Why are transpeople hated so much?

Why are transpeople hated so much?

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Mentally ill faggots

If you're a normal person without bizarre fetishes they're repulsive.
They're always depressed and often suicidal.
Also they subscribe to the most retarded politics possible.

People feel instinctive revulsion to abominations

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People need somebody to hate to feel better about themselves.
They usualy pick someone vunerable

When I see something grose I look away and say eww, simple as that

Because they force everyone to play along with their fetish-driven lifestyle.

Fuck off kike, you ain't vulnerable

If they were sincere about chopping their dick off and passing... and had any chance of success -- we would never about them or their movement. They'd be sterile females who'd fall into relationships with men who did not want a family.
However, they cannot pass, so they attached themselves to sodomites (makes sense because essentially they are) and started a movement that now sterilizes children. That's where I draw the line.

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Because the moment society let them in, they have been trying to infect every aspect of our every day life while sexualizing kids and telling them to cut off their penises

Because all they do is brag about being trans every fucking moment like its some kind of achievement, and when people get enough of their shit they play muh transphobia card to signall to their butt budies that they are opressed or some shit
tl;dr they are mentally ill attention whoring fags

Source pls

Its fucking gay to have a dick and say your a girl.They all shold be killed,same goes for all the lgbt+ cucks.

They get free treatment for imaginary issues while people with real medical problems get ignored and are forced to cover it with their own expenses.

>loose skin from losing weight? Just pay for it yourself!
>oh you want a hole bored into you where your dick is now? come right in it's on the house wouldn't want you to feel bad about how your body looks in pubic, xer!


Mentally ill, but most of all, they will NEVER be whichever gender they so wish to be. When a person wants to be with a woman, they want a fucking woman, not a fake.

theyre ugly

The same reason faggots are hated; it's their politics, ideology, and generally histrionic behavior. I've met trans people who were okay, but they are a minority.

>thirty three years old

Imagine believing, unironically, the balding thirty three year old MAN you were dating was anything close to a female. Can't wait until all these trannies hit 50+ and we see mass suicides.

My GF is trans and redpilled. Loathes SJWs. She's amazing and I love her a lot. Great sex and doesn't ask for a reach around too often

Because we're being forced to care about .06% of the population. Fuck off. You're not that fucking important. In fact you should be locked away for your own safety and the safety of young children's developing minds.

Because it’s mostly for attention.

Any tiny group of people who driven by delusion tends to draw derision when attempted to force the majority to buy into their delusions.

I don't hate them, but they're clearly mentally ill and violently unstable and need less peepee cutting and more lithium.

Your boyfriend*

pick one

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>They are reducing the amount of white kids being born
>Their behavior is destructive
>Want to compete against women

>my girl is trans
He is a man bro, wake up please, you are fucking a dude

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They're fake. Bottom line. They can be what they are but insisting they are something they are not is fraud.

Society has already been over this with food and medicine. You can't call it milk if it didn't come from a cow, you have to call it 'Almond Milk', 'Onions Milk', etc.

We need some Federal Regulations around this. Consumer rights are human rights.

Because they're satanic.

Subversive nature. Civilization is built upon some key foundational concepts. One such concept is that of the family unit, including gender roles.

Trannies are diametrically opposed to these concepts and thus invite hatred.

As-salamu alaykum, brothers. I'd like to weight in on this topic. I am a turk muslim but after living in Sweden for decades I have learned the values of tolerance. I'm even dating a trans girl now, currently visiting her in the US.

Try to be more tolerant and accept that Allah has made women in many different shapes. The problems these women face are due to being oppressed and discriminated, not because they are 'mentally ill'.

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because deep down they know they're a lost cause so they cope every day.

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This. It’s why they constantly harp on their perpetual need to feel “validated” by everyone else. They know good and well it’s a pitiful ass ruse and don’t want to have their sad fantasies ruined by people grounded in reality. It’s why they don’t want separate 3rd category restrooms and locker rooms just for trannies and it’s also why they waste time and resources getting shit like pelvic exams by gynecologists so they can pretend to be worried about the prospect of cervical and uterine cancers even through they’re well aware it’s a flagrant impossibility. It’s the most embarrassing self indulgent and narcissistic larp the world has ever seen.


It’s the same as the pig in the film ‘Babe’. Thinks he’s a fucking sheepdog and acts like one, everyone ridicules him even though he does a good job (have to be fair). But he knows he’s still a pig and so does everyone else, regardless of acting more like a dog you were born a pig and you’ll always be a pig you bacony cunt. Same as trans people see


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only the ugly ones are hated
those that can't pass should be bullied to death by passing trannies

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What the hell are you talking about? They are not hated! They are less than 1% of the American population but get more positive media coverage than feminists! The real question is why is the media normalizing a mental disorder that effects less than 1%?

>Why are transpeople hated so much?

You need a better pic to show them in their true form with one of their handlers. I will help you.

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Because they hate themselves

to sell surgeries, drugs, hormones, makeup, clothing, etc.

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>1 post by ID
>Title is same as OP text, one line
>Antisocial media screenshot
>hits bump limit & archived
Every fucking time.
I miss what this board used to be.

Nah she's a girl, completely passes. Biologically she's male sure but her gender is female, 100%. No need to get jealous and spiteful.

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It means he can "pass on", as in he's ready to die from suicide.

gender is a made-up concept, your boyfriend is just good at impersonation.

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Yeah but how many actually go through with it. """Attempts""" are just cries from attention whores for attention

They have shit political opinions and deny basic human biology and science.

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>1 post by this ID


And that's the best picture he could find.

They're so fucking deluded it's unreal, any lads got the link of that site archiving social media trannies so they can confirm they killed themselves in under 10 years?

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>she is a girl
HE is a MAN*
You have a boyfriend, good for you

>violently unstable
They literally tend to be violent in general. If you look up “cis women” on any one of their subs the overwhelming majority express that the mere sight of an actual woman fills them with envy and rage because they’re jealous of how easy it is for women to look feminine. They actually talk about having violent thoughts and impulses when a pretty woman passes them on the street. That’s fucking alarming it’s how serial killers operate

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the thing is, gay people get off on becoming manlier if they have an auto-erotic tendency... seen in their decision to grow a mustache or become ripped.

straight men are the ones who want to embody their sexual fantasy and become trannies, autogynephilia is a modification of heterosexuality

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Not real proud of my life thus far but fuckin hell, Im not as bad as that


>Why are physically repulsive and mentally ill nutcases who want to punish you for not catering to their illness hated so much?

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Fuckin' LARPers

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Well I’ll throw this in because it’s a classic

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>Being transgender is no longer classified as a mental illness by the World Health Organization

Ever consider their suicide rates are so high because society treats them as garbage people and often marginalize from economic opportunities?

>who'd fall into relationships with men who did not want a family.

Yeah right. Even if they could pass, the discrimination that exists against men who find them attractive and/or are willing to date them would still exist.

Do you think when they do those photo-ops where they have all the presidential candidates show off their families, if Obama showed up with a Natalie Mars on his arm, he's have any shot at being president?

>.06% of the population.

>'Epidemic of violence': 2018 is worst for deadly assaults against transgender Americans

They are targets of violence. A transwoman is much more likely to be murdered than you. Their issues should be at the forefront of discussions about societal problems that need to be solved.

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You’ll never be a woman

shouldn't you be slitting your wrists or crying in front of a mirror?

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I genuinely feel sorry for your state of mind. Believe me, I have no need to be jealous when I live with my BIOLOGICAL girlfriend.

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>Why are [liars] hated so much?
Most people don't like being lied to, nor do they like being made to lie and pass for fools (no, no, mister waiter, I'm here with a WOMAN).

cause theyre faggots

1. these are attempts
2. the vast majority of suicide attemps come from FtM's and not MtF's

Fuck off christfaggot, you don't get to decide what is and isn't Satanic.

>Why are transpeople hated so much?

Not hated.
They're just mentally ill... and making the rest of us mentally ill too. So have to be stopped.

what's more satanic than cutting off your testicles and demanding society applause you?

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Because women are horrible people and you have a man trying to be a woman.

Can you imagine being this insane? Find some help before you become another statistics. Trannys aren't the only fucking people to deal with bullying or hazing and doesn't come close to explaining away the suicide statistics. You're UNSTABLE.

Reading your social justice horseshit makes me hate you even more. You need the gas

Gender dysphoria is real. Suicide rates are high because the mentally I'll are not getting treated the way that they should.

They're told to SLAAAAAY and YAAAASSS QUEEN all the way to the mortuary.

It's not so much hate for the people themselves as it is for the agenda.

Imagine a person believing they are something ELSE that they are clearly not. For example, imagine a man who believes they are a teapot instead of believing they are a woman. Basically the same thing. It's not their fault, they are mentally ill and need help.

But now, imagine that our politicians pass legislation REQUIRING you to agree with/humor the man that he is a teapot, literally threatening legal action if you refer to him as "he" instead of "it". How ridiculous would that be?

But that's exactly what's happening. And that's why we're angry.

It’s the ultimate inversion of God’s creation/design so that would quite literally qualify it as satanic. Faggot

"Passable" xD
Amazing, why tell people if you think you're "passable"?

Pajeet here, in India, these ugly crossdressers will literally throw themselves on you like thirsty whores slobbering for BBC unless you give them money to go away. And if you refuse them, theyre likely to gang up on you and may even beat you up. Everybody in the world hates these attentionwhore scum and for very good reasons

would bang

I think trannies should keep being told lies so the fall is just that much harder.

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>Suicide rates are high because the mentally I'll are not getting treated the way that they should.

In fact (((they))) are banning any treatment that might help cure the queers.

Congressman Introduces Federal Bill Banning ‘Gay Cure’ Therapy: ‘This Quackery Is Outrageous’


Personally, I hate them for their ridiculous double names. That's worse than Shaneequa.


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A man can never become a woman. To believe otherwise is to embrace degeneracy, lies, and extreme mental illness. SANE Hetero, Bio men want bio women. Not delusional, dishonest, mentally deficient, mutilated fags.

>Can you imagine being this insane?

You're the one who advocates deadnaming transpeople and refusing to call them by their preferred pronouns. It's an act of kindness so simple and insignificant to you, but it means everything to them and would go a long way in making them feel welcome and alleviate a lot of the psychological stress they experience.

And yet.... you refuse to do it.

Sounds to me like you're the one that's insane.

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show any, ANY proof at all that there is a viable treatment for gender dysphoria other than hormonal therapy

Before you were just mentally ill faggots, now you're mentally ill faggots with political power and ideas equaling Mao Zedong policies. There's nothing else left for you but the rope.

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Its instinctual to be repulsed by people who deny their nature on such a fundamental level. We're instinctually repulsed by homosexuals for a similar perversion of the natural order.

I love it when handsome men become tranny freaks

it's like watching a disease take over

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You mean ugly trannies like the one you posted?
Kys degenerate. It's astonishing that you think someone is not grossed out by these freaks.

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