This ignorant nigger refuses to cast white people in his movies and gets away with it like its nothing...

this ignorant nigger refuses to cast white people in his movies and gets away with it like its nothing. if a white director refused to cast a nigger in his movies just because of his skin color he would get shit on
whats with the hypocrisy?

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>meme flag
Moshe. Nobody caers about this hollywood social engineering. kys.

funny because he didnt marry a black person, but chose a white girl

Hahahaha that actually is funny!


eat my ass

It isn't so much that he refuses that is the problem. You honestly already knew it was the case before he said it.
And as was pointed out, I'm sure plenty of white directors did the same in reverse.

The problem is that he got away with saying it. And not only that, but was applauded for it. It is kind of a bummer that whites are so hated for their racism that so many people feel the best counter is to just retaliate with the same racism (all while insisting that it isn't actually racism).

more white butthurt please... love it when you racist cracker fucks get a taste of your own medicine

A Jew you mean.

I actually don't mind his comments but I hate white liberals that slobber over his dick like he's the next Hitchcock. People have told nigs to make their own movies before.

Racism is good tho friend

>Taste of our own medicine

Its a nigger movie, who gives a fuck.

American egalitarianism will die thanks to the ethnosadism of non white groups. They will fail to keep equality alive in their zeal to punish those who gave them equal rights and status.

Niggers cause mayhem daily and you hate people over words

You belong on a cross you stupid fucking faggot

He's half white. He lived his life as an Oreo until he wanted to get on TV and then saw being black would benefit his career

Allow him to say it, accept it, and eventually people will be desensitized and a white director can say the same thing just as easily. "I wrote this part with a white man in mind" and everyone will shrug, accept it, and go on with their life.

What he said literally doesn't affect any of you, you are just trying to be outraged like an angry mother at the grocery store.

Serious question. What is it about his face that’s so off putting? He looks like a person of animal or something but idk what

The medicine where we include you filthy shitskin apes in everything we do out of the kindness of our hearts even when you don't deserve it and we don't have to let you share anything?

Yeah, nigger.

Fuck him who cares friend. White people rule the world

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Youre a kike shut up
No one cares about this monkey

He’s mixed race anyway, so literally has more white genes than black in him.

Still a filthy nigger

Hitchcock was a mediocre director and writer but he fully understood his audience and made very entertaining movies.

Stop crying, he's clearly not trying to pander to you anyway. In all honesty this is just an attempt to get remembered, because it won't be solely from his directing.

Stop watching propaganda and read a book like your ancestors, you stupid faggots.

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Just white men. He's more than fine with having white women get dicked down by some nigger cock ie Get Out.

"equality": black director with rich white mommy: free to make movie with only black people

white director: must include non whites or else nazi


Don't know who that nigger is and don't care.
That said, it sounds like a nigger making nigger movies for niggers. I'm white and don't watch nigger movies. I'm not going to watch a nigger movie if it happens to have whites in it because I don't like nigger movies, nigger music, nigger fashion, etc.
What niggers do is none of my business and as long as they don't make their business into my business, we'll all get along just fine.

I disagree. He was one of the best ever and his movies are still good and don't look outdated.

But niggers are literally the worst

Except he does cast white people. He said he wouldn’t cast a “white dude” as the lead because everyone’s seen that movie a million times. Definitely a dismissive, racist statement, but this thread misrepresents what he actually said.

Racism is bad

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Chelsea Paretti is jewish. Her brother is the co founder of Buzzfeed. Imagine if most people realised how connected all these people are. It would open their eyes.

also jews love black cocks

It's simple, don't pay for his movies.

Make sure to write bad reviews for all of them as well. Tell all your friends and everyone you know they are terrible, and he's a terrible director - and an asshole of a human being to boot.

The Arabic word for a black person is slave. Everyone is importing tens of millions of people that see blacks as slaves. Slaves... and you want to get rid of whites who are the main supporters of blacks. How you can be so dumb is truly frightening.

Sometimes I wish white people were as racist as you parasites claim they are. At least then you'd actually have something to complain about.

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Hes an ugly small person that hates himself. He knows hes ugly that's his real problem.

They would have been genocide long ago friend.

Stop worrying about the “muh racism” gaslighters on this board.

You're an idiot. Nobody is misrepresenting his argument because no one disagrees with it. He should fully be allowed to make nigger only movies. The issue here is he publicly came out and said he wouldn't hire white males as leads and if any white director said that about another race it would be blasted on the news that he is a racist who is blacklisted from Hollywood. There have been plenty of white directors who haven't casted nonwhites as leads, and Tyler Perry for one made his movie career out of not casting white male leads, so we know it is okay. The problem comes from saying the intentions and the hypocrisy of the discussion around it

Do you have a source? I was duckduckgoing and didn't find much. Is it a slang term, or literal? Thanks user.

This is what white fragility looks like. You got so buttflustered over a bait post (that was most likely made by a white guy)

Who cares, go make your own movies if you dont like it

Who cares. He'll lose half his audience. White people don't go to see black movies.

>The site was valued at nearly $1 billion by Andreessen Horowitz.[23]

They all went to school together. moshe Kasher went to school with Paretti, who went to school with Andy (((Samberg)))

Shut the fuck up tranny lmao

Separate but equal whitey.

What's fragile about facts, nigger? Beehives are fragile too, go ahead and keep poking, moron.

im so happy i dont know who any of these people are

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She's Italian.

Only white people are racists. Everyone else isn't. Therefore, all white people must die. Now you understand.

equal to Uwe Boll maybe

You love it when normal ass people get treated with racist intent because a hundred years ago people that looked like them treated people that looked like you poorly? Fucking retard... This is how race wars happen. And if I may remind you, war is generally determined by numbers. Being a minority, pushing for race war is very very stupid.

No respectable white person would watch this nigger's movies.

ahh...oh fuck yeah just a little more im about to cum

>nigger refuses to cast white people in his movies and gets away with it

Based ethnocentrism. Artists should be allowed to do what they like with their art. Not his fault society doesn't like white people doing it.

White people has to die if we want peace all over the world.

He's made two movies, the first of which had a predominately white cast. What the fuck are you talking about?

Jews are not honkies.

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Its fine. He is a nigger making movies for and by niggers. Whites have been telling them to do this forever. The problem is that our movies are also overrun with wamen and POC.

LOL, Black people can't even stop killing each other in their own neighborhoods over shoes.

Fuck off OP, this Black director is choosing to stick to his own race. He's doing Jow Forums's work. Fuck you OP.

he looks like salvini wtf

>nigger refuses to cast white people in his movies and gets away with it like its nothing.
Reverse racism isn’t real goy

As long as he doesn't cast poles, I'm fine.

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>implying you're black

this is actually a good thing

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You apparently don't understand "equity"

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Who cares about this mainstream millennial panderer?
Watch Steve McQueen's work if you want to see how an actually talented black gentleman directs.

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How about they pay to see the match?

Given his track record, why would anyone here WANT a white guy cast in the lead role of one of these nigger features? It would be two hours of getting cucked, tortured, humiliated, etc. It's better of this way.

The term he's referring to is "abeed". Also, checked

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His movies suck anyways

peele? the guy who made Get Out and Us?
there's white people in both movies

You’re the fucking idiot, dipshit. You don’t even have basic reading comprehension skills. OP said he wasn’t casting any whites. All I was clarifying is that he never said that, and he actively does cast white people. Just not as the lead role. Just kill yourself if you’re still confounded by that.

Holy shit you’re a faggot. Get your ass beat talking like that in public, I dare you. It’ll build some much-needed character you spineless twat. I bet you eat hot pockets.

if a nigger beats him up in public then it just proves his point that they're apes

If some random stranger came up to me and called me a “filthy shitskin ape” I’d want to fight them too, and I’m white.

And you'd go to jail. Its not a crime to call someone a nigger or ape. Get fucked lol Besides considering words trigger your manlet fagtier autism you're probably weak as fuck lmao

Come say that to me in real like faggot not online see what happens.

In all seriousness that is some pussy shit you just said. You should feel bad. If someone disrespects you, you don’t just walk away. Faggot.

>sOmE pUsSy ShIt YoU jUsT sAiD
stay mad that your sensitive niggerfaggotry will get the best of you. please cut!

Kill yourself pussy


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who cares, movies are run by jews and you shouldn't be watching them anyways

Kill yourself pussy

>be 40
>already graying
Haha nigger

He's got a white wife. He isn't racist

But I don't want equity. Nature is not equal and us trying to be is just stupid.

jews are white confirmed

>Try out for a lead role in one of his movies
>Dont get chosen
>Sue for discrimination

there are white people in his movies though you retarded kike piece of shit

He's just a typical black guy who wishes he was white.

His wife is a kike.

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Nothing wrong with that. It is his movie.

He should tuck in his fat lip before it gets caught on a tripwire.

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>waaaaaaaa it's wrong when they do it waaaaaaaaaaaa
>hold me Jow Forums
grow up faggot