That english teacher in japan, the lmao leaf
Jow Forums users we recognize
That Finn under the fascist flag with the typical Finnish to English syntax error.
the gay bavarian lefty german
the canadian transexual
Which one?
the insecure 56% burger
the one that regrets transitioning
The schizophrenic jew who fucked his sister and is obsessed with white people
yeah which one?
The jewish D&C "your not white"er
That American always calling for violence against journalists
The cool ebony-loving Estonian.
beat me to it
Go lift faggot
The commie Spaniard who posts Communist threads under a commie flag
That irish guy on a spiritual quest to find the great truth of life
That estonian that works at a leather workshop
That american that is fat and stupid
walmart worker
The Anti-White pro-Black Turk poster
Hey i moved on to "are slavs white?" Threads
The shrill nazi larper who calls everything kikes/controlled opposition, and who upon being challenged, turns out to be nothing but a milquetoast cuckservative.
Looking at you, Nickposter.
the black jew from israel
The dude from israel hanging out in a nazi imageboard
>That estonian that works at a leather workshop
I wish I were friends with him. I make leather knife sheaths and love Estonia.
The Amazon warehouse worker who hates Delaware with a passion.
>that's me
never heard of you
Anyobe remember the pajeet-sounding USA flag that would "roast" random people in freestyle raps? He used the same backing track from some black comedy and was pretty funny, think he had a shadow the hedgehog youtube avatar but cant find him
that german who is always posting illegal opinions
That asian immigrant with the UK flag who made at least two posts like
>Guys it happened again. I was walking down the street when a gang of white boys said "hey chinky! go be slanty eyed in a rice field lol!". I'm so sad, I didn't think this would happen in the UK
That faggot from Long island that hates living there
The kraut who recycles the same buff cat image in all his slide threads.
just a coincidence goy
That jap flag who wants immigration to fix his 15$ kebabs
That croatian user who complains about american construction materials
The commie who spams chinese century threads