CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Suggests ‘Lock Her Up’ Chant Is ‘Hate Speech’

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Who cares what this cunt thinks

I do.

CNN is hate speech. They hate reality.

The right to freedom of speech shall not be infringed, unless that speech challenges or offends the sensibilities of the ruling class, in which case it is illegal. t. the constitution

didn’t trump say “we don’t care anymore” about locking her up?

Are we going to need to obtain a license before saying "Lock Her Up" ??

CNN also said it's illegal to download stuff from Wikileaks, but that it's okay for the Media to read the Wikileaks documents.

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user, I...

Nobody cares

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>‘CNN’s Christiane Amanpour Suggests ‘Lock Her Up’ Chant Is ‘Hate Speech’
Imagine being so ideologically bankrupt that you want to throw people in prison for disagreeing with you.
Is the left ever going to realize that they're the bad guys in this culture war?

>the left
>culture war
man you're fucking retarded aren't you? there is no culture war. The media all works for Israel and the central bankers.

Women should not be involved in politics

After the Huber report drops how many days do you think it'll take for CNN to tell their sheep about it?

Israel shouldn't exist.

Huber report? Kek. The MUELLER REPORT is gonna take all these swamp faggots down. including you it looks like.

Muh holocaust


Assuming there's anyone left at the Criminal News Network to share with the sheep.


So hate speech is a good thing.

>be infringed, unless that speech challenges or offends the sensibilities of the ruling class, in which case it is illegal. t. the constitution
How would he have restricted people from saying lock her up?


It is. Because I fucking hate that cunt.


CNN suggests all kinds of Bullshit..
What’s new?

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Comey admitted to be a political opponent to the President..

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Kek. Mossad you faggots won't throw Comey under the bus. FISA declas will be amazing. Israel is fucked.

CNN literally gave Hillary the debate questions ahead of time. They need to take out the middle N and just call themselves Cable Network.

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Suck my fuckin dick you mud cunt pretend journalist

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this is why you dont criminalize speech

dumb cunts should never get to define what is and isnt hate speech

They are literally staging hoax shootings and false flags to censor the internet, frame Jow Forums, and ban memes right now...

Should that be allowed?

Hahahaha what country is that old hag from anyway? Is she even American?


She's a fuckin Iranian shitskin that was born in London and she's married to a jew

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She's a Zionist. That's all you need to say.

Huber was a head fake. Wake the fuck up.


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try and stop me

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“I was born in a Crossfire Hurricane” - Opening lyrics to “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”.

Compare the Comey pic to the movie pic and tell me Comey isn’t sending coded messages. Wake the fuck up.
>Movie plot: Terry Doolittle (Whoopi Goldberg) figures out that “Jack” is a British secret agent trapped behind enemy lines. Terry agrees to help him, but her activities attract the attention of the KGB, who want to know Jack's real identity -- and will kill to get it.

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At this point "lock her up" no longer suffices. It is now "off with the witches head" that we the free folk demand from the whores and witches of babylon who molest kids and eat babies like showbiz sluts do