Is it a bad idea to date a 14 year old when you're 20...

Is it a bad idea to date a 14 year old when you're 20? My mom's friend's daughter has a huge crush on me and her parents approve of me being with her boyfriend because they like me.

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>bad idea

I would go so far as saying that is an extremely immoral and horrible idea

love is blind. try op. you will always wonder what i'd you did if you don't.

Just don't bang her until it's all good and legal. Not sure what you'll go do with a 14yrold but yeah.

t. 30 yo with a 19 yo gf

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I mean I dunno if you shut down mentally when you were a teen but when I was a teen I was pretty whimsical and disaffected from that having any consequences.

The reason we say don't date teens is cuz they're young. Young people are brash, emotional, sensational and usually impressionable. As a result, it's not always good for a 'serious dating experience for the long-term.'
Thus, if that's what you want, I'd suggest against it.

That said, the parents approving is pretty much the tightest defense you can have. If you wanted to try, the iron IS hot.

Somewhat related, but am I a pedo if I find my mom really hot in pictures from when she was 16 and 17?

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fuck off pedo

you gonna go to jail when she gets bored of you or you piss her off

wait 4 years
dont be an idiot

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If their parents are okay with it then it is fine. Just don't take advantage of her and they will love you 100x more for being trustworthy and mature.
You could never let anyone else know though, of course.

Also and about this verbalize to the parents and her that even t hough you are dating, as everybody knows, any physical intimacy is beyond the question until she is of age and you will not do anything sexual. That way you hear that they hear it and everyone is on the same page. Sign a contract if you need to but protect your ass and hers the best way you can.

yeah it's a very bad idea you fucking pedophaggot

include me in the screenshot

Yes, of course it is, but most teenage girls are pretty dumb, if you keep it lowkey no one will find out, just don't send her nudes or ask her for them, if she sends you nudes without you asking delete them immediately. Also don't you dare having sex with her before she turns 18 or otherwise you now where you will end up

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>is it a bad idea to date a 14yo?
>literal pedophilia

>literal pedophilia
but its not.

>but its not.

You're going to make a great case in that court user, I can tell.

I didn't realize Jow Forums is a court room. It's literally not pedophilia.

>approve of me being with her boyfriend

Wait what, so you got permission from these people to date their daughters bf?

hey man if the parents are cool with it I'd hit that shit fo rill

Try claiming it's not paedophilia when you're in court

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Seen this child marriage textbook picture float around, and finally did some research. The comment section in think below has people alleging to be relatives of Charlie and Eunice Johnson, providing anecdotes and greater detail about this particular child marriage.

Very interesting stuff, seems legit

Marriage and cohabitation before the age of puberty are still not uncommon in certain East Indian provinces. Lepcha old men of eighty copulate with girls of eight, and no one minds. After all, Dante fell in love with Beatrice when she was nine, a sparkling girleen.

Just claim you are muslim, Muhammad (pbuh) married 9-year old.
Then accuse, if needed those who disagree as intolerant and bigots.

Can someone put me in the screencap?

Only if hate the idea of trying to be both a surrogate father figure and lover. Youthful crushes are usually fleeting unless you both change in each other's favor, but youth is fickle in that you can never really tell which way it way sail to.

>Not knowing the difference between hebephilia and pedophilia on Jow Forums

>feminist imposed laws are about morals
>laws being about morals to begin with
>people having the same morals to begin with
Ahaa ahaaa.


There are twenty year olds in HS so it's the same thing as a senior dating a freshman. It's not that odd, only fools would think so. There are even girls that date college aged buys in HS, that is when it actually gets borderline weird, but without sluts there'd be no porn so you're the one that weird if you think you can stop shit like that from happening because literally all sluts and whores started fucking guys five plus years older than them back in early HS days. It's literally normal, but not normal for non sluts/whores of which most girls traditionally are not so promiscuous (though in today's society the implication that guys should be slut shamed by proxy over this is gay as fuck because even prude women are all std ridden thots).

>her parents approve of me being with her boyfriend because they like me.

20 year old trying to steal a 14 year old's girlfriend. Bruh

My grandmother was married by fifteen and I'm barely 30.

Before the hippy free love revolution no one cared, of which, back during that time, reminder that they legalized actual CP for a time and we are STILL dealing with the backlash of all that left winger revolutioning. People got too triggered that a girl won't wait until marriage to have sex so CHRISTIAN feminists raised the age of consent to witch hunt any male that would 'ruin' a girl before marriage as as historically in recent modern England (as in past couple hundred years) most women waited until eighteen to get married, hence eighteen. Before feminsts raised it it was like twelve and fourteen, as boys hit puberty at fourteen and girls do at approx twelve, hence the drinking age being twenty one, the end of puberty for girls, and twenty five is the end for drafts for males, the end of puberty for males.

Actually go study history rather than be a mindless sheep on Jow Forums guilty of knee jerk reactions and virtue signalling. A girl is most attractive to a male when she reaches an adult height, that is simply how men work. Look up neoteny and ponder what it is like to be an actual heterosexual male.

>seething americans

many places have age of consent at 14

Even the USA has it lower than even sixteen, in one state if married the age of consent goes out the window.

It's all about christfaggotry as I hinted above. Bitter feminists got mad that they were pumped and dumped so they made up some bullshit about it being ''''''''abuse''''''.

>back in the day it was normal therefor still should be

That's not how society works. Fact is OP wants to fuck, what is by the law still considered, a child. So no, he shouldn't.

This thread is full of pedo apologists / full on pedo's who wish this would happen to them. 6/10 bait, it would only work on Jow Forums or Jow Forums or Jow Forums but at least you know your audience.

>being a proud PC with no opinion
I hope you don't jaywalk nor copyright infringe nor smoke weed etc.

Enjoy prison fuckers


Go get yourself a lot of great pussy. Take any bullshit class at a local college and interact. Plenty of ways to get fresh pussy.

If this tempts you, create distance. Set boundaries. You are an adult.

If you do engage, have fun in jail you fucking pedophile. Hope you get your brains blown out.

which country are you in. If your culture is fine with it than go for it

>implying any of those things are on the same level as fucking an underage girl

I guess we all have our own standards though

Enjoy jail, you fucking pedo. Enjoy having to spend the rest of your life knocking on your neighbors doors because you're legally required to inform your neighborhood that you're a registered sex offender when you move. And you will be forced to move - normal people don't want pedo's in their hood, so they'll find a way to run you off.


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Yes. You're in two completely different stages of life. She's still in middle school or just barely into high school while you're basically getting out of college about to start your career. The fact that you even entertained this thought shows how desperate and friendless you are.

>anything I don't like is bait

And 14 is legal in some European countries.

He baited you. Only retards respond seriously to someone that uses apologist.