How come I regularly get complimented by girls but I'm still a kissless dateless virgin??? What gives?

How come I regularly get complimented by girls but I'm still a kissless dateless virgin??? What gives?

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Get confidence fag

have you tried asking any of them out

What are the compliments?

You’re wonderful, so nice and good looking, not for me tho, but don’t worry there’s a girl for you out there

Thats not a compliment, thats rejecting you softly

t. guy who heard exact same stuff

It varies. Sometimes it's my clothes, like "user I love your shirt", or "your fashion sense is brilliant". A step above that are girls who say things about my physical features, like "you have a really nice beard" "you have such nice and soft hair". And the kindest and most forward girls sometimes call me outright "hot" "sexy" "attractive".

OP here, no one's ever said that to me though. but then I've never asked a girl out...

You are socially inept/insecure

Can you elaborate please?


So, when they tell you those ask them "what you gonna do about it?" And escalate it to date or sth
Fuck if i know mate

Some girls have a funny way of calling men faggots.

How do i make girls not think I'm gay then?

I was like this for a long time. Got lots of compliments on my looks and girls gave a lot of attention. Reality check, I was a big fucking pussy and never dared to escalate and make a move. Adapt a not giving a fuck attitude, ask them out, make moves dude. Stop wasting your potential.

I mean if I ask them out will they say yes??

Possibly yes, possibly no. Worrying about what their response will be is something you will need to drop. I get it, the first couple times being rejected are kinda shit. But you usually take some hits on your way to a score. Don't let it get to you.

>believing womens words

Have you tried kissing them, or asking them out?

Lol. That's not a compliment.

>not for me tho, but don’t worry there’s a girl for you out there
That's an insult.

You lack the attraction element, if you are young it's normal, prob autistic.

If you are old you are delusional

How young are we talking here?

young for this site or 18/19 i guess

i feel this user. i did have a couple dates, but the context of how they even happened was impersonal. i have had a lot of girls compliment me in person and even touch all up on me, but i haven't been on a date with any of those girls because i took too fucking long to make a move. my advice to you is to make a move while she's interested in you. don't hesitate, don't wait, just do it when you see interest.

If the compliments are coming out of the blue from single girls, hang out with them more. If you're being complimented by girls that reject you, they're softening the blow.

You're probably a decent enough guy but like most of us here you don't have that attraction that girls want. Or alternatively, you're not escalating / missing your chance to escalate from friendship to something else.

How am I supposed to escalate? I spent my entire childhood being told that having any sort of sexual thought whatsoever was misogynistic and wrong. I know that this is incorrect now, but any time I think about so much as touching a girl or telling her she looks pretty, I'm tormented by images of every woman I know, especially my mother, screaming at me and saying they never want to be anywhere near me again.

I've had a similar experience, but never did anything about it. This thread made me realize I don't particularly enjoy or want the attention at all. I'd rather girls just left me the hell alone

This. I'm still in the pussy stage myself though

>not for me tho, but don’t worry there’s a girl for you out there
Then you're not good looking

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