Scotland: please come and fuck my wife

This is what happens, Larry. This is what happens when you beg a stranger to fuck you in the arse.

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Scotland is spamming all over Europe with this one. I got it too... at least 3 times. Maybe everyone who searched for “Brexit” in the last weeks on youtube got it.

“Scotland is oooopen, our wymen’s leeeegs are open, let’s continue our luuuuv aaaaaiiifair, Yurup!”

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Scotland is a rather creepy and sinister place these days. The sooner we cut them loose, the better. Then they'll be your problem, not ours.

I am glad I am not the only one who though these ads were cucked

I'm starting to think these faggots deserve to be overran with Muslims.

They make my skin crawl.

Okay but what does Miss Ireland 2015 have to do with Scotland?

What are Scottish people like? Who hates Indians more? Who has the upper hand on who? Do you guys see the Scots as diffident from you? Do Scots still speak some Celtic language or you genocided their culture like you did overseas in America?

GB is a pretty weird place now that I think about it, we in India, bitch too much about England and that gets confused with the whole of UK.

WTF does it mean? What is Scotland signaling? Aren't they in the UK? Is this Soros funded?

It's a campaign funded by the SNP, globohomo commies.

Scots are like Slavs but with a Scandinavian streak of cuck in their genes.

She's dressed like a street hooker. Are all anglo women this trashy?

>What are Scottish people like?
Ah, well, that's a toughie. Depends on the area.
>Who hates Indians more?
Probably us.
>Who has the upper hand on who?
They don't have an upper hand on anyone, though they do infest our politics somewhat.
>Do you guys see the Scots as diffident from you?
>Do Scots still speak some Celtic language
Very few speak Gaelic.
>or you genocided their culture like you did overseas in America?
We've been fighting them for 1500 years. Cultural destruction has more to do with America these days. Lowest common denominator culture, after all, which inevitably is popular.

She's Irish.

But there's little Norse blood in them, except in the isles. Certainly, however, they seem intend on virtue-signalling themselves into annihilation. (Not that we are much better on that front; we're more lazy and careless about our annihilation.)

Still better then the Irish, anyone who defends them is 100% a kike

All English speaking countries are fucked at this point.

It's karma for the Belfour Declaration

All Western countries. The greatest calamity in history is unfolding before our eyes.

>Still better then the Irish, anyone who defends them is 100% a kike

Said the Kike.

It's rather unusual. Usually the Yanks on here are praising the Irish and bad-mouthing the English. I found the change refreshing.

I'm Scottish I fucking hate the snp and this cuck bullshit.all the shit of Scotland and England fighting is just banter I hate Muslims and everyone of a non European background in Europe.fuck the EU European countries should govern themselves.

I hope you sort the SNP out. With ropes.

this is what you look like you fucking HUN
you live in a shithole in Govan
and love England, even tho it robs you daily

Attached: fat_bastard_hun.jpg (609x857, 81K)

Ofcourse your unis are open, you dont pay for them.

Scotland, especially and owing to the snp, are defined by hating England, same as the Irish. The notion that Scots are based because they’re 97% Scottish is crap, they’d slit their own throat if it meant that England suffered.