged down with dick pics and guys jerking off that they quickly delete the app and go back to normal dating. you guys and your coping mechanisms is fucking top notch. Learn to be a human first, then try finding a woman. you lost the race because you never started.
I go out every weekend , I go to meetups, work on expanding my social circle, utilize social media, I work on improving myself. It's getting harder and harder to find relationships and normal girls every year. This is my experience and the experience of many guys I know, including rich ones, athletic ones, etc. It's absolutely getting harder for many men out there, women's expectations are going up and they have more and more avenues to get their "fixes" for attention, sex, etc. Without having to bother with ever gratifying an "average guy".
If it makes you feel better to shove your head in the sand and keep asserting your superiority , have at it. It's not my experience or the experience of many others.
>you're not human because you can't attract women
Damn, harsh.
I'm not asserting any superiority. If you feel I'm superior because I don't subscribe to your self-defeating ideology, then you really need to figure out where you went wrong.
>you really need to figure out where you went wrong.
seems to be the best advice for you. If you are being truthful and are genuinely trying to expand yourself and do better for yourself, you will find someone to compliment you in a relationship.
there is something fundamentally wrong about you that people can see from a distance. It may or may not be your fault. I don't know you. I can't say what or why. but obviously you hold a resentment toward women because you think they are all going for someone better than you. Maybe have a therapist help you get to the root of your problem. you certainly need more help than I or anyone can give you on a message board
not exactly what I was trying to say. but I can see where you got that from. "be a human first" means to figure out who you are, your place in this world, then you can be confident enough to move on to a relationship.
I feel like my life is mostly in order, but I've never had any female attention. I'm 27 and still haven't figured out what it is that's so off-putting about me. Confidence in other areas doesn't seem to translate into romantic success when you have no experience of it.
I think it's a stretch to say I'm resentful towards women because I am acknowledging observable trends that are corroborated by many different men. I think it's an unfortunate state of affairs that is going to have profound social consequences, but I accept reality for what it is.
Talk to someone about it irl. I can't help you over an anonymous forum. you may need a therapist to figure it out. Maybe you are not confident enough? Maybe they think you are already in a relationship? Maybe you get signals but don't understand that a woman is flirting/wants you. Maybe you have a bad attitude toward certain things. Maybe you are not articulate enough. I can keep going on and on and on. I have no way of saying "This is exactly why women do not like you" Try different things till something works. But whatever you do, keep trying. It's the only way.
>I'm resentful towards women because I am acknowledging observable trends that are corroborated by many different men.
Why don't you try and stay away from men who are dateless and toxic.
I'm not trying to start shit, but do you talk to people outside of the internet? Do you have co workers or other people you talk to who are older than you? You need more perspectives because I believe you have trapped yourself into a routine of self hate that you may be projecting onto women. I of course may be wrong about your specific situation, but for people to have the thoughts you do, there is something wrong with the environment you are in.
Just maybe
Maybe he's not physically attractive enough.
I would never say that.
I believe no matter how you look, there are people who are attracted to you. It's barely ever a physical reason that people are dateless. though, it is what they want to believe so they can sleep easy at night knowing "It's not their fault"
I only fuck ironically
>Her: Mmmmm, yeah give it to me baby.
>Me: Yeah that's what she said, lmao.
Every single regular looking dude I know, from work, school, social events, friends of friends, extended family, they all have similar stories. All over the internet, there are similar stories. So either you're right, and every single male I know as well as countless males on the internet are needlessly resentful and toxic, or you are living in some overly optimistic fantasy land.
What's your situation, anyway? Let me guess, long term relationship. How many years has it been? Hopefully it works out so you don't need to head back into the fray and have your naive optimism asphyxiated.
Sorry but its my experience as well. Most people are normies and the average weight means most people are amerifats. Lots of guys never grew up with a father and don't know how to treat a girl, my friend and I would have been incel today if we were born a little later. We are doing great with girls now but we were both virgins until we were 21, we still lack social cues.
Girls do want a certain kind of look and can sample all the guys they want to. I am a fetish to a lot of them. At his age they may still want to hook up because they know they still can settle later. Why settle with a homely guy when they can hook up with a pool of chads and get more dates. The longer dates go for, the cheaper they usually get. Its like a ticket to a safe 50/50 or a fun roulette of 10/90 but you get a prize every time anyway. My experience is that of girls on tinder, not of 'real girls' although I dated 2 girls offline and never one online. Jow Forums is a lot more women friendly than I thought, the reality is that most women knowing about the internet will go find a hotter guy than one IRL now. You rarely see a hot girl and an ugly guy together even before they had these apps now its even worse for them.
>What's your situation, anyway?
Do you really want an answer? Or are you planning on pretending whatever I say isn't real so you can comfortably discredit me and pretend it's everyone else's fault?
>So either you're right, and every single male I know as well as countless males on the internet are needlessly resentful and toxic
If you were right, we as a species would never have grown to be over 6billion on this planet. We are the dominate species here because we fuck. A lot.
>there are similar stories
I'm sure you can't comprehend this through your blind anger, but everyone is single for parts of their lives. Just because you don't see it now, or have too much mud in your eyes to see it. Does not make it true that "women are all after 'chad". Again, you really need to get out of whatever social circle you are in. It seems like you are getting the wrong idea about men and women.
do you have women in your social circle?
Are you American?
>Lots of guys never grew up with a father and don't know how to treat a girl
And that's exactly what I mean when I say you need to look at yourself and figure out why people or women do not like you. If that is your experience, you need to work on changing it.
>Girls do want a certain kind of look and can sample all the guys they want to.
Everyone has a type. as you said
>I am a fetish to a lot of them.
So you figured out what a certain type of girl likes and you cater to it because you like that type of woman. you get it. you seem to be defending something that you are not a part of.
>everyone happy is Chad or married to a fat person
I cannot for the life of me fathom how you would possibly end up single. It just escapes me.
Why does every incel have such a godawful attitude?
you don't learn it easily. you can't really. i have stuff i picked out of books like pua books most of which suck, most guys probably think youtube is real.
>So you figured out what a certain type of girl likes and you cater to it because you like that type of woman. you get it. you seem to be defending something that you are not a part of.
No, I have the same features of a person, I don't even have the same hairstyle or the same clothing. I am OK with it, but its the reality. Girls can be even more selective and they are very selective. One of me friends who objectively beats me in height, age, weight, face as well as money gets no hits, hes a bit pickier then me though. Point is women are super picky, more than before.
>If you were right, we as a species would never have grown to be over 6billion on this planet. We are the dominate species here because we fuck. A lot.
Are you being purposely obtuse? A main foundation of this whole discussion and the related social phenomenon is the existence of dating apps. What happened before smart phones, birth control, etc. has little relevance to what were talking about.
Relationships and marriage were a way to keep average males motivated and participant in society. Now we have males dropping out of society left and right .. why do you think that is? Must just be because they're all dumb lazy losers, right?
Like I said many posts ago. People are still fucking, a lot, just like you say. But women and highly attractive men have avenues to find each other and bypass those disgusting 80% of unfit males altogether. And why wouldnt they? Women don't need men for money , they have careers, or they can post pictures of their ass on instagram, or sign up for sugar daddies. They don't need validation when they have social media. They dont want for anything except maybe that Chad finally sticks around this time after rocking their pussies for a night.
Where did "happy" ever come into this?
I don't think guys who marry obese women are happy. They are just so pressured by social norms that they keep lowering their standards until they can actually find a woman who will settle down with them. Personally, I'd much rather be single than to suffer such a fate.