>be me 18 awkward white working at local Burger King
>socially inept but used to be social as a child
>have mostly black hood coworkers
>one of them ask if i smoke weed to which i say yes
>go out back and smoke a brunt with him
>keep up routine of smoking with him daily bc he has good weed
>he finds me funny and starts to refer to me as his “patna”
>ask me if I wanna make money i say sure
>we leave work and he takes me to his trap, we pick up coke and ecastay
>go with him on all his sales and he cuts me a profit for every sale
>other coworkers start to like me because I’m funny at work
>one ask if im ready to go big to which I say sure again
>he buys me a pistol and tells me we’re gonna use it to rob and he wants me to start selling alone
>he ask if im still about it
>nervously agree
>realize what ive gotten myself into and that’s it too late to back out
>mfw i got recruited into hood life without realizing
Black people
You're dumb.
proof or bait
LARP. I hope so atleast
Does this sound like the plot to a b-list comedy to anyone else?
Grow up and learn to say no, the judge wont treat you like a 11 year old after all
absolutely based and redpilled. op, get the power and the money. anyone that says otherwise is a fucking cuck. society is garbage anyway; it rejects you so you must reject it yourself! exert your will in the power process!
Hahaha, agree.
Based opinion my negro
young steve carrell plays OP (who's a fag) or that Michael whatshisname Autismo from Arrested Development
You got slaved by dindus. How dumb does someone have to be to let this happen to themselves. Better work whyeboi, if you don't line your daddy's pockets he's gonna brain ya then buttfuck ya. Guaranteed. White nigger just kys now to go out on your terms.
White people are humans and niggers are a subspecies of gorilla.
Niggers stink like shit.
>when you decide to open a savings account instead of upgrades for your 1000 dollar car
Learn to be the best gang-banger there ever was. If you ever see a group of nigs hanging out with 1 white guy, you know that white guy is the craziest, most dangerous mother fucker in that entire bunch. Just make sure you don't dip into your own stash.
what brand pistol is it?
Kek, moo cow lookin nigguh
I think The Bible warns us about something like this. God tells his people to put up borders and don't let the other tribes in (I think its the Canaanites). He says they are a people of low morals and if you allow yourselves to be mixed wit them, their evil ways will become your ways.
I can't cite it, I'm sorry. I'm not so well versed on The Bible yet.
pistol brand is a g2c Taurus
ya nigga get ya juug on boi
hit dem licks shawty finna get his bag
>the plot to the first episode of static shock
do it op you're about to get super powers
Listen man. I don’t think you’re gonna tell him no. You need to quit the job, block his number, toss the gun or give it to the cops. If he doesn’t know where you live, I’d give it to the cops & spill the beans.
das rite nigger
Wait until they are all relaxed and you could probs kill 8 niggers or more and simply drive off to mcds with some other 45 iq humanlet taking the blame.
Congratulations amerimutt you turned into a nigger.
Think lifes a rap video...get shot..die