You have to hand it to her. She really makes Republicans look smart and that’s not easy to do.
You have to hand it to her. She really makes Republicans look smart and that’s not easy to do
>$7 croissant
Somehow this is the republicans fault
She's right, though, you, incel.
Maybe it was a cultural appropriation tax
>raise wages
>croissant at some overpriced hipster faggot place get more expensive due to higher personnel costs
Nice shitpost there
If people will pay $50 for sushi why isn't minimum wage $50/hr???
whoa shit its almost like the job market is affected by the forces of supply and demand and importing millions of unskilled brown people was maybe a bad thing. wow...
>buying anything at an airport
guys, this is a big deal
She's retarded. The problem is that the Croissants are 7 dollars a piece, not that people should be paid 15 dollars an hour.
At this rate, people are going to go back to making their own bread and keeping chickens in their backyard. Capitalism is dead.
Within the airport? I guess this stupid horse doesn't understand the concept of a captive audience.
I've flown out of JFK and LaGuardia and NO ONE is putting in a full hour of dedicated human labor
Wtf I'm socialist now
It's almost as though different regions with different economies shouldn't have the same currency.
Because sushi is racist, you bigot.
>The problem is that the Croissants are 7 dollars a piece
Protip: Don't buy overpriced shit
b...but what if you really want a croissant while you're at the airport?
it's not fair
I saw a car today that was $35,000. Time to ask my boss for $15,000 and hour
Inflation adjusted median personal income is at its all time high, at least in America. From what i saw on the internet, life is pretty cheap over there. I don't know wtf she's talking about. Who the fuck cares about the price of airport croissants ? If anything that's a good thing, more money to hard working Americans from tourists.
AOC is so beautiful and confident
LeGuardia workers get paid $19/hr. Now she is complaining about them being overpayed.
>Protip: Don't buy overpriced shit
That's true.
I just saw a car for $100,000. I want to ask my boss for $50,000 hour price increase so I can afford it.
I work as a toilet cleaner in a high school.
... love the naughty secretary look
>0-57 on GND
>25K jobs lost
>$27 billion in tax revenue lost
>14K votes (2% of district electorate)
>doesn’t know the three branches of government
>doesn’t understand tax policy
>doesn’t understand basic economic theory
>dangerously unqualified
>pudgy ankles
her legs just go on forever, she must be 6'4" or close to 6'5"
that tight t-shirt does it for me every time
Damn I hope I can get a job that nice someday
she has always been beautiful, even at a young age, look at that dark rich hair, those dark brown eyes...
The reason they're so expensive is because it's new york city, which actually does have $15/h minimum wage, but somehow that means that should be the wage everywhere else too?
>$7 croissant
They look like they end at her waist
those legs get me every time
>croissants $4
>commies demand minimum wage be increased to $15
>croissants now $7
>Glump did this
What if ... instead of make min wage, make some Croissants?
>the average american hangs out at one of the most popular airports in the country
what's wrong with her, for real, what the actual guys
The "Jet Set" complaining about airport food prices? Jesus Christ most people can't afford to fly anywhere.
AOC in just a white t-shirt on the streets, still has that glow
Science has proven that the majority of people hang out ONLY at hip airport food places or coffee shops in San Fran sweetie.
LaGuardia Airport has a mandatory $19 minimum wage. Why do you think these cost $7
a reminder of how the innate good nature of humans are demented when they're raised by freemason satanists. there's no doubt this woman is a fucking psychopath cult member, like most of the NYC criminal leadership.
Nice cankles
Paying retail is evidence of improper planning.
>AOC says
>hurr durr i can't figure out how much of the $523 billion we paid in interest on the public debt in 2018 could've gone to infrastructure
>hurr durr i can't figure out that all the free money given to the primary lenders to stimulate the economy is being used to buy US and corporate bonds instead, creating a 'doom loop'
>hurr durr i can't figure out we have paid $220 billion in interest on the public debt alone in 2019 so far
>hurr durr i don't realize the big banks (primary lenders) ARE the Federal Reserve
>hurr durr i don't know what QE is or what MBS are or central banks or the BIS is
>hurr durr i can't figure out that the Fed shouldn't be buying MBS from anyone
>hurr durr i can't figure out that the US should never sell bonds to foreign companies or countries
>hurr durr i don't realize the US doesn't issue its own currency
Some people lack impulse control. If I want Croissants I'll buy 24 for 5 dollars at the wally mart.
fuck off, moishe.
>people are going to go back to making their own bread and keeping chickens in their backyard.
sounds redpilled
>I’m white, therefore I know more than her
Yeah I can hear your incelic thought processes from here. She’s correct to any sensible (above 111 IQ) mind, it’s just easy for stupid people to point and laugh at because it’s about croissants, which gives her point a silly and memeable air.
This is the point that needs to be made. The problem is a lack of competition, ergo capitalism wins yet again
Why does she look middle aged?
Horse Face
Niggers aren't worth $15 an hour.
Airport cafes are scams.
If she has an iq of 111 then I have an iq of 200.
Keep spewing the bullshit you nasty spic. In a civil war white people always win and you will be in the gas chamber soon enough.
We were doing fine before you spics came here and we will do fine after you’re dead.
Airport croissants are a basic human rights and anyone who disagrees can suck my trans-pussycock
>that glow
Yeah that "I'm a crazy person, stay far far away from me" glow
She's just pretending to be retarded, right?