Rammstein BTFO white nationalist snowflakes with new music video featuring awesome woman of color


How will Drumpfkins ever recover?

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Every fucking time

What is this 1998?

Listening to Rammstein makes me want to kill Jews.

Love Rammstein,Hate Kike's

The new song is actually awesome

By not listening to a washed up band?

>Thousands of Germans will be screaming deutschland

They sell out stadiums they are not washed up.

Sure their two prior albums sucked but the new song is awesome.

Songs good. Don't understand a word of it but I added it in my workout playlist

perfect, it's necessary to poke white people non stop that's the only way to wake up the majority.

Please intensifie

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Ramstaien blows tho
Checkm8 nigger lover

Doesn't matter if the band are leftist tons of Neo-Nazis liten to Rammstein before curbstomping Niggers and Jews.


Get the rammstein mutter album every song on the album is good on it.
The album is also good for working out too.

did you just call us "Drumpfskins"??

Wait, you don't know how redpilled it is? lmao
> not realising that black Germania symbolises forbidden love to the home land.
impurity is forbidden, this is the concept the director is playing with when he chose her to represent Germany. She's impure and never accepted in eyes of nationalists, and Germania regardless of her actions is never viewed to be pure & just in leftists mind.
The video just goes through Germany's historical milestones, but you might want to consider following too:
> the woman representing modern, Americanised Germania is seen earlier to walk with band of German shepherds in leashes (=servants of modern state), escorted by modern riot force of police
> later on. sons of futuristic (German?) civilisation find memoriam of German civilisation and Germania herself
> the terminally ill bitch is pregnant
> futuristic Germania gives birth to some ragged mutts
> faces of disappointed & disgusted men when they see what the inheritors of Germania have become
> terminally ill Germania is finally put into a coffin and shot into space to be forgotten forever
Director is dropping subtle re pills all over video lmao.
The core message is that after surviving so many milestones, the death of Germany comes from the fact that people would rather have pets than children.
The whole birthing scene assimilates loads of birth of Anti-Christ references (=chaos) & the man dressed in red is wearing Germany's constitutional judge's robes (representing the order facilitating this situation).


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They did the one thing no one ever thought of in the history of promotional releases. They disabled the comments. And fucking respect to them.

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Listening to Hot Topic tier industrial music.

the irony: the nigger whore is birthing mutts

>No words.

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All their official videos have disabled comments they were getting too many post that said

1488 gas the kike's

I still have no idea how to interpret this.
I think it might be subtly red pilled.

>Black woman as Germania, giving birth to dogs

they never have comment section open in their videos, Jamal.

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here you go lad

>shitty memeflag btfo himself with stale week-old bait

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Rammstein is degenerate rap tier metal. Just pretend they don’t exist and maybe they will go away.

Look at all these white Nazi's enjoying a Rammstein concert in Poland.


>degenerate rap tier metal
do u actually think rap is more degenerate than fucking metal

Stop allowing Muslims and Niggers tonfuck white Swedish women and listen to Rammstein

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Interesting take.
I wonder how the imagery contrasts with the lyrics though.

Saying he can't give Germany his love.
Wanting to love, but to condemn.

Is that because of a regret of history, or because he hates the state Germany is in now?

This song really touched a nerve with me for some reason.
I think artistically it's great.

no thanks

>Richard Kruspe divorced his jew wife and was wearing a Nazi uniform in the video and hangs all the jews
>black woman gives birth to DOGS
>Rammstein is named after an airplane accident that killed people
>Rammstein was banned from America for 10 years before being allowed back in finally in 2016

Lmao fucking retards trying to pair them up with jews. They are thought provokers.

the lyrics are quite simple & poetic in the end.
Till is old school DDR leftist who made his success on Wessies culture, no wonder he can't love Germany as Wessie leftists shit on Germany non-stop. He has mentioned in some interviews how he sees 'de-tradiotioning' of Germany disgusting.
> Is that because of a regret of history
it's mostly the common Wessie internalisation of forbidden love to German history, due to the various events & the "German identity" being born upon unification according to Wessies.
> I think artistically it's great
it is, all leftist are reeing their lungs out about the scene where the SS officer kicks the stones underneath of a Jew with "Deutschland" plays in background. Kino as fuck lmao.

Richard Kruspe is 5'11, king of the manlets, go suck some commie cock

They've had some pretty redpilled shit
>elite child trafficking
>panda symbolism

JF talked to a dude breaking down the music video the other day. He agreed that it's subtly attacking multiculturalism.

Music is for niggers.

>>Rammstein was banned from America for 10 years before being allowed back in finally in 2016

Looking in to this right now, they weren't "banned", technically. But they refused to sign agreements with the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).

The board of directors of the RIAA reads like a Tel Aviv phone book.

>big think.jpg

>There are people who think Rammstein is metal

Jesus Christ

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Rammstein is fag.
Only glory of Laibach redeem Europe.

Holy shit, I mean, look at the name on this fucking wikipedia page.


People call us paranoid.

Rammstein has always been controversial. Starting with their Buch Dich dock performances

>using wikepedia as a source

For the names of all the people on the board of a major company?

>best band

Always believe wikipedia when they agree with you.
Always believe the mainstream media when they agree with you.

Even songs about Jesus?

Are you telling me that the RIAA isn't run by Jews, or are you just being a sperg?

She's just one of our many conquest.

>the video is more important than the song

The great thing about Rammstein and Till's writing is that it can be interpreted in many ways. Take the song Mann Gegen Mann. At first glance, you might say it's a pro-faggot song but you could conclude after reading the lyrics its an anti-faggot song.

Personally I can relate to the lyrics of the new song. In the song he says he wants to hate and condemn Germany but is this for its history for its current state? There is the line "want to love want to hate you". I mean I feel exactly the same way about Canada. I want to love this country, but I hate it for how it is.

no the video is about how fascism comes behind people you cant criticize.

this is basically the retardation leftist face when they want to call Ben Shapiro a nazi and yet they can't but deep down it in their hearts they feel that he MUST be a nazi.

Rammstein thinks it's being clever because they are too fucking retarded to realize that white nationalists don't actually want other "minorities" representing them.

>There is the line "want to love want to hate you". I mean I feel exactly the same way about Canada. I want to love this country, but I hate it for how it is.
Yeah yeah you legalized weed and now you want to be validated. Can't you just take Trailer Park Boys and be fucking happy about that? Oh wait even Trailer Park Boys sold out.

That's exactly my feeling about it too, if the same words were said about Britain.
I want to love it for what it once was, what it could have been, what it could be, but I hate it for what it is now.

I just want to say fuck Hirshimoot for giving me the slow fading captchas that I have to solve 5 different examples of before I'm allowed to post.

It's an incoherent mash-up of symbolism. Peak postmodernism.


Why not post songs of actual German culture and history instead of some hasbeen metal LARPERS




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Bitch gives birth to mongrel puppies

What is this awesome woman of colour you're speaking of? youtube.com/watch?v=SYnVYJDxu2Q