
Is it racist if I have an adverse reaction to blacks? I've been mugged, robbed, jumped, and held at gunpoint by blacks. My best friend for a year was black and he betrayed me. I had a black guy banging at my door one day, I thought he was gonna rob me. I had a date with a black girl the previous day, she didn't wanna hook up, I had zipped her up, must have beer her real bf or her brother who drove up to just fight or something, Trying not to be racist but damn its not a good feeling to not be racist when its like I am walking into a maze of evil or just avoiding it altogether. I feel bad for being racist but how can I deny reality?

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No, it's called self preservation and noticing patterns.

Absolutely this. You recognize what danger looks like.

You want it even more fuckin obvious man? What y'all muppets do when a wasp comes near? Watch the fuck out, right? Clear a fucken berth, right? You don't chill out in the line of fire there, mate.
You ever notice how caution shit is also yellow and black? It's almost as if humans are hard-wired to recognize things because they can be instilled with patterns of thought.

Why do you think you, who got mugged is wary of blacks, but SJWs, who never leave the house or go anywhere or do anything, seem to magically love these people that literally anyone who's interacted with thinks are fucking literal devolutions of humanity?

'Racism' is unironically a device made and used by shitty demographics to sweep-defend themselves beyond reproach.
Fuck racism defenses and fuck people who use them. Find a better fucking argument instead of sensationalist fucking tripe.

This may be true. But the same is said for blacks against whites. We all feel like you all naturally dislike us. Even if we didn't do anything to you personally. For example, white people have called me nigger on multiple occasions and a group of white guys said they were going to lynch me. Not to mention one of my white friends has a racist family that I had the great pleasure of meeting. So should i naturally be on alert just because of my pervious experiences with white people and safely assume all whites are like this?

DESU, this sounds a bit more like post-traumatic stress than racism. don't get me wrong, it IS racist behaviour, but that doesn't mean it's a sign of actual hatred, but it's something that should change, as your are blaming a whole group for the actions of a group of people that coincidentally share the same skin color.

Yeah literally everyone I know has an adverse reaction to white men in crowd now

Get fucked pinky

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>'Mental Illness' is unironically a device made and used by shitty demographics to sweep-defend themselves beyond reproach.

>Fuck mental illness defenses and fuck people who use them. Find a better fucking argument instead of sensationalist fucking tripe.

Kill yourself snownigger

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>For example, white people have called me nigger on multiple occasions and a group of white guys said they were going to lynch me
do white people actually ironically do this?

Of course. Youd be surprised

so we're both scared of the other. doing your best to put aside quick judgments is the only way to make progress imo

At this point I don't think I am missing anything. I don't like black girls and black guys smell bad to me anyway (my friend was mixed so at least he didn't).
To everyone else, I feel guilty about it but I'd rather be racist if it helps me. I don't want to be racist but I don't live in a liberal paradise.
I am not white: but the issue is the black community is for the most part, trash. You need white people to like you, they don't need anything from you they can't get anywhere better. Black girls have floppy titties, and the hot ones in pop culture are all plastic or mixed and by no fault of your own, the shiesty guys make all black guys look bad and you all look so similar. You aren't in the same social plane, so they have no obligation to bow to you. Black BBQs are fun but not worth all this trouble.

>so they have no obligation to bow to you

Lol the darkskin underclass was ruthlessly weaponize against the lightskin middle and upper classes

Black feminism was the main agent of that change

Black community is white peoples fault 100%

Self preservation is not a mental illness you moron. Racism exists for the reason to differentiate from other kin that might be a danger to your tribe. Pattern recognition is just an additional filter to categorize efficiently.

If you'd ever read a book about evolutionary biology or anthropology, you'll find out that there is a reason for tribalism within every group and society, that is pre-filter and organize relationships and dangers to relationships, status and social order.

It's not even racism itself, it's just stating the facts that blacks are more aggressive/impulsive, on average less hard working and lazy. Cliches exist for a reason, that is because they confirm reality

Is this why you jack off to blacked porn?

My girlfriend happens to be black. How's that gonna fit in your analysis, faggot?

>We all feel
>Even if we didn't do anything to you personally.
>Black community is white peoples fault 100%
Ok I knew the chances of you being retarded were pretty high but I'm glad it's not racist to assume that

im not the original poster, i just responded to this moron

There's a difference between racism and profiling.

Nothing wrong with profiling.

Black people are 100% capable of making their own decisions. Chalking every misfortune a black man encounters on white people is dehumanization and inherently racist

White people are 100% capable of making their own decisions. Chalking every misfortune a white man encounters on feminists and jews is dehuminzation and inherently racist.

Racism used to mean you participated in rallys for groups that would burn down black churches and neighborhoods, you have just seen a pattern of a certain demographic of people who have hurt you several times and logically avoid them. If you got bitten by several different dogs over the course of your life do you think people would hold it against you for being afraid of dogs? They wouldn't, so why is it different when you apply the same logic to people? It isn't different, it's retarded and you shouldn't feel bad. Blacks are disproportionately represented in violent crime across the U.S., more prone to violence and belligerence so I wouldn't hold it against anyone for having adverse reactions to them even if they had never even talked to a black person before, let alone someone who had been assaulted, robbed or fucked over by one in some way.

No, user, there's some people who have never deal with real black people before that will say it is, but at this point it's just self preservation and pattern recognition.

Feminism is a set of political ideas, those can be blamed for problems you think are political.
Blaming Jews or white people is dumb and racist though.
We do not live in a racist society right now. If you can't accept that, if you don't want that to be true, you have some serious issues.

Yep, one out of a hundred whites does this and of course blacks remember it and use it as ammo against our entire race

and you think people havent had those same experiences with whites. you probably live In or near a poor black neighborhood obviously when you go there shit is going to happen to you. bring a better argument than my experience is objective truth. you sound like an NPC.

Yes. You'll be more likely to behave and not steal.

Is it sexist if I have an adverse reaction to men? I've been mugged, robbed, jumped, and held at gunpoint by men. My best friend for a year was a man and he betrayed me. I had a guy banging at my door one day, I thought he was gonna rob me. I had a date with a girl the previous day, she didn't wanna hook up, I had zipped her up, must have beer her real bf or her brother who drove up to just fight or something, Trying not to be sexist but damn its not a good feeling to not be sexist when its like I am walking into a maze of evil or just avoiding it altogether. I feel bad for being sexist but how can I deny reality?

no one likes blacks. try living somewhere thats 'multicultural' and youll notice that NO ONE associates with them. just dont talk about it though because judging people before youve met them is retarded.

toll = paid

thing is you are living in a place where there is a lot of crime and black people around. Not to mention this black friend who betrayed you, you sure you didnt say some racist shit then?
Thing is if you live in a society where there is abundance of a race and there is crime you should expect there are going to be crimes done by that race, However thinking all black people are like this is racist. I know there are tons of people who think I am a racist white guy because I am a white guy who disagrees with certain things even with black people. The thing is I treat every race of person the same way I would with my own race. I just recognize the fact there is a racial back ground but I dont let it define the individual. So are you being racist, yeah, but frankly you can get out of it when you stop thinking in terms of race and thinking in terms of individuals doing bad things.

As a nonamerican, I think you people really overthink this. Here in my country, racism is only if you say/do it with the intention to mock. If you just think, or if you just use your knowledge of racial stereotypes to make personal decisions, that’s not racism.

Men's rights is a set of political ideas, those can be blamed for problems you think are political.
Blaming Muslims or black people is dumb and racist though.
We do not live in a reverse racist society right now. If you can't accept that, if you don't want that to be true, you have some serious issues.