
> Be Chad-geria
> Conservative country
> Christians are fwends
> No Jews
> Do pacific manifestations
> Zero deafs
> Almost no public damages
> Took down the actual corrupt government
> 82 year old president resigned
> his brothers who were pulling the strings arrested by the army

How can one country be so based

Attached: dabgeria.png (264x191, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:éaires_français

What's Pacific manifestations?

I just realised I don't know anything about North Africa beyond Egypt.

Algeria seems interesting. You got any Roman Empire remnants like architecture and buildings? What's Algerian food like?

Wearing the country's flag as a cape holding flowers in hands and walking while chanting and screaming

Yup Timgad, we also have Rounded pyramids and the food , I guess it varies between regions from spicy to just exotic

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arent u guys getting flooded with muslims?

We're the cool muzzies , we let women drive and wonder the streets without raping them , but we're not as cucked as Cuckrocco or Tunisia

Get your degenerate Tranny server out of here , you realize we murder the faggots for fun on Thursdays

Attached: mahsupersaiyan2.gif (340x360, 1.22M)

Just wait you'll get GADDAFIed soon by Nato.


I think you guys are holding back the Africans from getting into Europe much like Libya did, if so, keep it up.

Imagine being proud of a bunch of blacks because they worship the same Jew....

And now millions more of shitskins like in in Europe.
That 82 old guy was our last hope.

Are Algerians white?
This. I'd love to visit now for some reason.

They're meds.

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Definitely touristing now

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oh ye bouteflika resigned everything is totally great now

god bless

we have one of the best still standing roman temple, and also one of the best extant examples of the grid plan that the romans used in their city planing, and a shit ton of statues as well

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think just by changing bouteflika you did something did you forget that the army has the true power they did stop the legitimate election in 90s they put bouteflika in rule and now they are changing him and trying to look like heros and you are falling for it and no one but the great son of alharach and baboued are demanding an Islamic state in the protest and also something im hating in the protest are all the damn thot that are in them

Algerian women have that weird long-faced look.

>Algerian People's National Armed Forces
>Algerian People's

yeah right because that why they stooped the election in the 90s and killed the protesters after

They're QTs
>tfw no QT redpilled Algerian Berber gf

how white are you


there some white like the kabyle and some of the people ho live in the north in general but at max like 20 to 30% of the population are white im personally white kabyle with green eyes and two of my three brother have blond hair

how are you alive
is it bad like south africa

fuck of burger a redpiled Berber would not fuck or marry a non Muslim only a thot would do that also she would do not have affaire out of wedlock

>He thinks I'm c*cktian

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nah men my country do not have a lot of niggers only small minority ho live in the south and they do not cause problems and also we are Muslim country so race does not matter but religiosity does and very religious also the country is actually pertty safe

im very religious*

Can i go backpacking ther with my bff??

How many white people are there?


Is Mahrez currently the most famous Algerian athlete?

yes you can but still there some risque of you getting abducted but it extremely rare i personally never heard it happening in my country and as long as you know where to go and dont be a degenerate you should be fine

>The Algerian Civil War was an armed conflict between the Algerian Government and various Islamic rebel groups
>various Islamic groups

yes but born in the capital

t. naama nigger

You guys are legends

what about the fucking election and the army illegally stooping that what started it

Yeah, yeah! that's true!! Nigeria is cool!!!

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i told like 20 to 30% at max for exemple the kabyle google it

yes probably but we follow a lot of football so a lot of them are extremely famous so it hard to tel

>The founders and leaders of the FIS did not agree on all issues, but agreed on the core objective of establishing an Islamic State ruled by sharia law.
nah thanks I rather stop the elections

thanks for the compliment

American-Algerian here. I love living in America, but I’m also very proud and glad Algeria isn’t a shithole like every other Arab country

yeah so just said it you fucking cuck the army where not pro people they pro they're own agenda

>shitload of nigger

Attached: eww.png (250x270, 144K)

you fucking westernized cuck kys

>Took down the actual corrupt government

Can i visit your country without risk or you will chop off my head in sight?

Who do you hate more Morocco or Spain

they knew whats better and they still do, people literally voted FIS just makra fel FLN

let this normalfag think they won just because they changed a puppet and know they are praising the army the true masters as heros

Good we have enough of your nigger in France.

also they had alot of influence on mosques around the country
For sure. Which part are you visiting?

yeah that why they shoot down the protesters and dont give that shity protest vote bullshit argument that is used to diminish the support of your enemies that normie tiers argument

what could go wrong?

>Took down the actual corrupt government

He believes that.

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Idk. Where should I go? I don't know much about algeria.

they knew what better that why we are in this situation right now that why they caused 10 year long civil war and put bouteflika after it

Not at the same place at him, little advice I could say.

imagine being so jewish that you and your jewish ancestors deny christ's death.

Une bombe atomique pile au milieu de ce pays serait parfait...

You are living in a Muslim shithole. You are not expected to have a democracy. It is not really hard to understand even more when the average IQ is 80.

better being the least worst option and yes I'm shilling the army

French did that in the past. Completly true.éaires_français

Les algériens en France ... mon dieu cette plaie
Ils nous détestent, parle mal, sont raciste...

Your people got rid of the Pied-Noires in 1962, piss off.

thnk frog for the advice i do not even believe in democracy i believe in Islamic caliphate not in secular degenerate military directorship and know go catch your thot sister a nigger is fucking her while you fag brother is attending a gay parade

in 2016 or 2017 we had about 36000 nigger from south, they come to Algeria then move to Europe, the government picked them one by one and kicked them out of Algeria.
We had nigger more than stray cats here in the north, but since the gev did that I haven't seen one in more than a year

En fait on l'a fait avec les premiers essais nucléaires.

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Looks like we have a faggy retard here.

I would recommend Oran, Ghardaïa, Constantine, Tamanrasset, Tlemcen and Algiers the capital

Ont aurait dû continuer :)

he is the main reason they are there, he and his gang fucked Algeria so hard that people started migrating to Europe.
I hope things get fixed up

Are you not scary to loose your hand when you impose a caliphate. I never understand why Arab support charria when they love stealing so much. Maybe it is the only way to make you people behave correctly. Hope you will start hanging faggot like Iran too.

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Dont make a mistake to Go in this shithole country ...
Anyway if you want to visit Algéria Come to France ... its The same shitplace

Ironiquement après avoir perdu la guerre d’algerie. Merci le FLN.

Typical muslim shithole. Soon Europe will be one.

Attached: Algeria.jpg (800x500, 103K)

Lol most of the refugees are from Algeria.

Don't listen to OP, Algeria is an Islamic shithole filled to the brim with sub 70iq monkeys.

If you ever want to visit North Africa, should go to Tunisia, it is the least trash of the bunch

Best. Space invaders. Ever.

Move to an idea that matters.

>>various Islamic groups
it was the army killing the people nothing more nothing less

You're still former Ottoman slaves with Stockholm syndrome.

how the fuck was that the least worse option for them are you retard do tel me that a Islamic state is worse look at indusie or iran how is that worse



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he is a army shill

why would i lose my hand the reason you see a lot of crime committed by us in France is because only westernize faggot want to to live in your degenerate country and about the fags we will send them to flay out of tall building

Fuck you and fuck this arab/french creation. Kabylie must be independent.

We won that war. Unlike the Indochina war.

Give me a quick rundown on pacific manifestations

Imagine being such a retard that you prefer 10 years of terror and more 200000 recorded civilian death + countless kidnapped, no one, to this day, knows what happened to them, over being ruled by the perfect laws
Your kind is everything wrong with this shithole

fuck of westernized cuck why should we to create a secular degenerate country like in Europe stay with the fags in canada and shut the fuck up leaf

people are out on the street everywhere, the mummy we call president resigned

I thought they cut the hand of people which were arrested stealing ?
Hope that you will stream it on Facebook. A bit scared to go into a country controlled by Arab, but big fan of fag killing.

Why did mummy resign?

A secret military Junta runs Algeria.